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Messages - DeltaCharlie

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6925  18MAY13   0220z-0237z  AM

weak here S-5...heavy QRN static and deep fades here in coastal NC....BUT....nice AM audio is shining thru making it copyable !!!! def AM here.....

WHOLE LOTTA LOVE  (ZEP) was really rocking out with really nice audio quality !!!

station ID at end of ZEP but couldn't copy with noise/fade

more rock music

abruptly OFF 0237!!!

great show THANKS !!!

any chance for a QSL ?????



on 10may13 the CW stn with the pro gun & anti-obama cw message was on 6925 around sunset....about an hour or so later this exact same UNID AM blues/rock pirate came on 6924.4.......hummmmmmm...exact same pattern occured tonight.....coincidence ???? me thinks not.....

6924.4  0105z 16MAY13

UNID pop music in AM .....GREAT AUDIO !!!! clear crisp audio.....

"Give a Little Love" 0105z female pop singer with great guitar solo sounds like Carlos Santana playing

"She's Not There" 0108z

"Secret Agent Man" 0113z

0116z "Have a Little Drink of Tangeray" boggie woggie blues number with piano and a BASS that is just rocking the speakers here !!!


0121z "Ain't Nobody's Business But My Own"  Taj Mahal classic blues


0124z OFF AIR...GONE.....no ID or s/off...went off at immediate end of song......


Any chance for a  QSL ????


6925 CW  0022-0028Z 16MAY13
S-9+   great CW !!!

it was the old SECOND ADMENDMENT...PROTECT YOUR GUNS......THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS...IMPEACH OBAMA.....CW message thats been on alot......

what i personally like is that he uses the old newspaper/land telegrapher '30' prosign at the end to indicate end of message (not used in ham radio) and then the SK prosign end of transmission......nice touch :-)

loves me sum CW !!!

any chance for a QSL????




10/11 meters / Re: 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« on: April 30, 2013, 0349 UTC »
I have a very weak carrier there at 2033z. I can see some traces of modulation in the waterfall, but no demodulated audio yet here.
Update, I hear a YL singing at 2036z, sure seems like it is AM.

A year ago Token reported (elsewhere) "A couple of weeks ago Radio Verdad (Guatemala) on 4055 kHz was noted on its 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th , 6th, and 7th harmonics (8110, 12165, 16220, 20275, 24330, and 28385 kHz) in North America"

Perhaps that is what we are hearing?

yeah, i broke out the calculator later and when i worked it back to 4.055 for the 7th harmonic the light bulb went off over my head too :-)   RADIO VERDAD works out perfectly....not only the freq but the programming, language and total style and sound of their shows....unfortunately it was too late in the early evening to get an ID confirmation, but it fits with the length of ID name I was hearing too....99.9% sure of it....i have listened alot to their 4.055 freq over the winter,some early mornings S-9+50 here.....amazing.

I was listening to it in AM and thought it probably was, but the trashy harmonic sound and extremely flaky band condx made it seems hard to pinpoint as to if it could be FM sometimes....it was very weak too. Seventh Harmonics will do that to ya-- HI HI !!!!

i was conflicted as to where to post this thread originally, SWBC section or 10/11M section....oh well.

Guess we came to same conclusion about the same time. THANKS !! Appreciate the heads up on last years Token post about Radio Verdad !!! That nails it for me......

hopefully it'll still be in there tomorrow, but condx on 10m were very flaky and alot like tropo today...caribe not south america. 
 not sure we can recreate them two days in a row, but WX is suppposed to be similar here. Flux has gone up too....

73 and THANKS again !!!!

10/11 meters / 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« on: April 29, 2013, 2023 UTC »
1900-2020+Zulu  29 April 13  28.385 AM/FM ?? (tuning in AM but it sounds like FM broadcast) S-2 weak

very slow spanish speaker, at first it sounded like a number stations slowly speaking with a man reading numbers in spanish.....then at 1925z they played music that sounded as if from a cartoon, or an old kids program.....at 1930z there was in ID "RADIO....." missed it with severe band fade.....

since then they have been talking slowly in spanish with their programming, sounds Religious.....some light gospel sounding music......def religious......

it really sounds like FM audio.....more ID's as RADIO... but band keeps dropping out at wrong times :-(

i do not have cable TV, so no leakage at the QTH here.....found no // stations on local AM/FM......thought it might be a harmonic of a dirty lo power license free xmtr that some church may have put up....still thats my best guess.....but i'm hearing nothing on local broadcast freqs......

i think it's a license free lowfer FM radio harmonic.....it def is FM audio....so so weak tho it's hard to pinpoint.....

wonder if anyone else may hear it or have heard it before ????  10m prop today here in coastal NC is stinko....not hearing hardly any South American spanish ops.....in fact on the legit ham transmissions i'm hearing euro's in spain stronger than the south americans they are working !

thanks !

FM DX Loggings / Re: Q 103 ALBANY NY on 3920 kHz in NC !!
« on: April 04, 2013, 0539 UTC »
Thanks Andrew, sorry for the delay in answering but life got in the way....must confess i haven't listened much after i finally ID'd it either....other STUFF going on....but i just checked now at 0530z 4/4/13 and no signal at all.....hummmm

...reminded me of back in the day in mid 60's in NASWA when certain folks DX'ed only harmonics :-)

it's all radio fun !!!

by-the-by...accidently ran into some old pirates from the 90's at a hamfest last weekend....WCYC on 7415.....great guys !! it's amazing how many like minded folks are out there hiding in plain sight !! your name came up---in a good way, going down memory lane :-)


Check the AM sister stations of those FM stations,Charley. There are still quite a few FM stations that simulcast on their AM outlets.

real good idea Pigmeat......checked and they have no AM sister stations...only the two FM stns simulcasting on 103.9 and 103.5.......

You have DRM on 3918?  ???

listened tonight  to 80m ham band at 2300z and 0500z and both times i have at least 8 dig voice ham freqs active between 3745 and 3970 in the voice subband...not SWBC stations but it sounds exactly like their DRM...dunno if they are using WinDRM or not...3823  3873  3865  3858  3745  3918  3963  3970 3952  .

'fraid I don't know... try listening at the top & bottom of the hour for and ID of that second station.

Listened here on 3920 at 0237Z (Feb 1, 2013) and not a hint of anything. But that means nothing. Tried a couple of remote receivers in the NE US (NY area) and heard nothing around 0242Z.

You have DRM on 3918?  ???

tried the reston va remote rx and no sig there either......guess first hop is further south here in nc.....i generally never can make out the audio until after 0400 Z ...peaks around 0800 -1100 Z.....before and after that i just hear the het.....hear the het 24/7....yeah 3918 sounds like hams doing digital voice, i presume probably west coast hams by their low strength here....don't hear it often or too loud....but then again i haven't camped out in this range in a while much before this month's chasing of this mystery signal....surprised they are trying digital so high up in the phone portion, but there are some who just like a fight....but they have little competition at this hour anyway....don't hear it often...

FM DX Loggings / Q 103 ALBANY NY on 3920 kHz in NC !!
« on: January 30, 2013, 0648 UTC »
just in case any of you FM-only fans missed it in my euro pirate logging thread, i'm hearing Q 103 ALBANY NY on 3920 kHz down here in NC---ALL MONTH !!! so is a friend of mine 200 miles west of me in NC too.....

S-9 from +0500-1100+ zulu and i hear the het there at all other times too.....

great show :-)


Found a Q-103 rock station in Albany, NY. WQBJ 103.5 & WQBK 103.9.

They also have a playlist on their site, so if you hear them, pop over and check that out.

Probably not them directly, but perhaps someone relaying them?



just played CRAZY TRAIN by OZZY...and sure enuf they had a JUST PLAYED box at the top of the page with CRAZY TRAIN by OZZY in it as i was listening to it !!!

Q 103 ALBANY NY !!!!  down here in NC on 3920....now just gotta figure out HOW !!!!???!!!!

never fails...AFTER i figure out who it is i finally nail a PERFECT ID with the city name !!!! at 0652 zulu "Q 103 ALBANY'S PERFECT ROCK"...YESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!

30 JAN 13  0500Z 

a friend of mine about 200 miles WEST of me in dead center of NC is hearing it too....

i keep going back and forth....relay or trash ? if it's a relay he's on like 18 hours or more that i'm awake every day ! not likely....BUT.....if this is a FM station, WHY AM I COPYING IT IN AM SO WELL ??? I'm not slope detecting or listening in FM mode like i should have to copy a real FM sig, and it's NOT taking up the bandwidth that an FM sig would/should !! it is pure AM !!

still few if any commercials....just Q 103 ID's.....just had 0600Z top of hour 'Q 103' bassy voice DJ typical big rock ID thats all, thats all they ever do...not a single commercial of any kind....my friend found a listing for a student station in central NC on 103 something but they had no online player to listen in.....

wait !!  a VIAGRA COMMERCIAL !!!!! 0608 Zulu !! EXCELSIOR !!!! wait this is ON TOP of the rock music !!! i;m hearing both....this is what i heard the other night i think....can't tell if it was a second station or commercials voice over on the music ?? weird....the second sig sounded like they just said Z 103......
so either i got TWO 103's or they do rare viagra commercials while playing the rock up loud !

the bass is loud as usual BUT bass is really DISTORTED tonight....


unfortunately i've got HEAVY DRM QRM tonight from about 3918

dunno......everybody DF this sucker......

0700+ UTC  3920  29 JAN 13   S-9 with heavy QRN

amazing bass reproduction again....great audio....

heavy rock and metal and alt rock....

0715z ID ??? DJ or jingle man's voice in quick three word ID voice over....

HOLD ON ! 0722-0727 Z !!!! THINGS JUST GOT WEIRDER !!! if thats possible....
i had TWO STATIONS ON HERE AT ONCE !!! the newcomer was a poorer audio HARMONIC sounding commercial station doing a 1-800 number commercial CALL NOW SAVE $15...1-877-413-9050 by a YL and OM announcer commercial team...sounds just like a AM harmonic...but this signal popped up oughta nowhere and the ROCK STATION IS STILL THERE---underneath it now ! this dueling stations lasted 5 mins....the rock station back alone and on top now.....

0735Z ID  "???RADIO......"

0737Z "Can't Find A Better Man" PEARL JAM & Eddie Vedder !!!! I finally ID'd a song YEAH !!!! PERFECT reception except for the S-9+10 static crashes...

sounds like traditional euro pirate with quick short ID on top between cuts tonight....but i may be getting some of the OTHER SIGNALS audio cutting in and out with reception wise with TALK too....

more alt rock/metal....great show whoever it is !!! BUT I KNOW THEY PLAYED PEARL JAM AT 0737 ZULU !!! HI HI !!

am i the onlu one UP in the world listening to 3920 ???

0748Z  "...QR3" ??? partial ID quick voice over ...almost had it...dammit....
these guys are really rocking....

FLASH !!! 0751 ZULU had a classic US FM sounding ID  "Q 103 " !!! followed by "BRAIN STEW (Here We Go On Our Own)"  by GREEN DAY ! I ID'd TWO SONGS NOW HI HI...

0757z another "103"  ID and more rock

CHECKED all my NC FM stations here and it is NOT one of my regional eastern NC stations.....

Q 103   wherever they are....0800 Z another Q 103  ID and they sure are COMMERCIAL FREE !!! not one at all !!  

0807z KINKS....

0h well, i always said the audio sounded like a real FM station HI HI !! it is !!!! :-)

weird it's not from one of my local FM powerhouses overloading me locally....somebody has a loose wire on their tower radiating from somewhere !!

i'm feeling like the good old days back in 1968 in NASWA when a coupla guys were 100% HARMONIC CHASERS !!! if it wasn't a harmonic they didn't log it HI HI !!!

sheesh......it was FUN anyway...sorry for the confusion guys...stand down....no euro here...apologies to one and all....

anybody up around CATSKILL NEW YORK that can listen to 560Khz or 3920 and see if YOU hear this 7th harmonic //  of WCKL or the fundamental freq ???....get it while it's there...tho if it IS them, sounds like they might have gone full time :-)

If no one is around there, try their stream? Assuming its in sync with the radio...

damn good catch Skeezix......will try...slow dialup here (stop laughing, please)...i can't imagine the music i heard qualified as "family radio" HI HI !!! if it did, i LOVE their family values !!! looking at the website i think this kills the WCKL harmonic theory, unless their overnight late night programming is really different from the daytime stuff...not impossible...most stations do let their hair down in the wee hours...we will see...

thanks !

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