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Messages - DeltaCharlie

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A couple of suggestions, check 4015 to 4025 to see if Laser Hot Hits is still operating there, it's possible they may have moved to 3920?

Join Iann's Pirate Chat, see link below, alot of the  Europirate Ops check in there and if there's a pirate on 3920 I think they'd know about it.


Good Luck

- Chris

Thanks Chris....thats whats had me scratching my head the most----that euro boards didn't have any loggings for 3920 except from years ago....

and that i'm hearing it here for sooooo many hours, soooo many nights seems odd.....

so i started thinking it MUST be a new legit broadcaster here.....but still no joy in loggings/skeds...

so i broke out the slide rule and started working out HARMONICS....and it matches up with MW band of course.....

and guess what showed up today ????

there was a new YOUTUBE video posting  about a WCKL 560 Khz producing a harmonic on 3920 !!!!  


looking at WIKIPEDIA  it says WCKL 560Khz just gets on a few days per year to keep license alive, if outdated reports can be trusted.......it says 1KW daytime and 43 w nighttime.....

anybody up around CATSKILL NEW YORK that can listen to 560Khz or 3920 and see if YOU hear this 7th harmonic //  of WCKL or the fundamental freq ???....get it while it's there...tho if it IS them, sounds like they might have gone full time :-)

i love a radio mystery.....

27 JAN 13   0700-1000 z

not as strong this morning with rock....band condx piss poor...but still there....on a monday euro morning.....must be on more days of the week than i can hear.....

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID CW 6925 2210UTC 27Jan13
« on: January 28, 2013, 0037 UTC »

thats what i copied in my head....but you get the gist....zero beat on 6924.7  2214z

good fist !!!!

morsum music !!!!

3920  AM  UNID Euro Pirate ??? +0830+ UTC  27 JAN 13

S-7 signal with high noise level K Index 4 and SFI 99

0825z rock music followed by station jingle in slower music by YL....can't pull out ID...just tuned in....hitting S-9 now but solar noise and fast QSB fading is terrible.....

more rock music.....

the station audio is SUPERB almost FM...really DEEP BASS booming in and crystal clear.....really broadcast quality.....

some classic rock now....

0850z into a long jam of metal...booming bass.....went thru the top of the hour past 0906z when sounded like DJ talked over the tune at teh end but the bass was so loud and deep that it was impossible to make out....0907z more alt rock sounds after that long metal set....0916z ID ???? or talking tune....damn US hams have cranked up on 3922 killing the audio now....

damn this bass is amazing....

Pigmeat...Ah Great to CU ! miss da Blues....yeah the cat chewed me up and spit me out first tho before he left me on the doorstep here....

a friend of mine is using a BOG in the middle of the state...i'm running out of room here after my antenna projects these past two weeks...i could do a BOG into an unused woods N of me.....but i already had one close call too many with a copperhead this week.....sheesh...

we get great sunset greyline from asia here on the coast, seems better than our EU actually....BBC Singapore on 3915 is strong at greyline sunset...it was S-9 last week (same days i heard the S-7 Euro on 3920)...BBC Singapore sounded as good as Ascension relay for about 20 mins....gotta love low band season ! And hear Radio Nikkei on 3925 almost everyday here at some level for longer periods....

so many bands so little time.....just hope the sun will cooperate and give us some more peaks before it fizzles out...wanna nail this sucker on 3920 !!

3920 AM +0500-0900+ Zulu  25 JAN 13

he's back: two nights in a row again this week I have had a weak AM carrier on there since midnight local here in NC, but can't pull out any of the programming.....it ain't hams...somebody broadcasting again....very very poor band condx.....sigs down from euro....it was much weaker yesterday 24 JAN at 0900-1000 Z.....last week for two nights it was S-7 and this week all i hear is the carrier....same two nights ONLY both last week and this week.....

RADIO JAMBA INTERNATIONAL 6.925  AM  +0200-0327 Zulu s/off  21 JAN 13

S-9++ here in coastal NC...GREAT AUDIO !!!

played a GREAT show of ALT ROCK and clips....with numerous ID's RADIO JAMBA INTERNATIONAL......gmail address.....COMING TO YOU FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.....

0305z  "MY HEROIN GIRL".....GREAT !!!

0323z  "I'M SO GLAD" rockin version !!!

0327z s/off but carrier remains.....

Effing GREAT show !!!!!! INCREDIBLE TUNES !!!


Any chance for a QSL ??


barefootdipole @yahoo.com

never fails...make a posting and he goes silent......not a peep here tonight.....0800z

3920  AM  +0500 - 1100+ UTC  

S-7 strong

POP MUSIC all late night long

heard both 1/17 and 1/18...great show and signal

Dutch boys ???

low band season is great !!

just got my 75m dipole up after a Hurricane ate it two seasons ago.....

ANY ideas who this strong station is ???


Delta Charlie

coastal North Carolina


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