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Messages - William Hassig

Pages: 1 ... 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 [144] 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... 190
Barely detect a carrier in ssb mode.

Tuned in at 0009utc, barely there with bits of audio bobbing up and down in the low noise level, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 2226utc, barely there, bits of audio under low noise level, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) sounds like dance music. (2nd edit) now sounds like heavy metal music.

tuned in at 0244utc, weak sig, pop music, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0239utc, fair/poor, heavy metal and punk rock, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) I saw the SSTV/FAX picture that refmo posted. Um, what can I say?

poor sig, light static, sounds like punk or heavy metal rock, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0113utc, fair sig, soft pop music, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) Nice music. Thanks for the show. 

North American Shortwave Pirate / TCS 6870 am 0058 utc 5-13-17
« on: May 13, 2017, 0059 UTC »
Tuned in at 0058utc, good signal for an AM pirate, Hear bubble gum music, said Crystal Ship bubblegum express, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) as of 0111 fading away under low noise level.

Tuned in at 0050utc, very weak bobbing up & down in low noise level, hear some pop music, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 2355utc, weak but fairly clear, hear heavy metal tune, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0236, weak but clear, spacey pop music, RFW ID, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0227utc, very weak bobbing up and down under low background noise, R-2000 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0140utc, very weak, low background noise, hear some audio, slow pop tune, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) I hear "whiter shade of pale" at 0207utc.

Barely there under quiet background, R-2000 & dipole. 

Tuned in at 2359utc, weak but clear with very quiet background, heard RFW ID, R-2000 & dipole.
(edit) At 0018 heard DJ=Dick Weed talk about getting pulled over for going 45 in a 35 zone.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns