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Messages - Bowman1

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WPON 6925 AM 2358 UTC
« on: June 11, 2012, 0120 UTC »
I have them with a very weak signal on the FT-2000. I hear them, but nothing I can really make out. I've got a little too much daylight left here.

Much improved by 0130, with pink Floyd's Money and a song about Enron. SIO 322.

Sounds like a Let it Bleed show. Currently its You Got the Silver going into Monkey Man. Lots of static, but a decent signal on the Drake. SIO 322.

Back in the spring of 1993, I managed to pick up WKIK out of Jacksonville (?) on an old Hallicrafter's SX-73. Later on that year, I got my first verification from WLIS: We Love Interval Signals. The QSL had charicatures of goose-stepping Nazis on it, with the caption: "Always the first order of the FCC: SEIZE THE RADIO STATION!" It got printed in George Zeller's Monitoring Times column later, which was a huge rush for me back then.

What was your first pirate, and what radio did you hear them on?

Equipment / Re: RadioJet IF Receiver 1102S
« on: June 07, 2012, 2033 UTC »
After reading some great reviews of this radio from some European DXers, I decided to take the plunge and picked one up one of the first Bonito RadioJet 1102s available from Universal. I've had mine for almost a month now, and its proven to be a very impressive receiver. In fact, I'd say this thing out performs my Drake r8 on weak signal performance, and that is saying an awful lot. I don't know it's the "bonitistic geometry" or the magic pixie dust, but the 1102s just seems a lot more sensitive. Of course the nearly infinite filter bandwidth and shapes of the SDR helps too, but it goes beyond filtering.

The software is listed as v1.0x, and it shows. I still haven't figured out how to record portion of the spectrum later playback, nor have i completely mastered the various volume and gain controls you have to choose from. I would consult my owner's manual, but it reads like it was written in German and then translated by Google. In spite of these shortcomings, you're going to have a hard time beating this radio for $700. It's got it where it counts.

By the way, according to the manual, the minimum requirements to run the software are an Atom processor, so just about any second hand PC will do.

I've got the Rolling Stones 'Sweet Virginia' right above my noise level here. I think its an AM broadcast, but I've got a better copy on them in USB. SIO 222

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID, 6925 AM, 0300 UTC
« on: June 02, 2012, 0308 UTC »
War, What is it Good For? coming in just barely over the static. Male announcer with a menacing voice that I can't quite make out. SIO 222

North American Shortwave Pirate / Channel Z, 0115 UTC, 6925 AM
« on: June 02, 2012, 0120 UTC »
Channel Z by the B-52s, plus what sounds like the chimes of Big Ben.  

Very weak here tonight. SIO 222

MUCH improved signal by 0145, up to an S8 on the RadioJet. SIO 433

I've got Radio Ronin here in Iowa tonight on the Drake R8 with a variable signal. Sometimes they're coming in like gangbusters at an S9, while at other times they disappear completely.

Have them here in Iowa with peaks up to S5 and fades into the mud. Oldies programming, including whatcha trying to to to my heart. SIO 322

Drake R8.

I have them here as well at 0335 UTC. Sounded like they went off for a while then came back on. I hear an announcer in there, but I've got too much static here to make out what he was saying. SIO 312

EDIT: That announcer might be someone testing underneath them. Not sure...

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID, 6925 AM, 0255 AM
« on: May 27, 2012, 0257 UTC »
Marvin Gaye's Lets Get It On and music by Creem. poor copy. SIO 222

I saw traces of carrier and could hear bits of audio, but that was about it here. Couldn't make out anything, but I knew they were there.

Twilight Zone/Rolling Stones interval followed by music and ID.

Signal isn't strong, but clear. Good conditions tonight. SIO 344

Came on the band around 0045 utc with the riff from the Rolling Stones Satisfaction as an interval signal before going into a bluegrass song. Might have identified as Ronin Radio Shortwave, but I missed it. Very eclectic selection of music, ranging from bluegrass to blues to Harry Belafante. Lots of static on the band, but a good signal nonetheless from the mobile. S7 on the Yaesu FT-857D.

I got mine about a week ago. Very nicely done.

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