European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: 3920 AM UNID Euro Pirate ??? 0830+ UTC 27 JAN 13
« on: January 29, 2013, 0057 UTC »A couple of suggestions, check 4015 to 4025 to see if Laser Hot Hits is still operating there, it's possible they may have moved to 3920?
Join Iann's Pirate Chat, see link below, alot of the Europirate Ops check in there and if there's a pirate on 3920 I think they'd know about it.
Good Luck
- Chris
Thanks Chris....thats whats had me scratching my head the most----that euro boards didn't have any loggings for 3920 except from years ago....
and that i'm hearing it here for sooooo many hours, soooo many nights seems odd.....
so i started thinking it MUST be a new legit broadcaster here.....but still no joy in loggings/skeds...
so i broke out the slide rule and started working out HARMONICS....and it matches up with MW band of course.....
and guess what showed up today ?
there was a new YOUTUBE video posting about a WCKL 560 Khz producing a harmonic on 3920 !!!!
looking at WIKIPEDIA it says WCKL 560Khz just gets on a few days per year to keep license alive, if outdated reports can be trusted.......it says 1KW daytime and 43 w nighttime.....
anybody up around CATSKILL NEW YORK that can listen to 560Khz or 3920 and see if YOU hear this 7th harmonic // of WCKL or the fundamental freq ....get it while it's there...tho if it IS them, sounds like they might have gone full time :-)
i love a radio mystery.....