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Topics - RCCI

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22:29 been hearing random pieces of music, possibly someone testing
22:33 Cheech & Chong's  "No Stems No Seeds....."
22:35 hearing a possible IS
22:36 laughter followed by sound effect  -- Your signal is S8 in Illinois

02:28 hearing music - low audio, but a very good AM carrier!
02:39 still hearing music, chorus singing, still no ID - audio came up a bit though
02:48 seem to have lost carrier

North American Shortwave Pirate / XLR8 6950 USB 0109z 3/25/15
« on: March 25, 2015, 0110 UTC »
01:10 hearing music with church chimes in background. Sounds familiar....Interval Signal  S7 signal
01:26 more of the same interesting pipe, drum, music
01:27 new song with distorted vocals
01:31 Very Clear whispered ID XLR8
01:36 another whispered ID
01:38 a techno version Don't Fear The Reaper

Thanks for the Show! It Rocked!

QSLs Received / X-FM eQSL - Halloween Show 11/01/2014
« on: March 13, 2015, 0211 UTC »
Received this within the last few days - Thanks Redhat!

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6926 USB 02:17 UTC 03/11/15
« on: March 11, 2015, 0219 UTC »
02:17 hearing C&W music - Signal S5 Audio OK
02:20 hearing OM talking about something, sounds like an ad... sounding familiar
02:22 Byrds song Turn Turn Turn
02:25 old C+W song followed by man talking, sorry to call it quits, gotta get up at 5:30 am........

00:39 just tuned into music
00:44 new song - funky style  S7+ signal , very good audio!
00:50 new song, (don't know title) - no ID's yet - fairly long gaps between songs
00:54 new song
00:59 Clear Whispered ID XLR8
01:24 Clear ID then into music...
01:30 number of ID's followed by song Black Sabbath (War Pigs)
02:07 2 ID's then off?
02:11 music beginning again

Thanks for the Show!

04:58 hearing rock music - same signal as the OP on 6950 (moved?)
05:01 thrash music .....no ID yet
05:06 Live ID Renegade Radio - Testing equipment - Sound Good S8 signal into Illinois
05:09 song Great To Be White - Oi music

03:23 Music just started very very faint, just above the noise floor... instrumental, orchestra
03:32 hearing flute playing (Native American?)
03:39 still hearing flute music - Signal S4 above an S3 noise floor in Illinois
03:51 signal either went long or gone - no ID heard...

04:06 show came back on! much better signal... more Native American music
04:15 CW song
04:16 song - rock - Black Betty*   _-  *See Token's entry...
04:29 - 04:33  Lots of sound effects (a far cry from the NA music) Abruptly off w/no ID.

04:51 hearing NA flute music (before that was R & R) - Still no ID
04:53 spoof song Do Your Balls Hang Low....
04:54 Rock guitar jam...... bad fading

Thanks for the Show!

Other / UNID 6916 LSB 01:16 UTC 02/22/15
« on: February 22, 2015, 0119 UTC »
01:16 Hearing music - possibly LSB or USB - Peskie music? Sounds like church bells (techno type) - Definitely heaingr this -

02:12 just tuned into music playing, Signal S7  (Freq. seems to be closer to 6925.50) - hearing 2 ops talking to one another S5, music was S7  One was YL - A third OP broke in and called one Honey Boo Boo. Repeated several times
02:28 music came back on with brief voiceover. Family Radio?  Signal S8-9
02:32 song Tainted Love
02:40 song Who Let the Dogs Out!? (Spanish version?)
02:47 music back on briefly then abruptly off
02:50 music back on -  audio choppy, dropping in and out -then off (definite audio issues)

00:01 heard clipped ID - President's Day special then into music
00:07 ID of President's Day Radio flowed by email address - followed by song about presidents ... Cool S7-8 signal
00:11 another ID - followed by a president's speech (not Barry) ID by OP sounding a bit like OP from Rave On Radio
00:17 more speech from presumed president. followed by canned ID then into more music.
00:23 ID with Gmail address - mid-music
00:24 off?

Thanks for the Show PDR!

02:27 Twangy CW music S8 signal - good audio, transmitter cutting in and out a bit,
02:33 Clear ID WRR - talking about voltage line problem - live program
02:35 song by Willie Nelson
02:52 song (following ID) Rambling Man - Waylon Jennings

Thanks for the Show WRR!

01:33 hearing techno music - S-7 sig.
01:41 heard male OP - presumed ID - just could not quite make it out though
01:50 OP "This is..." (over song)
01:57 another possible ID, then back into more techno music, frequency reception a bit up & down "wavy" tonight
02:02 thanks for ID oly1959
02:04 Clear ID then into music
02:11 another ID, into music

Thanks for the Show Liquid Radio!

North American Shortwave Pirate / X-FM 6950 AM 03:12 UTC Feb 8, 2015
« on: February 08, 2015, 0311 UTC »
03:11 Rock Music Just started - Solid S9 signal -low audio
03:09 various audio clips re: radio including FCC  
03:16 possible ID of Radio Free America - followed  by song London Calling
03:20 Clear ID - Thanks Redhat!
03:22 live shoutouts - Thanks!  OP reports getting over cold.
03:36 ID with more live shoutouts, time check. back into more great music
03:44 song Saved by Zero (one of my favs) - opened up the AM filter to widest, nice and CLEAR, no fluttering...steady sig.
03:53 ID then into song "Saturday"
04:21 ID, mentioned Andrew Yoder's Pirate Annual, then into Lenny Kravitz song

Thanks for the Show Redhat ......par excellence

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