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Topics - Tube Shortwave

Pages: [1]
General Radio Discussion / Ham video
« on: December 12, 2010, 1755 UTC »
This really doesn't have anything to do with anything, but it does cause me to laugh out loud -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7kirdtdI1c

Check it out!  Commercial morse is NOT dead!  www.radiomarine.org and click on the Night of Nights link.  Tune it in, many freq's available.

73 DE TS

Other / Someone calling CQ on CB channel 38 LSB
« on: March 13, 2010, 2056 UTC »
Was scanning and the scanner kept stopping on CB freqs.  Looks like 11m is wide open this morning.

Copied a station calling CQ over and over on 38 LSB.  Gave some shortened callsign.  Actually had a couple os QSOs with stations I could barely hear!  I did not know there was an active CW crowd on 11m.  It was pretty funny to hear them having QSOs right over the top of the SSBers all over the freq.

MW Loggings / Oldest AM transmitter in the country finally goes dark
« on: February 20, 2010, 1652 UTC »

Oldest transmitter in the country in use every day is finally shut down.  And, the station will remain dark.

HF Beacons / FOX on 10.2365 MHz.
« on: November 29, 2009, 2122 UTC »
Strong signal here w/ CW ID at about 5 WPM.

HF Beacons / Anyone include the HiFer band in their scans?
« on: November 05, 2009, 1449 UTC »
Does anyone else include the HiFer band in their scans?

I have had a little action on the HiFer band, in addition to my own HiFer beacon on 13.565 MHz.

Speaking of the HiFer beacon.....  It just got some new double-shield Times Microwave coax, and it actually improved!  Now, I have to take some new field strength measurements to make sure it is still within limits.  There was a lot of leakage from my old cable which threw my previous readings off, so I suspect there is more signal in the ether now since it is noticeably stringer at my QTH 70 miles away.

Antenna is a hamstick on top of a metal building high atop a mountain with clear shot of the horizon in almost all directions.

VY 73 DE Paul

General Radio Discussion / Happy Birthday Tesla
« on: July 10, 2009, 1628 UTC »
Fans of Nikola Tesla might be interested in today's Google artwork.

HF Beacons / Copying right now
« on: June 21, 2009, 2235 UTC »
Copying right now in N. California-

Dasher on 4.089 MHz. RST 529
Fast dasher on 4.096 MHz. RST 519
UNID (possibly UFO) on 7.998 MHz. RST 309
UNID HiFer (possibly NDB) on 13.562 MHz. RST 209
K6FRC HiFer on 13.565 MHz. RST 539

Receiver: R-390A
Antenna: 160 foot inverted L

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns