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Topics - Terry

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Received at 2355 04-11-2018 low elevation pass (for me) over NE US. They are scheduled to be transmitting tomorrow also - later today Z time.
Don't know if they will be transmitting on next pass over SE US.

General Radio Discussion / KPH Returns to Air - MHRS
« on: March 17, 2018, 0028 UTC »
Received this in an email this afternoon. Good news. Information also at their website. 1000 to 1200 Pacific local time.

KPH, KFS and K6KPH Return To The Air on Saturday 17 March (MRHS) - The crack MRHS Transmitter Department announced today that after a long absence from the air stations KPH, KFS and K6KPH will return, at least partially, on Saturday 17 March. On-air operations were suspended some months ago due to antenna maintenance issues. Some of those issues have now been resolved with the result that a partial return to operation is now possible. Listen for KPH, KFS and K6KPH on these Morse frequencies:

KPH 8642.0
KPH 12808.5
KPH 17016.8

KFS 12695.5

K6KPH 14050

We expect continued operation on these frequencies each Saturday with more to be added as additional antenna problems are resolved.
VY 73,

Here are the two from the 1436 EST pass. The earlier pass photo was posted in the other thread.
Equipment: FT-867, dual band J-pole up 12 ft. MMSSTV software on Win 8 computer.

Equipment / Electromagnetic Pulse Web Page
« on: October 26, 2017, 0100 UTC »
I found this highly recommended link and thought I would share it.
I highly recommend the EMP Myths page which is a must read. I have also read the general introduction, personal protection, EMP effects on motor vehicles and standby generators for EMP pages. Lots of good information on all the pages. The Personal Protection page covers shielding methods that are reasonably easy to do by an individual.

10/11 meters / 10 Meters
« on: October 21, 2017, 1945 UTC »
10 meters has been open to S. America the past couple of days. Worked some ft8 yesterday and SSB this afternoon. Bonaire, Brazil and Argentina. Chile heard but not as strong as the others.

GB5RC On the air now, 7130 about 57 in SE Florida.
Following from their QRZ.COM page.

Special Event Station for Radio Caroline, located on the MV Ross Revenge

Celebrating five decades of offshore radio broadcasting

Thursday 3rd - Monday 7th August 2017

*** For a full report of GB5RC 2016, click here ***

Following our successful activation of MV Ross Revenge in August 2016 we are very excited to be able to run the special event station again in 2017.  The Ross Revenge has been the home of the world famous Radio Caroline since 1983.  To find out more about our 2016 activation, please click here.

0054Z update - I gave up trying to bust the HUGE pileup. :(

General Radio Discussion / Night of Nighes XVIII July 12, 2017
« on: July 12, 2017, 1844 UTC »
From MHRS Newsletter No. 60

(Links to orig. with photos here http://radiomarine.org/)
(Also note WLO will not be on the air this year.          )

>  Night of Nights XVIII!

That's right, July is coming up and that means it's almost time for Night of Nights.  We've held this event every year since 2000.  It's always held on 12 July to commemorate the date of what was supposed to be the last commercial Morse transmission in the.  But on that day in 1999 the MRHS was founded with the goal of honoring all our heroes and heroines who came before us and made the profession of radiotelegrapher one of honor and skill.  We would do this by restoring station KPH, the Wireless Giant of the Pacific, to full operation - clearly an absurd idea.  No coast station had ever been returned from the dead.  The bulldozers were waiting at the gates, their engines quietly idling, ready to scrape the site clean of every trace of the station.  But KPH survived physically and, as all True Believers know, the voice of this great station can once again be heard across the world.

For the complete origin story of Night of Nights please see our Newsletter 59.

Chief Operator Richard Dillman prepares to send the opening message on a past Night of Nights under the watchful gaze of former KPH Senior Morse Operator Ray Smith

While KPH is on the air every weekend, Night of Nights is special.  In addition to KPH several other famous coast stations return to the air to re-create those wonderful days of yesteryear when these great stations stood shoulder to shoulder across the spectrum, each with its own personality and tone.  Operations begin at 5:01pm PDT (0001 GMT), X number of years and one minute after the supposed commercial transmission was made.  Thus we pick up the thread and continue the traditions of Morse code maritime communications.

For Night of Nights XVIII we anticipate that civilian stations KPH and KFS will be joined by US Coast Guard stations NMC, NMN, NMQ and NMW.  Full frequency information for these stations appears below.

But first, the details:

When - Wednesday12 July PDT (13 July GMT).  On air operations begin at 5:01pm PDT (0001 GMT).

Where - RCA receive site, 17400 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Point Reyes National Seashore.  Doors open at 3:00pm PDT.

What - You are invited to join us over the air or in person at the receive site.  Full tours of the facility will be given.  Light refreshments will be served.  See real live radiomen in their natural habitat! Those who whisper the words True Believer will be offered a personal tour of the Treasure Room. Tours of the transmitter site can be arranged on a case by case basis.  At 4:55pm the crowd will be called to silence and a description of Night of Nights will be given.  Then, at precisely 5:01pm the transmissions begin and Night of Nights XVIII will be underway!

Commemorative Messages - Each year we transmit special commemorative messages submitted by True Believers. These are often in the form of message to a father who sailed as a RO and has now passed on or a beloved uncle who instilled the magic of radio in a young boy by allowing him into his ham shack.  If you would like us to transmit your commemorative message we'd love to hear from you.  Just write to info@radiomarine.org

Contact: By email at info@radiomarine.org or by phone (only when the station is in operation) on +1 415-669-9646.

Particulars of Stations:

Here's the information for the MRHS stations that will be on the air for Night of Nights XVIII:

KPH - Bolinas, CA


NOTE: All these frequencies except 500 and 426 will be originated by vintage "heavy iron" transmitters, RCA H, K and L sets from the 1950s.  500 and 426 will be originated by a 1990 vintage Henry MF5000D transmitter. 

NOTE: Broadcasts including commemorative messages, weather, traffic lists, etc., will be sent via KPH only.  KFS will send the station identification "wheel" on all HF channels when not working ships.

Reception reports may be sent to:

Maritime Radio Historical Society
Post Office Box 392
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Note: Self addressed stamped envelopes would be greatly appreciated!  Please, no "green stamps".

1942 PW15 transmitter in action on KFS 12695.5

KFS - Bolinas, CA


NOTE: 12695.5 will be originated by a 1942 Press Wireless PW15 transmitter, the actual transmitter that was on the air on that frequency on 12 July 1999.  The other frequencies will be originated by 1990 vintage Henry commercial HF5000D transmitters.

KPH and KFS operators will listen for calls from ships on 500kc MF and ITU Ch 3 HF:


Reception reports may be sent to:

Maritime Radio Historical Society
Post Office Box 392
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

Note: Self addressed stamped envelopes would be greatly appreciated!  Please, no "green stamps".

Here's the information for the USCG stations that will be on the air for Night of Nights XVIII:

NMC - Bolinas, CA


NMW - Astoria, OR


NMQ - Cambria, CA


NMN - Chesapeake, VA


NOTE: The presence of NMN on CW is a very big deal and a technical challenge.  NMN will be remote controlled from NMC.  Big thanks to ET1 Mike Leska without whom the entire USCG Night of Nights operation would not be possible.

Reception reports may be sent to:

ET1 Mike Leska
ESD Ketchikan - QSL
1300 Steadman St
Ketchikan, AK 99901

Note: Self addressed stamped envelopes would be greatly appreciated!  Please, no "green stamps".

We are sorry to report that station WLO, Mobile, AL will be unable to participate in Night of Nights this year.  We hope to hear that famous call back on the air again soon!

That's the information we have as we go to press.  Any changes will be sent in subsequent updates. Now it's up to you.  Check those frequencies, worm up your receiver, put on a pot of coffee and travel back in time with us for Night of Nights XVIII.
And from a supplement:

Night of Nights:

12 July 2017
17400 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Point Reyes National Seashore
Doors open at 3:00pm PDT
Operations begin at 5:01pm PDT

Dedicated to True Believers Worldwide

Subscribe to the MRHS Newsletter HERE

Review back issues of the MRHS Newsletter HERE

Visit the MRHS Web site HERE
28 June 2017

> K6KPH Information

Information for MRHS amateur station K6KPH was inadvertently left out of Newsletter 60.  It's all included below.  But before we get to the frequencies and hours of operation for K6KPH, let's talk about procedures.

Of course you can contact K6KPH using the procedures you would for any other amateur station. But we try to operate K6KPH as close as possible to a commercial coast station: fixed frequency, one transmitter and antenna for each frequency, remote keying, etc.  So if you're an ex-RO or would just like to use commercial procedures - great!  Here's the info:


Commercial - K6KPH K6KPH K6KPH continuously until the op replies with DE, then send your call.

Commercial Extra - K6KPH K6KPH K6KPH continuously until the op replies with DE, then send your call followed by QSS 060 UP =, meaning my working frequency is (megahertz) 060 I'm going up in frequency.   The K6KPH op will look for you there and work you duplex.  For example if you are on 7Mc your working frequency would be 7060 (or whatever you designate).  Only the last three digits of your working frequency need be sent.  The K6KPH will not repeat back those three digits because, in commercial service, ships hearing those digits would pile on that frequency trying to get the coast station.  The K6KPH op will simply respond with R UP = .

QRY - If a lot of stations are calling the K6KPH may use QRY (your turn is) followed by a number, eg W6AWO DE K6KPH R QRY 3 meaning you are station number 3.  Just standby and the K6KPH will call you in turn. It's just like taking a number at the bakery. 

QTC - If you have traffic for K6KPH (signal reports, general greetings, radiograms to loved ones) just list that traffic on your initial call up, eg, K6KPH DE W6AWO QTC2 meaning you have two radiograms.  If the radiogram is going to a third party, please include the email address.  We'll send it directly from the K6KPH email account.

K6KPH will guard its usual frequencies:


Official operations will start by 5:01pm PDT (0001 GMT) but may begin earlier depending when guest operators arrive and on what transmitters the Transmitter Department can bring on line earlier. Operations usually continue until about 9:30pm PDT.

Guest operator Rick Wahl (ex-NMC, ex-KPH) using his Bengali paddle at K6KPH Position 4

Guest operators?  You bet.  If you would like to be a K6KPH operator just bring your key and earphones.  No license required, just a working knowledge of Morse.  But if you want to bring your license we will endorse if with the special MRHS stamp and seal certifying you as a K6KPH operator.

Since operators usually rotate among the 6 operating positions you'll probably encounter different folks at different time through the evening.

Questions? No worries, just write to info@radiomarine.org

Equipment / Coax Connector Failure
« on: May 12, 2017, 0141 UTC »
Long story but my VHF / UHF bands on my FT-857 became very weak / inop out of the blue. Wasn't even transmitting just listening to the NOAA wx satellites and the Funcubes. After trying several things coax and antenna related I finally removed the UHF male - female right angle connector. It had failed for no reason at all. It was fairly new.
Suspect everything.

HF Beacons / "C" Beacon 13528
« on: April 18, 2017, 1954 UTC »
Hearing what must be the Russian "C" beacon on 13528 this afternoon here in S. Fla. Just barely above the noise. Decided to listen after hearing some Italians on 20 M USB a few minutes ago.
Wasn't able to look at it with Spectran since I am monitoring the NOAA 19 satellite pass right now.

General Radio Discussion / SKCC Straight Key Sprintathon
« on: April 08, 2017, 1920 UTC »
Straight Key Century Club (SKCC)
Straight Key Sprintathon (Includes SWL catefory)

This weekend until 2359 UTC on Sunday.
Details here:

Some events focus on a theme or activity. Three popular themes that repeat each year are
Homebrew Keys, QRP, and Boat Anchors.
Themes tend to have special rules and scoring.

SKCC members who participate in the WES must use straight keys, sideswipers (cooties), or bugs.
Waivers from this policy are possible. For details, see the club's policy on approved keying
devices here. Because this event aims to include newcomers to CW as well as experience
brass-pounders, operating speed should be adjusted accordingly.

The sprintathon also has an entry category for shortwave listeners, who are cordially invited
to join the fun. Non-members are invited to take part as well.

For shortwave listeners:

You must copy at least one side of a WES QSO for a QSO point. If you copy both sides of a WES
exchanges, that counts as 2 QSO points. You can count the same station more than once only if
you copy that station's QSO on a different band -- one QSO per band. Note that some WES themes
may not allow SWL entrants to claim the theme-related bonus.


Participants may sprint on 160-6 meters, excluding the WARC bands (60, 30, 17, and 12 meters).
Suggested frequencies are on or around the SKCC calling frequencies: 1.820, 3.550, 7.055
and 7.114, 14.050, 21.050 and 21.114, 28.050 and 28.114, and 50.090 Mhz. The club's sked
page or other spotting tools are permitted for this event. Where two frequencies are listed
for the same band, score as one band. That is, if you contact W8BALL on 7.050 and on 7.114,
you can count only one of those contacts.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / GNK received in S. Fla. 13563.99
« on: March 30, 2017, 1848 UTC »
Good signal here since at least 1622Z. Still easy to copy at 1845Z. Not moving the meter in either USB or CW but EZ copy.
Edit: This was my first 22 meter spot. I will listen more often now.

General Radio Discussion / International Crystals Closing
« on: March 12, 2017, 0116 UTC »
From their website
I did not see a date on the letter or web page so this may be old news. In any event, it is bad news.

Huh? / Why?
« on: March 01, 2017, 2130 UTC »
To get to the other side

Penguins again (still?)

OOPS. Sorry for double pics, but then again you can never have to many penguins, Eh?

The RF Workbench / TI Analog Engineer's Pocket Reference
« on: February 15, 2017, 0202 UTC »
One of the contributors on the win-fldigi Yahoo group mail list posted a link to the Texas Instruments Analog Engineer's Pocket Reference guide. Downloadable for free.


PDF here: https://www.ti.com/seclit/sl/slyw038b/slyw038b.pdf

Or order a hard copy. Looks like $5 + $6.99 S&H

Received on the 16:07 Z pass today. I was listening yesterday also but apparently they didn't transmit. Great signal. Noise bars probably due to my antenna. I was using a dual band J-pole at about 15 ft. Receiver was a Yaesu FT-857D.

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground Garden Flag
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