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Messages - Ron - Calif.

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Clandestine Stations / Korea - November 3, 2021
« on: November 03, 2021, 1103 UTC »
> KOREA SOUTH. 6015, KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, from 0714+ UT, Sept 27. Normally this station would be totally
> blocked by strong NK white noise jamming, but not today; a very rare situation here; "K-B-S Radio" SA; pop songs;
> 0800, frequencies given; time pips; radio drama. My audio posted at http://bit.ly/3ugiyzF .
> KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, on 6015, continues to be free of the usual strong white noise jamming from NK; at 1220 UT,
> on Sept 28, in progress with the audio feed from the TV KBS news at 9 (1200 UT = 9:00 PM KST), after each news item
> SA given - "K-B-S News"; program is posted daily to YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjJZpGKr2eA ). Wonderful
> to hear this without the normally, always strong white noise jamming! There is some QRM from a much weaker station, which
> I think is probably PBS Xinjiang. Ron (California)

Since Sept 27, the 49m band has been free of the three N. Korea super white noise jamming frequencies: against Echo of Hope - VOH
(weekly alternating between 5990-5995-6000); KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1 (6015); and on 6045. Has been great to now hear VOH, KBS
and VOF (now on 6045 [ex 5920]) without the usually strong white noise jamming.

Nov 3 - KBS Hanminjok Bangsong 1, on 6015, at 0744, with the station's singing "K-B-S" jingle; as usual now clear of white noise jamming.

Nov 3 - Echo of Hope - VOH new frequencies for this week; 3980 // 4885 // 5990 // 6250 // 6348 // 9100, at 0727. Pleased to find they have
returned to their regular weekday language lesson, instead of the recent non-stop music played during this time period; start of the audio
feed from a TV program called "Wang cho bo yeong-eo" (Beginner's English); intro & exit theme song is the "Party Will Come Alive" by
Wizardz Of Oz (with Ruben Martinez); the usual intro with announcer saying "English trainer" and gives his name ("Mayu"), then the woman
announcer says her name ("Mini"), then they both say in English, "Good morning everybody"; "Is this your first visit?", "No, I have been here
before," "What are your symptoms?", "I have a fever and I have a chill as well," etc. This program will be repeated again today at 1127 and
1527 UT.

Nov 3 - Voice of Freedom now on 6045 (ex: 5920), at 0635 UT, first noted the VOF open carrier; audio started at 0753 UT, with details
corresponding to those reported by Amano (Japan) on Nov 1 (VOF's first day on 6045) - starting music at 0753, gong rung three times,
VOF ID, Republic of Korea national anthem, VOF FM frequency announcement, VOF station's singing jingle, 0500 PM KST announcement,
time pips and at 0800, the start of the program "Hamkke tteonaneun eum-ag-yeohaeng" (Let's go music together). My unedited ten minute
audio is at http://bit.ly/3mGCWb8 . Thanks very much to Amano for his ongoing assistance with these Korean stations!

Unfortunately VOF's ex 5920 continued today to be jammed by NK with a pulsating noise jamming (not the white noise jamming). Suspect
it is only a matter of time before it moves up to 6045 and will probably continue to be on from about 0700 to ending sometime after 1100
(cut off time varies a lot!).

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 100 ft. long wire


Info found online and with the excellent assistance of pasar malam (via "Now On The Radio" Website):

Sae Nala Bangsong (New Country Broadcasting), is a religious radio station presented by Sons and Daughters Company,
of South Korea. The CEO and founder is Matthew Bahng. The company creates and delivers hopeful messages packed with
new sounds to attract all demographics of North Koreans. They know for a fact that their programs are already making
an impact in people's lives in North Korea and this is one project that will continue and will not stop until they
become one as a nation. Sons & Daughters Company aims to arouse the interest of North Koreans and people around the
world by delivering messages through creative and modern content. Little by little, they are seeing results. They are
confident that this project will have a positive impact on youth in North Korea and around the world. Intro video in
English - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13kzzSo4Ojg . Sons and Daughters Company homepage in Korean -
https://www.sonsanddaughtersco.com/ . Thanks very much to pasar malam for his wonderful help!

My Oct 19 (Tuesday) observations - Sae Nala Bangsong (New Country Broadcasting) via RRTM Telecom Tashkent (per Ivo),
on 9585, from *1600 to 1630* UT; in Korean; fair-good reception; first time I have checked on this religious station broadcasting
to N. Korea; intro frequency (S-W, gu - oh - pal - oh [SW 9585]); sounded like preaching and religious song; at 1626,
a clear "Amen." My 1600-1615 UT audio is posted at http://bit.ly/3jimMm8 . Station is only on Tue/Thu/Sun.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 30m long wire

Clandestine Stations / Re: Korea - VOH and VOP anomalies
« on: October 19, 2021, 0610 UTC »
Echo of Hope - VOH (희망의메아리): On 9100 kHz., from 0440 to 0453 UT, on Oct 19. The EBS's (Educational Broadcasting System) produced
English "Morning Headlines" program, which is also a language lesson; with a new and different format today; in the past was always Sue Choi in
English, followed by a lot of explanations in Korean regarding the news items; today still with Sue, but with a young man chatting in English about
the news items and explaining things in English (not in Korean); today's news headlines were originally broadcast via EBS FM on Oct 5; a transcript
of today's program is at http://bit.ly/3pjISsi

Clandestine Stations / Korea - VOH and VOP anomalies
« on: October 18, 2021, 1233 UTC »

Echo of Hope - VOH, on Sat., Oct 16, noted the normal weekend only reading of a Harry Potter story, on 3985 // 5995 // 6350, at 0723 UT.

Observed on Monday, Oct 18

VOH, on new frequencies of 3990 // 6000 // 6355; checking for the usual 0723-0752, EBS TV audio feed for the English language lesson
("Wang cho bo yeong-eo" - Beginner's English), which is always aired on weekdays, but today surprised to find instead only non-stop EZL
pop songs (Whitney Houston - "I Will Always Love You," Carpenters - "Close To You," Celine Dion - "My Heart Will Go On,"  Bee Gees -
"How Deep Is Your Love," etc.). This is the first time I have heard this format. Perhaps the TV audio feed was not available today, so they
played filler music? Later at 0846, I heard the usual EBS news headlines in English.

Echo of Hope - VOH: this week's frequencies: 3990 // 4890 (no change!) // 6000 (this week no longer QRMing Mali) // 6250 // 6355 // 9100, at 0903 UT.

Voice of the People: only three frequencies heard at 0910 UT, not the usual six: 3910 // 4450 // 6520; no trace of 3480 (recently has been off the air!),
3930, nor 6600.

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 100 ft. long wire

Clandestine Stations / Korea - Oct 11 update
« on: October 13, 2021, 0055 UTC »
KOREA. Observed on Monday, Oct 11:

Echo of Unification, 3945 // 5905, at 1205 UT; both fair.

Voice of Freedom, 5920, at 1230 UT, with strong signal; no NK jamming.

The frequencies for this week for VOP and VOH:

Voice of the People: no changes; 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600, at 1200 UT; continuing to be off the air is 3480, which is unfortunate,
as it was formerly the best heard frequency.

Echo of Hope - VOH: 3985 // 4890 // 5995 (yes, will again cause QRM for Mali when they are on the air) // 6255 // 6350 // 9105, at 1150 UT.
On Oct 12, was able to hear VOH at 0540, on 5995, in the clear before the start of Mali; after Mali came on, VOH was unusable.


ETHIOPIA. 7110, Radio Ethiopia (Home Service), 1430-1500* UT, Oct 10. Very respectable reception via long path; my local sunrise was
at 1410 UT and Addis Ababa sunset was at 1510 UT; usual program during this time period with chatting on the phone; also some HOA
music; 1455, non-stop music till IDs, nice IS and audio cut off after gong rung only two times (not the usual three times). My audio, ending
with IDs, IS and gongs, at http://bit.ly/3iMyCES .


Clandestine Stations / Re: Taiwan - Sound of Hope ID
« on: October 09, 2021, 1843 UTC »
After long observations, have found SOH on approximate 6215 // 6230 // 6280 kHz. are rarely jammed with CNR1 programming!

Clandestine Stations / Taiwan - Sound of Hope ID
« on: October 04, 2021, 1851 UTC »
TAIWAN. 6214.92, Sound of Hope, 1200 UT, Oct 4. Clear IDs in Chinese; "Xiwang zhi sheng guoji guangbo diantai"
(Sound of Hope international broadcast station), given twice (once by OM and once by YL); into the news; // 6230
// 6280. Never any time pips at top-of-the-hour. My audio at http://bit.ly/3FjvTwv .

Clandestine Stations / Korea - Oct 4 (Monday)
« on: October 04, 2021, 1327 UTC »

KOREA SOUTH. Monday (Oct 4) observations at 0725 UT:

Echo of Hope - VOH, start of the weekday audio feed from a TV program called "Wang cho bo yeong-eo" (translated into
English - Beginner's English); intro & exit theme song is the "Party Will Come Alive" by Wizardz Of Oz (with Ruben Martinez);
the usual intro with announcer saying "English trainer" and gives his name ("Mayu"), then the woman announcer says her name
("Mini"), then they both say in English, "Good morning everybody." Program will be repeated again at 1125 & 1525 UT.

The new VOH frequencies for this week: 3980 // 4885 (strong Brazil QRM) // 5990 (leaving Mali on 5995 in the clear!) // 6250
// 6348 // 9100 kHz.

Voice of the People - Oct 4 (Monday), at 1205 UT; no change of frequency for this week: 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600 kHz.

VOP on 3480 continues to be off the air! Have they moved to a new frequency?

Voice of Freedom, on 5920, at 0725, heard North Korea pulsating jamming and VOF open carrier before their *0753 UT sign on.

There is ongoing news of better relations: "North and South Korea restore cross-border hotline" (Oct 4 -  http://bit.ly/2WBRaQk )

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 100 ft. long wire

CHINA. 6035, "Yunnan Radio International" (PBS Yunnan), Sept 30 with unusually good reception; tuned in at 1315 UT,
expecting to hear Chinese, but instead clearly with Vietnamese (1300-1330?), so assume a new language schedule; in
the past, 1000-1030 was their Vietnamese segment, followed by all Chinese; today 1315-1330 was in Vietnamese, then
nice clear IDs (one in English - "Yunnan Radio International"); then into programs in Chinese. Was very pleased to find
they are still giving IDs in English. My audio, starting with IDs - http://bit.ly/3kXPIBn .

Asilomar State Beach, Calif. (near Monterey)
Etón E1; external antenna of 30m long wire

Clandestine Stations / Korea Sept 27 (Monday)
« on: September 27, 2021, 1243 UTC »

Echo of Hope - VOH, Sept 27 (Monday), change of frequencies; 0850, news headlines in English; only on three frequencies; for this
week on new 3985 // 5995 // 6350; rare to find them free of North Korea jamming; all fair-good.

Later 1000+ UT, all frequencies fair-good; no jamming; new frequencies this week; 3985 // 4880 // 5995 // 6245 // 6350 // 9095 kHz.

No super jamming from NK on 6045; clear frequency.

Voice of Freedom (5920) jammed; usual pulsating noise; not white noise jamming (0753+ till probably off about 1100 UT)

Voice of the People, jammed as usual (3480 [not heard?] // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600).


KOREA SOUTH. 9105 (same frequency as last week), Echo of Hope - VOH, Sept 20 (Monday), at 1535, the weekday TV audio feed
for the English language lesson ("Wang cho bo yeong-eo" - Beginner's English); in Korean and English; this conforms to their four hour
program loop; these programs can be heard at 0735 & 1135 & 1535 UT.

Earlier at 1430, VOH noted with interesting anomaly this week; instead of all frequencies changing on Monday as usual, this week only
three frequencies changed from last week (3990 [ex 3985] // 6000 [ex 5995] // 6355 [ex 6350]; while three remained the same as last
week (4890 // 6255 // 9105).

But then the next day (Sept 21 - Tuesday), at 1440, the three unchanged frequencies had changed (4885 [ex 4890] [Ralph, you did well
to catch them on their first day here!] // 6250 [ex 6255] // 9100 [ex 9105]). So VOH has divided up the changes between Monday and
something that has never happened before!

Voice of the People, as usual, remains the same for this week (3480 [still the best reception by far] // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600).

KOREA SOUTH. 6350, Echo of Hope - VOH, Sept 13 (Monday), at 0725 UT, the start of the weekday TV audio feed for the English
language lesson ("Wang cho bo yeong-eo" - Beginner's English); produced by EBS English (Educational Broadcasting System);
intro theme song - "Party Will Come Alive" by Wizardz Of Oz (with Ruben Martinez); in Korean and English; "Do you have a
boyfriend?", etc.; lesson will be repeated again in four hours. No other frequency was heard at this time.

Later at 0800 UT, heard all frequencies; the anomaly last Monday of not changing any frequencies did not happen this Monday;
all frequencies were changed for this week (3985 // 4890 // 5995 // 6255 // 6350 // 9105 kHz.).

VOH - 3980 // 4885 // 5990 // 6250 // 6348 // 9100 kHz

KOREA SOUTH. 9100, Echo of Hope - VOH, 1105+ UT, Sept 7. Extremely rare to hear live sports coverage via
a "clandestine"; assume was the South Korea vs Lebanon, football (soccer) coverage of the second round of the
Asian qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup; as usual, good reception. Match started at about 1100 UT. My audio
posted at http://bit.ly/38IXKXQ .

Chris, Glad you had a chance to hear them!

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