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Messages - RickF

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6.675 LSB 0330 HRS UTC 04-13 Unid-Language/Pirate East Euro Remote captured on Vienna Remote.  Station faded and signal strength varied.  Also station would go "off air" (complete power loss) but later resume.  Possible ID; voice comms at about the 6:22 mark.

Not sure what this is; monitored via Swiss remote rig.  Caught station at approximately 1945HRS GMT 03-14 6690 LSB station abruptly went off air at 2000HRS, no sign off or station ID.  Station would go completely off air for 1 or 2 minutes at a time and then come back up during the 15 minutes I monitored.  Station was playing music but also xmitting what were either numbers or station ID as the music was playing. About an S3-4 on remote.   Station ID/Numbers - whatever? at:
2:24;3.01;3:19;3:46;4:09;4:26:5:15 and 6:04 minute/sec marks.

HF Beacons / 3770 USB EE YL Repeating "5" 11-20 0200-0330 Z
« on: November 20, 2013, 1613 UTC »
3770 Upper EE YL 11-20 0200 - 0330 xmitting "5" every 10 seconds.  "Cool Guy" on IRC WUNCLUB believed xmitt was related to a current  DX'ing expedition using call sign XROZR.  I was able to locate a website last night dedicated to XROZr and the DX'ing expedition however now when I attempt to log into web site, I receive a "fobidden access" error message.  Last night, the site listed numerous frequencies to be utilized but 3770 was NOT listed.

Web Site: www.juanfernandez2013.com/‎ 
Location Juan Fernandez Island (?)



Utility / Re: Possible milcomm 15.016 USB 17 Nov 2013
« on: November 19, 2013, 1424 UTC »
Captain Radio; those are some great reception report cards on your site.  I had some from around that same time frame , a bit later,  but they got lost in a move.

Utility / Re: Possible milcomm 15.016 USB 17 Nov 2013
« on: November 18, 2013, 0024 UTC »
Good Evening;
The Call Sign you are monitoring is MAINSAIL.
Here's some information for your monitoring pleasure:


I have recently monitored nightly Pirate activity right below 49 meters at 5850 and 5830 AM mode from approximately 0200 Z to 0300 Z.  5850 was up again last night for an extended time with a wide range of music and what sounded like commentary/news from both a Y/L and M/op.  Language undetermined.  I believe this is a different station than the other thread I started recently reference 5850.



Also on 5830 recently (same zulu time) a male op EE recites Old Testament biblical versus non-stop for exactly one hour .  I have not yet monitored sign on or sign off, nor do I have a recording as of yet.  What is interesting about this station is the signal strength, it's S7 plus on the Euro Remotes (German) and S4-5 on the North American Remotes; Upstate-Mid-State NY.

As always any comments appreciated.

European Pirates and Private Stations / 5850 AM Unidentified
« on: November 14, 2013, 0241 UTC »
Hey guys,

Caught this Thursday 11-14 0145 Z  on a Swiss Remote.  5850 AM Pink Floyd and then a YL Op at the 1.42 mark.  More music male op station sign off (0200 Z) at the 7.12 mark.
Any ideas appreciated. Thanks RickF


Utility / Unusual FAX xmitt on 11175 11-2 0031 HRS Z
« on: November 02, 2013, 1541 UTC »
WUNCLUB member Nick Carr noticed unusual data activity on 11175 last night and later successfully captured a wx fax map being xmitted.  As a result of the sustained data activity on triple 1 75; 8992 apparently became the primary GHFS voice frequency last night with multiple stations xmitting simultaneously.  Below is a clip that briefly includes 11175 data and later QSY to 8992.  Stations are MAC AFB, call signs Headlong, REDHANDED,SHINBONE and CONCLAVE. 


Shortwave Broadcast / Re: 6885 AM Unidentified 00:12 Tuesday 10-29
« on: October 31, 2013, 1206 UTC »
I could never ID language, however some folks over on the RR Board disagree on the signal ID as possible IDF Radio.  Here is one response:

I've heard that interval signal before, the flute that plays at 1 minute in. Lemme see if I can nail it down. Interval Signals Online

It's similar to this one, kind of an old world flute tune. http://www.intervalsignals.net/files...ian_140105.m3u

Edit: GOT IT! It's Greece: http://www.intervalsignals.net/files...msw_110306.m3u

Go to Greece on the Intervals web page and play: "ERA Radio Station Macedonia - Shortwave Service,Sign-on: IS/"Ode to Freedom" NA/ID (Greek), External"

Compare that tune to the one on the recording starting at 0:58

The interval signal played by the 'unknown' station matches that of the Greece shortwave network. THat's the programming that the unknown is transmitting. Where is the transmitter? We may never know for sure. Find someone who knows the Greek language and you may get your answer. :^)

Nice catch and nice recording! I just downloaded the latest NASWA spread sheet and Greece is not listed for that frequency nor can I find them on that freq. via Google.

Blog: The Daily DX Updated May 19th - VIDEO: 3310Khz Chochabamba, Bolivia

Utility / Re: 3125u possible Military/Navy exercise 0024z 10/28/2013
« on: October 31, 2013, 0148 UTC »
3125 01:31 HRS Z Thursday 10-31 Unidentified US Navy Comms. Possibly shakedown cruise for USS Zumwalt.  Condx, were bad recording pretty rough.  EDIT: Have been advised that the Zumwalt has only been released from Dry Dock, remains tied up at dock.


Utility / 6712 "Solo" EAM:
« on: October 29, 2013, 1456 UTC »
The below EAM was xmitted at 0020 Hrs 10-29 (Tuesday) on 6712. It was xmitted on 6712 over the Link 11 Data heard in the background which by itself is not unusual. What I found interesting is that it was not xmitted on any other GHFS frequency....I.e. 4724, 6739, 8992, 11175 etc.
Any thoughts?


Shortwave Broadcast / 6885 AM Unidentified 00:12 Tuesday 10-29
« on: October 29, 2013, 1432 UTC »
Morning All; was wondering if anyone could ID this broadcast station logged last night?  6885 AM 00.12 hours 10-29 (Tuesday).  Station ID about 1 minute into clip, female op, language unknown.  Thinking this may be   Israel Armed Forces Radio. Thanks Rick


Utility / Re: 3125u possible Military/Navy exercise 0024z 10/28/2013
« on: October 28, 2013, 1749 UTC »
Thanks for the heads up last night Kilo.  Hopefully, this evening conditions we be a bit better for monitoring. 

Nice catch Hornet, yea I am cheating a bit using the remotes but don't currently have any gear up. 

Focus International Radio various rock with email and reception report information.  Captured via Swiss remote.  Moderate fade 2-4 S.


Screen Capture:


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