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Topics - RCCI

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02:02 Just came on with music Signal a good S7-8
02:10 new song w/ female singer - folk type music - sound nice
02:14 song Johnny Cash "I walk the Line"
02:17 song Johnny Cash "Highway Man?"
02:20 Clear ID Red Mercury Lab - OP stated he had to leave.
02:20 off

Thanks for the nice, albeit short, show RML!

General Radio Discussion / George Zimmerman Not Guilty
« on: July 14, 2013, 0231 UTC »
02:31 utc  09:55pm EST    For those who have been keeping track of the case... George Zimmerman was found not guilty of 2nd Degree Murder and Manslaughter about 40 minutes ago.

02:09  Strong carrier with Recording of possible old time radio comedy routine Carrier is S9 - audio low, faint
02:17 No ID yet
02:18  old song - It does sound like Fibber Mcgee and Molly
02:30 break in the skit with a song
02:37 mention of WMAQ radio station in Chicago - older stuff
Thanks for ID Dimbulb!
02:54  harder time getting the audio portion now. - carrier S-7 now
03:46  hearing faint music - tough time here picking it up.
04:04 hearing some nice 30's music
04:08  live chat with OP and another in the Studio?

Thanks for the Show RFW!

02:25 Hear someone tuning up with faint music underneath carrier  Solid S9 carrier - Weak Audio
02:40 to 02:44 Still hearing a very strong carrier in AM
Thanks for ID refmo!
02:54  The carrier is still a solid S9 - but am having hard time hearing the audio portion.
03:02 hearing speech or some sort. - audio a bit better ID with Dickweed gmail address

Thanks for the Show RFW!!

03:43 Someone was tuning up for about 1 1/2 minutes
03:47 music coming on  - faint about S4
03:50 hearing faint music - no ID yet

01:41 Tuning up -- Some words @ 01:42
01:43 song: Soul Man Heard OP at beginning.  BOOMING S9+ signal with CLEAR Audio!
01:46 Clear ID Renedage Radio into song Convoy (Ah CB Radio!)
01:49 song (Picture On the Cover of the Rolling Stone)
01:52 song by Frank Sinatra "My Way"   (being 60 helps a bit in IDing this one! ;D)
01:57 the "Miami Vice" theme
01:59 ID "You're listening to Renegade Radio in the 41 meter band, Because we can"
02:04 song by Nancy Sinatra (Frank's Daughter) "These Boots Are Made For Walking" circa 1967
02:10 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Commercial
02:21 ID with shoutouts Thanks RR! OP said one more song by Jan and Dean (Burn up That 1/4 Mile) then signing off.
02:27 Sign Off another OP came on and thanked RR.

Thanks for the Show Renegade Radio - Excellent selection of music!

01:10 Music just started  slow C&W ballad -...about S5 - peaking S8 into IIllinois.
01:18 song ended - no ID heard. ---  off

North American Shortwave Pirate / WFUQ 6923 LSB 01:45 06/11/2013
« on: June 11, 2013, 0150 UTC »
01:43 song Stairway to Heaven Gregorian Chants
01:51 song by Van Halen (Almost Human?)  Solid S9+ signal - awesome audio!
01:56 song Black Sabbath - War Pigs  
02:02 ID OP said to to send reception reports to Free Radio Cafe
02:05 into new song -- heavy guitar riffs - sounds great!
02:07  ID   OP did a.....uhhh. a special shoutout to Pat Murphy :o
02:31 song Stevie Wonder - Superstition
02;37 ID  OP DJ Jack Hammer
02:40 Final ID and off

Music was good though, Thanks...

03:23 Some one tuning up with carrier radio signal - no broadcast yet

03:24 sounds like music - sounds like someone tuning up an instrument - new age sounding instrumental

It does sound like the Beatles but the music sound like it has been purposely slowed down.

03:36 off?
03:40 sound to be back on Signal a S3-4 here in Illinois
03:45 song by Beatles Better signal S6
03:50 off
03:54 Back on with Johnny Cash - Signal now a solid S8-9 with Clear audio!
04:00 song - Willie Nelson?
)4:05 new song started up then abruptly off

Thanks for the Show!

01:32 Heard slow CW message with occass. brief SSTV bursts from 2nd Station during the message.
01:39 hearing faint QSO
01:42 again  short bursts of SSTV no more than e few seconds

General Radio Discussion / DVD - Pirate Radio USA
« on: May 12, 2013, 1818 UTC »
OK, I have been trying to find a used copy of this DVD (I'm cheap). Has anyone on this board seen this documentary? Is the movie about FM pirates or HF pirates. I've seen the trailers online, but it's a bit unclear. Recommended?  TIA

Other / S9+ Pesquadore and CW 6918 LSB May 12, 2012
« on: May 12, 2013, 1806 UTC »
Last night Approximately @ 02:40utc  heard Spanish Pesquadoe with a booming S9+ signal, and in the background heard a fairly steady "slow" CW signal. The signal strength caught my attention for normally their signal is about an S5 here at QTH.

Utility / UNID 6913 USB Signal
« on: May 12, 2013, 1755 UTC »
For the last few days have heard on 6913 USB a signal that I have never heard before. It sounds like a cross between SSTV and RTTY and the "Bubble" signal.  It comes on about 01:00 to 02:00 UTC. The sounds are varying in length, very rapid-fire, but definately a broadcast--not local QRM.

Any Ideas?

4 NEW QSL's ----- Thanks  Rave On Radio!  (click on pics for larger view) NOTE: Joe Farley has a pic of the 4th QSL. Thanks Joe!

00:12 Heard about three brief bursts of beginning SSTV signal lasting about 3-4 seconds each. --- Hopefully more to come. Signal was S4. Lots of QRN here.
00:18 now hearing music. Sounds like Latin / Spanish music with horns, etc.
00:23 OP came on and said "Cinco De Mayo" several times as an ID signal climbed to S7 Clear Audio.
00:27 Clear ID followed by QSL address  (Sorry for initial misspelling of Cinco De Mayo folks ::) )   ---  then into festive music.
00:35  Another ID folloed by  Gmail address. more music.
00:40 lost signal or off

00:43 OM came on and said a few words. (unknown Spanish)  Lots of Rice Krispies QRN. (Snap, Crackle, Pop) :D

Thanks for the Show Radio Cinco De Mayo! A pleasant surprise!

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