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Messages - Ray Lalleu

0156 "It's only rock 'n roll", then unclear IDs
0200 some alternative rock
0206  ... AM radio@hotmail.com, etc...
0217 ...petition the lord...
Not sure about the name, but nothing like Seven Trees
Maybe Cool AM Radio, maybe a replay from Clever Name Radio, but it's not Clever Name tx
0226 new track, 0227 off

Was on the air all day, very weak, often storm crashes and bad signal
2121 now fair, but fading and some ut. bursts every few seconds, pop-rock
2126 DJ : Mandy, and sudden QSY to 6210, music
2130 Mandy talking about 1494 kHz but nothing heard there (maybe a repeat show)

2204  weak carrier now, trace of audio, 2206 audio is back, fading up quickly

Was on all day, with pops and IDs
2116 good signal, 2117 ID, music, then fading

2201 now extra weak, maybe news time, carrier still 6284.97 approx.

2105 Harmony back after a break, superb signal, not that strong, but quite clear
2108 ID +@gmail, then operette singer, some fading
2111 fading down, occ. ut, 2112 jazz, and up again

2209 extra-weak now here

1933 UTC A Fool For You
S1-2 Icom ATT+,Sky Loop
This does not look like JT.
Then say Batavier trying to play like BBR...

1950 IDs, talking, poor signal, 1954 music, 1956 talk above, 1957 more music,
bit better at times, but unsettled, 2008 music, just the bad conditions (fading, flutter...)

2026 "Son of a preacher man"
2029 maybe S6 on my elastic N-meter
2034 "Knock on wood" Eddie Floyd, about 2040 was fading up, better signal
2057 now a bit down again, but less flutter

2155 music, but much noise from ut.
2215 noisy, music, about S5-S6, 2224 jazzy music

Unid at 1852, rock, part of Moonlight shadow
1853 English skit
1858 Dutch schlager, 1900 not BBR voice, 1901 pop around 1990
1905 accordion 1907 Dutch music, 1909 Wind of change
1913 Anything you want you got it, 1917 Fogerty "The old man down the road"
1920 blank, C&W. (Must be BBR, with concealed voice...), 1924 polka, 1926 accordion
(but where is gone the superb audio of years gone by)
1929 tiki jazz, is that a category ?, 1931 Dutch W singer in English,
1935 op talking in Dutch, definitely not BBR, Dutch? waltz, 1938 tiki crooner??
1940 fading down, 1941 W singer: waltz, 1944 schlager, fading down once more
1946 off

Latin American Pirate / Unid 6934.85 AM 2347 UTC 06 May 2018
« on: May 06, 2018, 2353 UTC »
Again tonight, with music at 2347
2352 very weak, lots of toc-toc-toc (from ut. ?)
2356 now only weak carrier
0004 I quit that

2316 music, 2321
2325 blank carrier?
2328 music again, very weak
2333 speaking slowly, ID ?, like tape played at half speed ?
2336 music, barely heard. Not sure I hear the same station!!

2256 music, often stanag on 6933
2302 Jimi Hendrix
2310 SSTV, 2312 off

2004 Unid, with some Dutch waltz (accordion)
2006 bit of CCR, blank, CCR orFogerty "The old man down the road"
2011 BBR talking in Dutch
2013 music, still good to strong signal
2033 Dutch song and op in Dutch, S9-S9+10
2035 "Can I take a little time", ID no copy, never heard this new ID
2039 C&W, dedicated ?
2043 could be Buddy Holly, but cut into Teresa Werner
2049 singer in Dutch
then parts, looking for good ones, remember ...
2103 I got to go now, sign off as Cliperay Radio ???? 2104 off

1853 music with DJ
1900 time pips, 3 min of news by FSN
1903 - - Radio ?
1940 Kinks "Set me free", then a rock version of "Fever"
1945 Mark Stafford ID+web site, soul mx
2030 different programme, 2127 : it's Progzilla Radio (via Test3975 )

Unid 3910 AM 1908 UTC
pop-rock, 1912 no announcement
QRM by close carrier, strange sound at first, going better no
1915 maybe Santa Esmeralda & Leroy Gomez ? (singer in E, spanish guitar)
1918 still unknown to me, still goooood !
edit :
say, some rock band with punk guitar,
but storm crashes are fading up, an the strange sounding is back at times
1937 more rock, thinking to Rock R. Network
1954 still somewhere between Doors and punk bands
2024 now about S8
2026 R&R, fading (peaks S9+10), 2027 break

1635 ID as The Ghoul
1819 ..on the Bogusman...

0043 music, also talking ? bad fading
0046 Doors. Much stronger than the previous ones tonight
0105 off

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