Amateur radio

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Badge of the International Amateur Radio Union

Amateur radio is a service available in nearly all countries, allowing individuals to operate two-way radios and engage in communications as a hobby. A license is required and is obtained by passing a test demonstrating adequate knowledge of Rules and Regulations, Operation of Equipment, Propagation, and more. There are typically multiple license classes, with each one up granting more privileges and having a more difficult test. Many different modes and bands are used. It is internationally represented and coordinated by the International Amateur Radio Union and each country has its own organization (such as the American Radio Relay League in the USA). Amateur radio has secondary allocation in some bands.


Amateur Radio Bands MF/HF

  • 1800 kHz - 2000 kHz - 160 meter band/160 meters
  • 3500 kHz - 4000 kHz - 80 meter band (top portion is often called 75 meters) and is shared with broadcasting
  • 5167.5 kHz USB - Alaska Emergency Frequency 5.1675 MHz USB dial frequency, assigned center freq. 5168.9 kHz 5.1689 MHz)
  • 5330.5 kHz - 60 meter band (channelized, "center frequency" 5331.9 kHz)
  • 5346.5 kHz - 60 meter band dial frequency (channelized, "center frequency" 5347.9 kHz)
  • 5357.0 kHz - 60 meter band dial frequency (channelized, "center frequency" 5358.4 kHz)
  • 5371.5 kHz - 60 meter band dial frequency (channelized, "center frequency" 5372.9 kHz)
  • 5403.5 kHz - 60 meter band dial frequency (channelized, "center frequency" 5404.9 kHz)
  • 7000 kHz - 7300 kHz - 40 meter band, 7100-7300 kHz is shared with shortwave broadcasting outside of the Americas
  • 10100 kHz - 10150 kHz - 30 meter band (CW and digital modes only, no voice permitted)
  • 14000 kHz - 14350 kHz - 20 meter band
  • 18068 kHz - 18168 kHz - 17 meter band, shared with the fixed service in many countries
  • 21000 kHz - 21450 kHz - 15 meter band
  • 24890 kHz - 24990 kHz - 12 meter band
  • 28000 kHz - 29700 kHz - 10 meter band - shared with land mobile, marine mobile and other services in some areas

Amateur Radio Bands VHF UHF and up

  • 40 MHz band - 8 meter band (only available in some countries, shared with VHF land mobile, Part 15 and Short Range Device (SRD) services, ISM devices 40.66-40.70 MHz and military tactical radio) 40.675 MHz and 40.685 MHz beacon frequencies
  • 50-54 MHz - 6 meter band (50-51 MHz or 50-52 MHz in some countries)
  • 70 MHz band - 4 meter band (69 MHz, 70 MHz band, only available in some countries, shared with OIRT FM broadcast band)
  • 144-148 MHz - 2 meter band (144-146 MHz only in many countries) - most popular VHF ham radio band
  • 222-225 MHz - 1.25 meter band (220-225 MHz in some areas), only available in some countries, shared service in others
  • 420-450 MHz - 70cm band (usually much smaller band allocation in most areas/countries, including all of Europe)
  • 902-902 MHz - 33cm band or 900 MHz band (shared with Part 15 services, cordless phones, wireless intercoms (see also: intercoms using FRS), baby monitors, wireless headphones, wireless speakers, long-haul WiFi, mesh networks - LoRa, Meshtastic and telemetry links, long range drone remote control systems and backhaul video/data links, along with many other services in the USA, not available in many areas). Shared with ISM services and many other systems, center frequency 915 MHz.
  • 1240-1300 MHz - 23cm band 1.2 GHz band 1.24 GHz to 1.3 GHz
  • 2400-2500 MHz - 2.4 GHz or 2.45 GHz band. 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz shared with Part 15, WiFi, data links, RC remote control systems, drone remote control and telemetry systems, video senders, and about six dozen other services, including Part 18 ISM devices (center frequency: 2450 MHz or 2.45GHz or 2.4 GHz or simply 2.4G).

Amateur Radio VHF UHF Calling Frequencies

Calling frequencies for different modes may vary in different parts of the world. See also: AM mode - AM window.

  • 28-29.7 MHz band - 10 meter band (28 MHz band) - United States 10 Meter FM Calling: 29.600 MHz FM.
  • 50-54 MHz band - 6 meter band (50 MHz band) - United States 6 Meter SSB DX Calling: 50.125 MHz USB
  • 50-54 MHz band - 6 meter band (50 MHz band) - United States 6 Meter SSB Calling: 50.200 MHz USB
  • 50-54 MHz band - 6 meter band (50 MHz band) - United States 6 Meter AM Calling: 50.400 MHz AM
  • 50-54 MHz band - 6 meter band (50 MHz band) - United States 6 Meter FM Military Radio (Surplus Radios) 51.0 MC Calling: 51.000 MHz FM or "51.00 FM"
  • 50-54 MHz band - 6 meter band (50 MHz band) - United States 6 Meter FM Calling: 52.525 MHz FM
  • 144-148 MHz band - 2 meter band (144 MHz band) - United States 2 Meter SSB Calling: 144.200 MHz USB
  • 144-148 MHz band - 2 meter band (144 MHz band) - United States 2 Meter FM Calling: 146.520 MHz FM. Often called "14652", "520", "52" or "National Calling"
  • 144-146 MHz band - 2 meter band (144 MHz band) - European 2 Meter FM Calling: 145.500 MHz FM
  • 222-225 MHz band - 1.25 meter band (222 MHz band) - United States 1.25 Meter SSB CW Calling: 222.100 MHz USB/CW
  • 222-225 MHz band - 1.25 meter band (222 MHz band) - United States 1.25 Meter FM Calling: 223.500 MHz FM
  • 420-450 MHz band - 70cm band (440 MHz band) - United States 70CM FM Calling: 446.000 MHz FM.
  • 902-928 MHz band - 33cm band (900 MHz band) - United States 33CM FM Calling: 902.500 MHz FM, 927.500 MHz FM and 906.500 MHz (906.5 MHz FM is the old 900 MHz FM calling frequency)

Amateur Radio VHF UHF Simplex Frequencies

US band plan. ITU Region 2.

  • 2 meter band 144MHz band 144-148 MHz. Modes analog FM voice, digital voice - Yaesu System Fusion C4FM, Icom D-Star (DSTAR), Project 25 (P25, APCO25, APCO Project 25), DMR (MotoTRBO), NXDN (NEXEDGE, IDAS), and others. Digital voice simplex frequencies C4FM simplex frequencies 2 meters 144MHz band
  • 146.400 MHz - used as a repeater input for 147.000 MHz in some areas
  • 146.415 MHz
  • 146.430 MHz
  • 146.445 MHz
  • 146.460 MHz
  • 146.475 MHz
  • 146.490 MHz
  • 146.505 MHz
  • 146.520 MHz
  • 146.535 MHz
  • 146.550 MHz
  • 146.565 MHz
  • 146.580 MHz
  • 146.595 MHz
  • 147.405 MHz
  • 147.420 MHz
  • 147.435 MHz
  • 147.450 MHz
  • 147.465 MHz
  • 147.480 MHz
  • 147.495 MHz
  • 147.510 MHz
  • 147.525 MHz
  • 147.540 MHz
  • 147.555 MHz
  • 147.570 MHz
  • 147.585 MHz
  • 70cm band
  • 445.9125 MHz
  • 445.9250 MHz
  • 445.9375 MHz
  • 445.9500 MHz
  • 445.9625 MHz
  • 445.9750 MHz
  • 445.9875 MHz
  • 446.0000 MHz
  • 446.0125 MHz
  • 446.0250 MHz
  • 446.0375 MHz
  • 446.0500 MHz
  • 446.0625 MHz
  • 446.0750 MHz
  • 446.0875 MHz
  • 446.1000 MHz
  • 446.1125 MHz
  • 446.1250 MHz
  • 446.1375 MHz
  • 446.1500 MHz
  • 446.1625 MHz
  • 446.1750 MHz
  • 446.5000 MHz
  • 446.5125 MHz
  • 446.5375 MHz
  • 446.5625 MHz
  • 446.5875 MHz
  • 446.6125 MHz
  • 446.6375 MHz
  • 446.6625 MHz
  • 446.6875 MHz
  • 446.7125 MHz
  • 446.7375 MHz
  • 446.7625 MHz
  • 446.7875 MHz
  • 440.9125 MHz
  • 440.9250 MHz
  • 440.9375 MHz
  • 440.9500 MHz
  • 440.9625 MHz
  • 440.9750 MHz
  • 440.9875 MHz
  • 441.0000 MHz
  • 441.0125 MHz
  • 441.0250 MHz
  • 441.0375 MHz
  • 441.0500 MHz
  • 441.0625 MHz
  • 441.0750 MHz
  • 441.0875 MHz
  • 441.1000 MHz
  • 441.1125 MHz
  • 441.1250 MHz
  • 441.1375 MHz
  • 441.1500 MHz
  • 441.1625 MHz
  • 441.1750 MHz
  • 441.5000 MHz
  • 441.5125 MHz
  • 441.5375 MHz
  • 441.5625 MHz
  • 441.5875 MHz
  • 441.6125 MHz
  • 441.6375 MHz
  • 441.6625 MHz
  • 441.6875 MHz
  • 441.7125 MHz
  • 441.7375 MHz
  • 441.7625 MHz
  • 441.7875 MHz

See also

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