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Messages - Danoman

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04:59 hearing "Radar Love" sneaking above the noise floor.

Signal is just too weak here to make much out.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6925 AM 0245z 2-16-14
« on: February 16, 2014, 0301 UTC »
Usual S9+10 signal here with clean audio.
03:00 talk of tonights theme show.  "Songs of love"
Into "Lessons of Love" at 03:01

Just tuned in and have decent S8 signal here.
ID heard at 01:11 talking about 106 proof whiskey into "For whom the bell tolls".
01:15 off air to tune up the antenna.
01:22 back on air with Hank Williams Jr.
Signal up to S9+10...that "drunken antenna tuning" must have worked.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: RFW 6925AM 0045 2 Feb 2014
« on: February 02, 2014, 0101 UTC »
S8 to S9+10 signal here with good audio.

Have it here also at S9+10 at peaks.
Off at 2319 as I type this.

Signal is holding steady @ S9+10 at 2340 ID.

QSLs Received / Re: WHYP eQSL
« on: January 20, 2014, 0124 UTC »
Received here as well.

Thank You.

S9 with +10 peaks here as usual.

Thanks for the show.
Really enjoyed the music.

S9 +10 here.  XLR8 id @0000

Weak s7 signal here at this time but did manage to catch id @ 2256.

I had peskies on each sideband.  No chance to hear anything here after 2300.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WHYP 6875 AM 2056 18 Jan 2014
« on: January 18, 2014, 2154 UTC »
Hearing the interview now but the audio is quite low.
Unable to make much out.  :'(

2213 id heard as signal is fading up more now.

Had a very weak signal at 0450z but by 0453z it was gone.

Nothing on the waterfall since.

Signal never made it this far.

I had a good carrier on the waterfall but no audio.  :(

Listening with HDSDR tonight and have a S9+ signal with the usual great audio.

Thanks for the show Wolverine Radio.

Equipment / Re: tube radio recomendmendations
« on: December 31, 2013, 0121 UTC »
I restored a National NC-173 and it's a hoot to play with.

Some day I hope to find a NC-183D to bring back to life.

Like skeezix I'm partial to the National brand but there are some good Halicrafters also.

I got this at 0147 here Chris.

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