European Pirates and Private Stations / Laser Hot Hits 6210 (was 6205) AM 2121 07 May 2018
« on: May 07, 2018, 2125 UTC »
Was on the air all day, very weak, often storm crashes and bad signal
2121 now fair, but fading and some ut. bursts every few seconds, pop-rock
2126 DJ : Mandy, and sudden QSY to 6210, music
2130 Mandy talking about 1494 kHz but nothing heard there (maybe a repeat show)
2204 weak carrier now, trace of audio, 2206 audio is back, fading up quickly
2121 now fair, but fading and some ut. bursts every few seconds, pop-rock
2126 DJ : Mandy, and sudden QSY to 6210, music
2130 Mandy talking about 1494 kHz but nothing heard there (maybe a repeat show)
2204 weak carrier now, trace of audio, 2206 audio is back, fading up quickly