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Topics - Cornel

Pages: [1]
Good signal and audio in Indianapolis, IN, GT remote, sounds best in USB

22:37z unid station, punk song
22:41z "In the summertime" short, then Nirvana
22:44z more grunge music
22:46z signal suddenly vy low, female with ID and mail: Clever Name Radio (tnx Harry), 22:48z back to strong
22:49z more music...
22:51z ID and mail
22:52z Girl band sounding
22:55z Seasons, Earth&Fire
22:58z Never marry a railroad man, Shocking Blue
23:03z Spiral Staircase, Supersisters
23:05z unid song
23:09z True Love That's A Wonder, Sandy Coast
23:12z ID and Cool AM Radio web site/relay
23:13z Hocus Pocus, Focus (finally a song IDd without Shazam...)
23:16z Music from "Hair"
23:18z The life is live, Q65
23:20z Window of my life, Cuby & The Blizzards / Still sounding good, low noise, good audio
23:24z Hoochie Coochie Man, loooong version
23:34z Osaka, The Shoes
23:37z CoolAM Radio ID
23:38z Air, Ekseption /  :-\ more static crashes - QRN
23:41z Ik Heb Genoeg Van Jou, ZZ En De Maskers
23:43z Brandend Zand, Anneke Gronloh
23:46z Blauw, The Scene
23:50z Dong-Dong-Di-Ki-Di-Gi-Dong, Golden Earring / dang-dang static crashes
23:53z CoolAM Radio IDs
23:56z OFF  

Thanks for the show!

Shortwave Broadcast / Asian BC station on 7200kHz
« on: August 24, 2016, 1159 UTC »
Not sure if it's Myanmar R. or Radio Taiwan intl. i guess it's the second, vy strong this morning on 7200kHz. Up to 20dB over.

Utility / 4459u Modified whales
« on: September 07, 2014, 0313 UTC »
07.09.2014 0131z 4459u

"modified whales" ??? xmit heard, best on GT-Rimini remote s9+, strong in UK too, weak to good in US, nada in HongKong and Australia. Strange mode indeed. Still going on 0315z when i stoped monitoring. All on remotes, nothing local.

Shortwave Broadcast / 12759 AFRTS - Diego Garcia
« on: November 27, 2013, 0218 UTC »
0131z 12579 USB. Nice copy of AFRTS from Diego Garcia s8-9, low noise, 3kW. 13700km
0201z lower now s5-7, still with good audio, a bit more noise.
0217z off or fadet out

Nice show.

10/11 meters / 29 MHz US repeaters, 10m open
« on: November 05, 2013, 2249 UTC »
Band is open agn

2037z 29620 FM 10m repeater, KQ2H NY MANHATTAN

2053z PE1LJS, txing from Alvsbyn Sweden with a doublet, (30cm of snow :P) over the repeater KQ2H, working KA5MEI TX, s5-7, later s8-9, perfect audio. Low QSB
2058 N3YVM vy good audio, calling PE1LJS
2107 PU2KJH calling PE1LJS
2155 PU2KJH in PP with PY3WS, signal weaker s5-7, QRT 2205z
2205 WD6L?? calling, (bot saying "This is KQ2H repeater")
2209 PY3WS in PP with other stn from PY
2215 KF1W with K5ATT  , s2-5 QSB
2221 K5ATT calling CQ
2223 KJ4AOK
2224 K0MR
2226 CQ CQ KJ4AOK and Richard/Georgia s5-7
2228 "This is KQ2H repeater"
2233 "This is KQ2H" girls voice?
2239  KV1Y north of Tampa FL, s3
2244  somebody is QRMing the RPTR

2210 29640 unid repeater, noisy

2211 29680 unid repeater, noisy

2324 28300 unid asian OMs s3-4

10/11 meters / 10m opening
« on: October 23, 2013, 0149 UTC »
0110 29660 FM 10m repeater, US HAMs s3-7 some deep fading
0120 28800 FM two OMs unid lang. prob arabic s-3-4, noisy

Pages: [1]
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