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02:44 another station started or was under Wolverine's signal at his sign off  --- Hearing music now
02:49 Hearing ID but couldn't quite make it out. Sounds live. - Thanks for ID's guys... Signal S4-5 tops
02:54 Clear, Clean ID - OP mentioned Wolverine Radio
03:04 big band swing music ...Cool!  any Hendrix?
03:07 - ID
03:11 song Rock the Casbah
03:15 ID ten into song by The Band
03:21 song by Hendrix's - Little Wing    ....Thanks
03:27..................signal coming up to S6 peaking S7
03:37 ID - playing request from Big Al - Sly & Family Stone - It's A Family Affair

Any SRV in the requests?

04:13  ...Thanks for the Stevie Ray Vaughn song!
04:17 song Joe Walsh - Rocky  Mountain Way

Thanks for the Show WDDR! - nice eclectic mx of songs......

Other / UNID 6925 LSB 00:52 UTC 11/16/2014
« on: November 16, 2014, 0054 UTC »
00:52  hearing music - suddenly off at 00:54 - No ID Signal was S8+
Thanks Joe... Signal here was killer!

04:02 Hearing music w/m male We're living in America
04:07 new song - retro dance / space type music - possibly a continuation of atrain's post /
04:11 new song techno pop mix Signal a very respectable S7-8 with very good audio
04:15 possible OP talk through synthesizer then into a space effect gangsta rap type song
04:21 announcement : Ghostly sounding imitation "This the Casey Kasem Top 25 Halloween Countdown Repeated several times during  flashes of spooky music. Slick production values! Nicely done!
04:27 More music and OP talk (can't tell if live or taped)
04:32 ID "This is Casey Kasem with Halloween's Top 25. I'm back from the dead". More music....
04:55 song Peggy Sue with lots of voiceover work---------------actually most of the songs have lots of voiceover sounds, words, etc.
04:57 spoof of space dialogue between space station and mission control about the radio program - pretty clever!
Continued Music....lots of it
05:11 signal of the American Emergency Broadcast System then directly into more music
05:32 song Cold as Ice Then into Amy Grant song  Baby Baby............(short snippets) Signal still steady at S7
05:41 off

Thanks for the Show

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID - 6926 USB 23:01 UTC 10/31/14
« on: October 31, 2014, 2303 UTC »
23:02 Halloween sound effects - S7 Signal
23:04-2306 Organ music then Off?

Spy Numbers / Movie: Numbers Station w/ John Cusack
« on: October 29, 2014, 1816 UTC »
Just picked this up on DVD the other day after reading the back of the package. Has anyone else seen this movie? What are your thoughts? I liked it to a point. (average film - but the premise was interesting) Somehow though, I just couldn't see the bad guys taking over a "Number Station" studio, when a nicely built ham station could be used for the same purpose.

 I really wanted to see a dedication to "Havana Moon" at the credits, but it wasn't to be. My other critique of the film, is that the movie and "extras" with the blu ray, almost presented the use of numbers stations as almost fictional.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6927 USB 01:55 10/18/2014
« on: October 18, 2014, 0156 UTC »
01:55 music   Signal s7 peaking at S9
01:58 New song - rock - don't recognize artist.
02:02 New song with music from a western movie (Clint Eastwood spaghetti western?)
02:06  song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
02:10 off (technical problems?)

Thanks for the Show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6930 kHz USB 01:32 10/18/2014
« on: October 18, 2014, 0133 UTC »
01:32 Hearing rock music
01:34 New song Signal an easy S6-7 good audio Song is a cover of Stones Paint it Black. Song off at 01:36

01:42 Station may have moved to 6950 USB - Heard more music w/ same signal strength, and content, then quickly off.

00:05 Hearing snippets of old time TV commercials, Rice a Roni, Brylcream, Alka Seltzer
00:07 stopped
00:10 Resumed with more time old commercials
00:10- 0023 More commercial jingles with Batman Theme music - No ID Heard...

02:28 Been on but the audio started so low - could only hear carrier above the static hash S5-6
02:40 can now hear music -very low audio
02:45 music new age type. Audio up a bit - ID's gonna be tough at this QTH.
03:08 audio up a bit - can still hear music. -Have not heard ID yet (or missed it!)
03:12 heard OP - presumed ID  -- then presumed off

Thanks for the ID Chris!

Thanks for the Show!

01:55 Just tuned into old instrumental  Booming S9+ Signal! Would guess Wolverine!
01:59 new song Old 30's music ID at 02:01 Wolverine Radio...
02:10 another ID then into more music - Can't tell theme yet ;D
02:13 Everly Brothers - ....Dream - Great song BTW!
02:15 50's song Dream Lover....   Dream Theme...
02:20 song Mama's & The Papa's - Califonia Dreaming
02:23 song Too Much To Dream Tonight (We used to "sing along" this song at parties -  "I Had Too Much to Drink Tonight")!
02:26 ID

Thanks for the Show Wolverine!!

Equipment / Loop Antennas: Wellbrook VS Pixel - Any suggestion?
« on: July 23, 2014, 1815 UTC »
Hi all...
I'm in the process of moving to a new QTH, and may be ready to try a loop antenna. Would like to compare antenna's, Wellbrook and Pixel. I know alot of posters use Wellbrook. Can you suggest a model? I was perusing info on the Pixel RF Pro 1B also, but at $500 (without a rotor), that's some serious coin.

Any suggestions and performance opinions? Thanks...   ...Steve

01:52 Hearing OP talking - S5 signal
01:56 possible ID - audio low for here in IL
02:01 still hearing talk - very faint

Thanks for the ID Sealord!

02:46 just tuned into music Signal a good S7
02:51 hear recording of male talking, followed by music
02:56 more punk music
02:59 new punk song --- signal peaking over S9
03:04 ID OP's voice audio coming in rough with some breaking up with clicking noise  - can't quite ID --- Live time checks
03:21 Radio ad for beer? -followed by more music...
03:26 ID - audio sputtering but could make out the ID (microphone problems?)

Thanks for ID Markokpik

Thank You Renegade Radio!

North American Shortwave Pirate / XLR8 6925 USB 00:37 06/07/14
« on: June 07, 2014, 0039 UTC »
00:37 Hearing rock style New Agey music Signal S7 peaking at S9 in IL
00:46 possible ID Anyone? Bueller?
00:48 Thanks Everyone! XLR8
00:54 solid ID

Thanks for the Show XLR8!

03:12 Hearing rock music, a bit faint S5-S6 with smal peaks to S7.
03:15 more music
03:20   can't hear anything now .......off?

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