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Topics - R4002

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More logs (after 0300 UTC on April 21st, 2017).

6975 kHz USB - Spanish
6965 kHz LSB - Portuguese
6895 kHz LSB - Spanish
6733 kHz USB - Spanish, Mexican accents
6709 kHz USB - Unknown Asian-sounding language, possibly Japanese
6699 kHz USB - Spanish (with FSK data signal causing heavy QRM)

Lots and lots of logs:

6990 LSB - Spanish
6977 LSB - Spanish
6965 LSB - Portuguese
6950 USB - Spanish
6930 LSB - Portuguese
6925 LSB - Portuguese (very active)
6919 LSB - Portuguese
6915 LSB - Portuguese
6910 LSB - Portuguese
6905 LSB - Spanish
6900 LSB - Spanish (net - very active)
6895 LSB - Spanish (appears to be alternate freq for 6900 LSB)
6868 LSB - Portuguese
6852 USB - Spanish
6805 LSB - Portuguese
6792 LSB - Portuguese (very active)
6771.5 USB - Spanish (with QRM from 6770 kHz AM)
6760 USB - Spanish
6750 USB - Spanish

Heavy storm QRM but heard ID at 0038-0039 UTC

Hearing bits and pieces of OM talking under the storm crashes...strong carrier on 6925.0 kHz...lots of peskies on 6925 LSB though

Dramatic music, S4, frequency may be closer to 6925.1 kHz

OM lecturing about the dangerous narcotic marihuana "in and around New York"

Sounds like audio from the seminal film Reefer Madness

1505  more dramatic music
1507 "This is the City of Los Angeles, one of the fastest growing cities"
1512 drama about catching the evil dope peddlers
1540 "homicide listened to Hugo's story, then transferred it over to Captain Hayes in narcotics division"
1544 "Marky, its Ann, I've got the shakes bad..."
1606 Signal jumped up a bit, more dramatic music

[likely weed-related material due to today being 4/20]

6900 kHz LSB chatter coming in this morning as usual.  The band is pretty quiet but these guys are still there! 

Signals are weaker than they have been in days past (I've been away from my radios for the past 4-5 days) but I imagine they'll get stronger as the day goes on.

Electric dance music S2-S3 6925 kHz USB

1321 UTC signal dropped significantly...still hearing bits and pieces of music at the noise floor
1323 UTC signal came back up to S4, hard trance/techno track with YL vocals

Off at 1335 UTC

Hearing both sides of a long conversation on an "offset" frequency HF SSB marine channel (it is within the legal marine allocation though).  Simplex communications (many marine frequencies, in particular the ITU HF marine channel numbering plan, are half-duplex or split-frequency operation). 

Signals have been fading closer and closer to the noise floor over the past 10 minutes or so. 

Both 6830 USB and 6840 USB have the same signal strength (peaking at S2-S3) with usual freebander-level audio quality.  6840 is considerably more busy than 6830, perhaps indicating that some stations QSYed from 6840 kHz to 6830 kHz for a "private" QSO and then went QRT or switched back up their original frequency.

"0104" heard as an identifier of some kind

I'm about to jump on a plane (nothing like listening to various remote receivers while sitting in the terminal waiting to board the airplane) but I wanted to make one last log before I shut everything down.

After tuning around the 6700-7000 kHz region, home to the Old Time Radio pirate on 6770 kHz AM a.k.a. OTR 6770, another carrier on 6769.5 and SSB traffic on 6766 kHz USB and I came across some more Portuguese fishermen chatting away on 6868 kHz LSB.  Another easy to remember frequency for sure. 

Messy frequency this morning.  Old Time Radio (OTR) on 6770 kHz AM fading in and out and when its peaking (OTR that is) 6766 USB gets obliterated.  When OTR fades down, the SSB traffic makes listening to OTR very difficult.  Further complicating matters is a strong FSK signal on 6769 kHz.  It appears to be in "channel marker" mode right now (that is, unmodulated).  That, or its simply an unmodulated carrier.  I've been having to listen to OTR in USB mode to get away from all the QRM.

More pescadore (or pescadore like) traffic coming in this morning.  Long, deep fades making copy impossible at points.  SIO 222

S3 signal this morning but sounding good on the peaks. Hearing an OM and a YL talking.  Radio drama.  Minor pescadore/freebander and FSK ute QRM causing a terrible het.  Music playing at 1112 UTC.

Ad for Chesterfield Cigarettes at 1113 UTC.  Peskie QRM (6766 kHz USB) getting considerably worse.  

This frequency is a popular one.  The FSK signal has disappeared and now (1119 UTC) there's a strong unmodulated carrier on 6769 kHz.  The two-way voice traffic on 6766 USB has gotten stronger and more active.  OTR is coming in stronger too though so it could simply be a propagation enhancement as the sun continues to rise. 

This frequency has been logged in the past, and, like before, the signals are just slightly too weak to get a positive ID on the language, but it sounds like Spanish.  SIO 111 just above the noise floor.  

EDIT (at 1059 UTC) - signal strength of one of the stations increased substantially.  Sounds like somebody is complaining about his wife/girlfriend/XYL/YL.  Heavy use of various Spanish curse words! 

Group or "net" of Italian-speaking stations taking turns talking.  Several mentions of "unit 30" or "station 30", "number 6" and other identifiers.  More professional sounding operating procedures compared to most pescadore / freebander traffic Interspersed between voice transmissions is some sort of short "rushing sound" data burst.  Not sure if this is related to these guys or if its another signal on the same (or on a nearby) frequency. 

Checked several remote SDRs and the stations on 6996 kHz USB are more or less the same strength and readability up and down the US east coast. 

Frequency still active when I tuned away at 1055 UTC. 

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