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Messages - Ct Yankee

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1410 Bluesy electric guitar music at noise floor
1412 Off?

Very good reception

2235 Unid indie tune
2238 Reception heading toward noise floor all of a sudden
2239 Fluttering above/below noise floor
2240 DJDW running down songs played

QSLs Received / Re: WDJT Relay by PRN eQSL
« on: June 02, 2024, 2140 UTC »
Got same, thanks for broadcast and eQSL - glad I didn't nod off this afternoon.


2110 Faint OM and YL speaking, what little I could understand was about Christian values


I believe this is Radio Farda from Kuwait

Excellent reception

0015 "I'll Take You Home" The Drifters
0016 ID to "Subterranean Homesick Blues" Bob Dylan
0024 "Can't Find My Way Home" Blind Faith
0027 "Cotton Fields" CCR
0031 "Darling Be Home Soon" Joe Cocker

Very good reception

0014 "Back in the U.S.S.A."   KMFDM
0030 Off and On and Off


2141 Faint music

Very good reception, probably Radio Pescadores
2139 OM preaching "....and Jesus answered them, I am the Christ....."

QSLs Received / Radio 48 via Mix Radio International eQSL
« on: May 29, 2024, 1751 UTC »
Well, nice to hear the relay on the Holiday Weekend with the marathon broadcast.  I am envious of your new top-drop shack, can keep the antenna right alongside you.  Radio Slovakia's pyramid building has nothing on your digs.  ;).   Thanks to you both.

Excellent reception
1235 OM loudly preaching "Jesus has something to say about righteousness and justice."
1236 "It's a new government, a new order"

Excellent reception.......seems like repeat of 26 MAY broadcast
2204 OM repeating "Dick Bulger" with music
2205 Fake Brian Williams NBC report on criminal acts by Dick Bulger
2207 HFU mentioned to "The Llama Song" The Singing Animal Lover
2209 "You Never Give Me Your Money" The Beatles
2010 Bulger electric car story
2011 "Brain" The Action
2213 "Call Box (1-2-3)" Wall of Voodoo
2214 Dick Bulger......lives in dumpster behind Dunkin' Donuts.....discharged from USCG after 5 days....no one should listen to his shortwave program
2215 Off

QSLs Received / Radio Exterior de Espaņa QSL
« on: May 28, 2024, 1526 UTC »
QSL in its own envelope from emailed reception report on February 21, 2024.  Report concerned one of their three weekly half hour English service transmissions.

Very good reception.....what timing, dinner just out of oven.  Will be listening with meal
2151 Instrumental jazz
2208 Mix ID
2215 Spanakopita finished, instrumental jazz continues "Touch and Go" Paul Hardcastle
2218 YL with ID, thanks for listening
2222 You are listening to the Smooth Jazz Station (?) on Mix Radio International
2237 Brit OM announcing show is being carried by MRI on the shortwaves all around the world


1947 Reception even with noise floor here, just can make out someone singing and electric guitar.  Electrical storms less than half hour away and heading here.

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