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Topics - R4002

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466.1375 [67.0 Hz] School, active
464.5500 [026 DCS] Construction
461.2125 [88.5 Hz] “around the truck”
464.5500 [82.5 Hz] Crane control, Spanish
462.7250 [136.5 Hz] School
464.5000 [162 DCS] Construction
462.9125 [192.8 Hz] Crane control
467.8500 [74.4 Hz] Crane control
462.5500 [71.9 Hz] Warehouse comms
467.9000 [100.0 Hz] Retail, inventory
151.8200 [127.3 Hz] Hospitality
466.1875 [71.9 Hz] Weak
469.4875 [94.8 Hz] Crane control
464.5500 [103.5 Hz] “Playbook”
151.9550 [94.8 Hz] Weak
467.6375 [67.0 Hz] School? Weak
462.5750 [67.0 Hz] Crane control?
462.8625 [167.9 Hz] Weak, UNID
464.5500 [325 DCS] Construction
467.9250 [67.0 Hz] Security
462.5625 [67.0 Hz] School? very strong
464.5000 [77.0 Hz] “over here, Jay”
462.5750 [141.3 Hz] GMRS repeater keyup
151.8200 [141.3 Hz] Water/sewer work
467.7125 [114 DCS] Building ops
462.6750 [606 DCS] Warehouse/retail
469.5625 [186.2 Hz] Crane control
151.5125 [136.5 Hz] Crane control
464.5000 [612 DCS] “3 inch sprinkle”
457.5250 [315 DCS] School
151.6250 [167.9 Hz] Crane Master
467.8750 [114 DCS] Spanish
462.6500 [CSQ] “Mike, check level 2”
467.5625 [032 DCS] Car to car comms
151.8200 [67.0 Hz] “Elevator 3”
467.7625 [67.0 Hz] Retail
461.2625 [346 DCS] Parking coordination?
467.8500 [179.9 Hz] Weak, UNID
464.5500 [97.4 Hz] Construction
462.6250 [141.3 Hz] GMRS repeater keyup
151.6250 [67.0 Hz] Highway maintenance
462.7000 [146.2 Hz] Spanish
467.6125 [67.0 Hz] FRS call tones
461.2625 [346 DCS] School?
467.8500 [CSQ] Data bursts
467.5875 [026 DCS] “panel 3”
467.7500 [CSQ] Data bursts, paging
154.4900 [67.0 Hz] Highway maintenance
462.8625 [172 DCS] Voice inversion
461.3375 [743 DCS] Construction
462.6625 [88.5 Hz] Security?
467.6625 [CSQ] Elevator work
464.5000 [464 DCS] “he’s gonna take..”
462.6750 [67.0 Hz] “book was took out”
154.5700 [712 DCS] “unit 2” “red cone”
461.2125 [67.0 Hz] “front desk”
467.9000 [203.5 Hz] Spanish
462.7125 [146.2 Hz] “mid day walk”
466.2125 [85.4 Hz] Hotel/hospitality
469.4875 [110.9 Hz] “copy that”
467.7625 [047 DCS] Building maintenance
464.5000 [162.2 Hz] HVAC testing?
462.5875 [025 DCS] Alarm techs
154.6000 [88.5 Hz] Mobile to mobile
462.5750 [223 DCS] Day care?
467.8750 [67.0 Hz] Traffic control
464.5500 [CSQ] Data bursts
462.7250 [CSQ] “depends on what it is”
467.8750 [025 DCS] Maintenance crew
467.8125 [77.0 Hz] Flagmen
151.8800 [110.9 Hz] “where is the…”
462.7125 [77.0 Hz] FRS call tones
469.5000 [026 DCS] Construction
462.5875 [CSQ] Crane control
467.8500 [100.0 Hz] Warehouse ops
462.5500 [123.0 Hz] Weak
464.5000 [179.9 Hz] Hotel front desk
462.6625 [136.5 Hz] Catering
151.8200 [114 DCS] “Come to cafeteria”
464.5500 [103.5 Hz] Construction
462.7250 [252 DCS] Spanish
469.5500 [346 DCS] “level 6” “check”
467.8750 [131.8 Hz] Crane control
462.6875 [114.8 Hz] “shutting down”

151.820 MHz - MURS 1
151.880 MHz - MURS 2
151.940 MHz - MURS 3
154.570 MHz - MURS 4
154.600 MHz - MURS 5

1340 UTC tune in time, started with W3HFU SDR with the 120 foot T2FD antenna.  Tune out time: 1355 UTC.

26765kHz AM out of Mexico very good signal this morning.  Dispatcher YL SS slightly off-frequency 26764.8 kHz close enough to 26765kHz AM taxi cab radio dispatch LMR PMR PLMR land mobile radio business band taxi cab business radio taxi controllers on CB radio 27MHz band.  Alphanumeric and numeric IDs (each taxi has a unique identifier), addresses, phone numbers, streets and other information YL dispatcher with unique multi-tone "Roger Beep" end of transmission.  Relatively quiet band at this time, could be some sporadic-E DX or the beginnings of a bigger opening, TEP type propagation.

Noting some other activity on the 25.615 MHz to 27.995 MHz 25-28 MHz 26-28 MHz band...additional logs below. 

25695 kHz AM 25.695 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch, weak to fair, some SSB chatter in background
25815 kHz AM 25.815 MHz AM - Mexican taxi cab radio chatter, YL dispatch + OM drivers
26035 kHz AM 26.035 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, taxi controllers - YL Spanish - Mexico
26075 kHz AM 26.075 MHz AM - Fair to weak, taxi cab dispatcher, YL reading numbers in Spanish over radio
26115 kHz AM 26.115 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, taxi controllers - YL Spanish - Mexico or Latin American LMR
26145 kHz AM 26.145 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, taxi controllers - YL Spanish - Mexico
26175 kHz AM 26.175 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, taxi controllers - YL Spanish - Mexico
26335 kHz AM 26.335 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, taxi controllers - YL Spanish - Mexico
26665 kHz AM 26.665 MHz AM - YL taxi dispatch lady, several OMs heard with noise toys
26675 kHz AM 26.675 MHz AM - Taxi cab dispatch, Mexican radio taxi cab, severe QRM from 26.6750 MHz LSB freebanders
26765 kHz AM 26.765 MHz AM - Strong this morning, YL dispatcher with end of transmission tones, OM drivers, see above logs
26935 kHz AM 26.935 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, Mexico - previously logged activity on same frequency
27215 kHz AM 27.215 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, YL dispatcher - CB Radio Channel 21 AM
27255 kHz AM 27.255 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch, YL dispatcher - CB Radio Channel 23 AM
27755 kHz AM 27.755 MHz AM - Weak taxi cab dispatch, much stronger SSB signals on 27755 LSB
27785 kHz AM 27.785 MHz AM - YL taxi dispatcher, Spanish language - Mexico taxicab radio dispatch 27,785
27805 kHz AM 27.805 MHz AM - Taxi cab chatter, YL dispatcher, reading numbers in Spanish, very severe QSB / fading
27955 kHz AM 27.955 MHz AM - Taxi cab radio dispatch 27,955 27.955MHz AM Mexican accent SS

G8JNJ remote SDR receiver
Location: SW UK
Grid: IO80QR

Start time: 1215 UTC
End time: 1230 UTC

Most of the logs are part of the DDE ePMR network.  Mobile transmit (repeater input) is +4.4 MHz.  DDE network frequency coverage is 35.0000 MHz to 36.2375 MHz in 12.5 kHz spacing, so mobile input (mobile TX) is 39.4000 MHz to 40.6375 MHz.

35.2125 MHz NFM - French language, YL dispatcher with end of transmission "chirp" sel call bursts
35.2750 MHz NFM - Digital bursts, various duration, could be signaling or digital voice
35.2875 MHz NFM - Weak NFM voice chatter
35.3000 MHz NFM - FM carrier for 1-2 seconds, followed by series of DTMF bursts (control data?)
35.3125 MHz NFM - French language, YL dispatcher with end of transmission "chirp" sel call bursts
35.3125 MHz NFM - Long duration data bursts, MFSK
35.3375 MHz NFM - French language, YL dispatcher with end of transmission "chirp" sel call bursts
35.3500 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.3875 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.4000 MHz NFM - Paging, POCSAG pager signals (fair to weak)
35.4125 MHz NFM - Digital bursts, possible digital voice
35.4375 MHz NFM - French language - YL dispatcher (weak)
35.4500 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.4625 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.4750 MHz NFM - French language dispatch (analog FM chatter)
35.4875 MHz NFM - Weak NFM voice comms
35.5000 MHz NFM - Military wide deviation FM comms, very distorted with 150 Hz hum
35.5125 MHz NFM - French chatter, busy, selcal tone bursts, DTMF tones, "chirpy" data bursts
35.5375 MHz NFM - DTMF sel call bursts
35.5500 MHz NFM - Unique data signal, probably not part of the DDE ePMR network, could be military
35.5500 MHz NFM - Paging signals (sporadic) POCSAG paging pager signals
35.5750 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.6000 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.6000 MHz NFM - Military wide FM voice chatter, unknown user
35.6125 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.6250 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.6500 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.7000 MHz NFM - Military comms, encrypted
35.7000 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.7125 MHz NFM - French language chatter, same signal heard on 35.925 MHz FM
35.7125 MHz NFM - YL dispatcher talking to OMs, with end of transmission tone (single short DTMF tone)
35.7500 MHz NFM - Data bursts, long single tone bursts and analog voice activity
35.7875 MHz NFM - Digital bursts, various duration, could be signaling or digital voice
35.8000 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.8750 MHz NFM - Multi tone selective calling (selcall) and data bursts
35.9000 MHz NFM - Wideband data, likely encrypted military radio comms (secure voice)
35.9125 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
35.9250 MHz NFM - Very busy, FM voice, selcal bursts
35.9625 MHz NFM - French comms, dispatcher with end of transmission bursts
35.9750 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
36.0000 MHz NFM - Data burst, followed by long single tone bursts
36.0125 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
36.0625 MHz NFM - Data bursts, MDC1200-like "squawk", FM carriers off/on, French language chatter
36.1375 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms
36.1375 MHz NFM - French language comms, same signals heard on 35.9375 MHz for a few seconds
36.1500 MHz NFM - Signaling, selcal data / DTMF tones, French language comms

G8JNJ Flydog SDR Wessex
South West UK
online receiver

frequency in MHz notation kHz
27.845 MHz 27,845 27845kHz
26.960 MHz 26960 kHz 26,960
26.420 MHz 26420kHz 26175 kHz etc.

Tune in time: 1130 UTC
Tune out time: 1215 UTC

27.845 MHz FM 27845 FM - Nonstop data stream and paging signals, often on top of each other.  Dramatic fades
27.550 MHz FM 27550 FM - Narrow band POCSAG or CCIR paging pager signals, sporadic bursts
27.510 MHz FM 27510 FM - Very narrow band data bursts, similar to signals usually heard on 27.470 MHz and 27.475 MHz
27.505 MHz FM 27505 FM - Unique paging data signals, 10-12 kHz wide, various signal strengths and data burst duration
27.490 MHz FM 27490 FM - Very narrow band data bursts, sound like paging - minor QRM from 27.485 MHz AM freeband CB
27.475 MHz FM 27475 FM - 3-4 kHz wide FSK data bursts, sounds like pager signals - often heard on/around these frequencies
27.360 MHz FM 27360 FM - Paging signals, usual signal heard on this frequency
27.235 MHz FM 27235 FM - Packet radio AX.25 packet signals - CB Radio Channel 24 FM
27.230 MHz FM 27230 FM - Packet radio AX.25 packet radio signals - CB Radio Channel 24R 24P
26.995 MHz FM 26995 FM - 4 kHz wide FSK data signals, 26.994 MHz and 26.996 MHz offset frequencies
26.995 MHz FM 26995 FM - 6 kHz wide MFSK bursts, variable duration bursts, with 26.995 MHz LSB voice comms on top
26.935 MHz FM 26935 FM - 5 kHz wide MFSK bursts, see 26905, 26915, 26925, 30155
26.935 MHz FM 26935 FM - Narrow band pager signals - paging bursts 26,935 26935kHz
26.925 MHz FM 26925 FM - 5 kHz wide MFSK bursts, very similar to signals noted on 30.155 MHz, 26.915 MHz and 26.905 MHz
26.915 MHz FM 26915 FM - 5 kHz wide MFSK bursts, see 26.905MHz, 26.925MHz
26.905 MHz FM 26905 FM - 5 kHz wide MFSK bursts, see also: 26915kHz, 26925 kHz, 30,155 MHz
26.900 MHz FM 26900 FM - Paging frequency, very active with various bandwidth signals 26.9MHz 26,900
26.845 MHz FM 26845 FM - Narrow band paging signals, sporadic - possible offset frequency for 26.850 MHz
26.755 MHz FM 26755 FM - Paging signals, not nearly as frequent as the signals on 26.600, 26.650, 26.695 or 26.745
26.745 MHz FM 26745 FM - Paging signals, multiple signals at once - UK hospital pagers
26.695 MHz FM 26695 FM - Paging signals, multiple signals at once - UK hospital pagers
26.650 MHz FM 26650 FM - Narrow deviation POCSAG or "POCSAG like" signals - with FM carrier start of burst
26.650 MHz FM 26650 FM - 6.5 kHz wide BW CCIR multi tone paging signals
26.605 MHz FM 26605 FM - Paging signals, UK on site pagers hospital paging, active
26.600 MHz FM 26600 FM - On site paging signals - CCIR multi tone paging FSK or narrow deviation POCSAG
26.350 MHz FM 26350 FM - 5-6 kHz wide MFSK bursts, 1.5 to 2 second duration
26.200 MHz FM 26200 FM - Paging systems, with idle FM carrier

Tune in time: 1245 UTC
Tune out time: 1255 UTC

27.975 MHz FM 27975 FM - Data bursts, 6-7 kHz wide signal, with FM carrier "pilot tone" start of transmission
27.845 MHz FM 27845 FM - Paging signals on frequency severe QRM from OTHR (70-80 kHz BW, possible PLUTO II OTHR)
27.475 MHz FM 27475 FM - 3-4 kHz wide FSK data bursts, sounds like pager signals
27.470 MHz FM 27470 FM - 3-4 kHz wide FSK data bursts, very similar to signals on 27,475
27.235 MHz FM 27235 FM - Packet radio on CB radio AX.25 - CB Radio Channel 24 FM CB CH24 FM
27.195 MHz FM 27195 FM - FM carrier signal, possible OOK on-off keying
27.195 MHz FM 27195 FM - MFSK data signal, fading up out of the noise and then back down, 4 kHz bandwidth
27.120 MHz FM 27120 FM - POCSAG like multi-tone paging signals - with QRM from CB radio chatter
26.755 MHz FM 26755 FM - Paging signals, likely on site hospital paging systems, with FM CB radio QRM
26.750 MHz FM 26750 FM - 5 kHz - 6 kHz BW MFSK data bursts, similar to signals noted on 26.350 MHz and 26.450 MHz
26.650 MHz FM 26650 FM - Narrow deviation POCSAG or "POCSAG like" signals - with FM carrier start of burst
26.650 MHz FM 26650 FM - 6.5 kHz wide BW CCIR multi tone paging signals
26.605 MHz FM 26605 FM - Multi tone paging signals mixing with the signals from 26.6 MHz
26.600 MHz FM 26600 FM - On site paging signals - CCIR multi tone paging FSK or narrow deviation POCSAG

Tune in time
1135 UTC

26.600 MHz FM 26600 kHz FM - Wider band POCSAG-like paging signals, CCIR multi-tone 26.6 MHz
26.605 MHz FM 26605 kHz FM - Paging signals, probably UK based, known frequency (see also: 26.610 MHz 26.630 MHz, etc.)
26.610 MHz FM 26610 kHz FM - Narrowband FSK signal - not fishnet beacon (radio buoy)
26.635 MHz FM 26635 kHz FM - Paging signals - multi-tone pager CCIR polytone
26.635 MHz FM 26635 kHz FM - Paging data bursts, MFSK
26.650 MHz FM 26650 kHz FM - POCSAG or POCSAG like paging signals, various bandwidth signals noted 26.65 MHz
26.695 MHz FM 26695 kHz FM - POCSAG pager - narrow deviation / low data rate - nonstop - UK hospital paging frequency
26.695 MHz FM 26695 kHz FM - MFSK data bursts, 6.5 kHz bandwidth, on top of the pager signals
26.695 MHz FM 26695 kHz FM - CCIR multi tone paging signals, mixing with the non stop pager signals on frequency
26.700 MHz FM 26700 kHz FM - Paging signals, sporadic compared to the nonstop signals on 26695 and 26745
26.702 MHz FM 26702 kHz FM - Idle signal, off-frequency FM carrier - probably another idle signal
26.705 MHz FM 26705 kHz FM - CCIR multi-tone frequency paging pagers, very busy
26.705 MHz FM 26705 kHz FM - Idle signal, off-frequency FM carrier, pretty wide (3-4 kHz) without modulation
26.735 MHz FM 26735 kHz FM - MFSK data signals pager paging 26.735MHz
26.745 MHz FM 26745 kHz FM - POCSAG pager - narrow deviation / low data rate - nonstop - UK hospital paging frequency
26.745 MHz FM 26745 kHz FM - Multitone paging 
26.750 MHz FM 26750 kHz FM - MFSK data signals, bursts with FM carrier lead-in tone, 5-6 kHz wide, 1.5 second duration
26.785 MHz FM 26785 kHz FM - Various bandwidth pager signals, UK hospital on-site paging? 
26.815 MHz FM 26815 kHz FM - MFSK and FSK paging signals, CCIR and "POCSAG lite"
26.835 MHz FM 26835 kHz FM - MFSK and FSK bursts, like 26.9 MHz, all sorts of signals on top of each other
26.850 MHz FM 26850 kHz FM - FSK data bursts, active paging signal - not fishnet beacons
26.865 MHz FM 26865 kHz FM - Various pager signals, UK and European signals
26.900 MHz FM 26900 kHz FM - Paging signals, very active frequency, sounds like narrowband POCSAG pager
26.900 MHz FM 26900 kHz FM - Various bandwidth, 10 kHz, 6.5 kHz - nonstop signals
26.950 MHz FM 26950 kHz FM - Narrowband MFSK data signals, similar signals noted on 26.750 MHz and 26.850 MHz
26.995 MHz FM 26995 kHz FM - Multi-tone data bursts, 5-6 kHz bandwidth, tone-modulated FM so F3D emission 6K00F3D 6K00F2D
27.045 MHz FM 27045 kHz FM - Narrowband MFSK data bursts, similar to other RCRS and RC modeling datalink telemetry signals
27.080 MHz FM 27080 kHz FM - MFSK data bursts, previously logged on this frequency 27,080 MHz CB Channel 11R 11P
27.235 MHz FM 27235 kHz FM - CB Radio Channel 24, AX.25 packet signals on frequency
27.255 MHz FM 27255 kHz FM - CB Radio Channel 23, FSK data signals, 5.5 kHz bandwidth, also 6 kHz and 7.5 kHz MFSK 
27.300 MHz FM 27300 kHz FM - Very busy paging signals, 27.3 MHz, in between 27.295 MHz and 27.305 MHz CB channels 30R
27.300 MHz FM 27300 kHz FM - CCIR multitone paging signals, narrow band and regular BW signals, very strong signals
27.350 MHz FM 27350 kHz FM - Multi-tone, POCSAG and "sounds like POCSAG" signals 27.35 MHz
27.360 MHz FM 27360 kHz FM - 8 kHz wide CCIR / POCSAG (narrow deviation) pager signals 27,360 CB CH 36R channel 36P
27.360 MHz FM 27360 kHz FM - 5 kHz bandwidth paging signals, very busy like 26900, 27300, 27350
27.450 MHz FM 27450 kHz FM - Numerous FM carriers on/near frequency - idle signals
27.450 MHz FM 27450 kHz FM - 5 kHz BW MFSK bursts, on top of FM carriers
27.450 MHz FM 27450 kHz FM - Various 8 kHz - 9 kHz wide POCSAG (or sounds like POCSAG) signals on frequency
27.470 MHz FM 27470 kHz FM - Narrow band data bursts, similar signals noted on 27.253 MHz, 27.007 MHz, other offset freqs
27.475 MHz FM 27475 kHz FM - Paging signals, 5 kHz bandwidth, possible Italy, Switzerland or Spain
27.505 MHz FM 27505 kHz FM - CCIR multi-tone paging signals, including possible offset frequency 27.506 MHz
27.505 MHz FM 27505 kHz FM - Wide band MFSK (10-12 kHz wide) paging signals, very active at points
27.510 MHz FM 27510 kHz FM - Narrow and wide band POCSAG-like signals, sporadic
27.530 MHz FM 27530 kHz FM - Narrowband data bursts, similar to those on 27.47 MHz, mixing with FM voice on frequency
27.550 MHz FM 27550 kHz FM - Paging signals, heavy QRM from 27.555 MHz USB and other freeband CB frequencies
27.600 MHz FM 27600 kHz FM - UNID source pager, similar to 27550 kHz
27.750 MHz FM 27750 kHz FM - Paging signals, sporadic (with heavy QRM from UK FM CB 27.751.25 MHz FM)
27.845 MHz FM 27845 kHz FM - Various paging signals active on frequency

Via G8JNJ Online SDR (located in SW UK)

Band is open to France, Italy and other locations (the 35 MHz LMR / eLMR PMR DDE analog voice / digital voice trunking network is very active - 35.0000 MHz to 36.2375 MHz 12.5 kHz steps, input +4.4 MHz so 39.4000 MHz to 40.6375 MHz). 

30 July 2024
Tune in time: 1100 UTC

Italy VHF 43MHz band, 24 channels, VHF low band 43MHz.  43.3 MHz to 43.5875MHz 43,3000 MHz 43,5875 MHz 12,5 kHz spacing channels

Data signals on all 24 channels, many frequencies with multiple signals at once.  43.400 MHz, 43.450 MHz, 43.5125 MHz and others seem to be the "usual suspects".  This is after only a few minutes of monitoring.

Tune in time:

1040 UTC

26.200 MHz FM 26,200 kHz FM - Narrow and wider band paging signals (FM carrier signal on frequency)
26.200 MHz FM 26,200 kHz FM - Data burst with sync tone (carrier)
26.220 MHz FM 26,220 kHz FM - POCSAG or POCSAG like paging signals
26.350 MHz FM 26,350 kHz FM - On-site paging systems, pagers - sounds like POCSAG, possibly CCIR multitone (narrowband)
26.350 MHz FM 26,350 kHz FM - On-site paging systems, with FM carrier signal during idle periods (3-4 different carriers noted)
26.500 MHz FM 26.500 kHz FM - On-site radiopaging, with FM carrier signal during idle periods
26.600 MHz FM 26,600 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals - pager network 26.6 MHz 26600 FM
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - Narrowband multi-tone paging with carrier tone during idle periods
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - Data bursts, MFSK, center frequencies 26.635.3 and 26.636 MHz
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - CCIR multitone paging, mixing with the other data and pager signals on frequency
26.650 MHz FM 26,650 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals, various bandwidths (sounds like POCSAG)
26.695 MHz FM 26,695 kHz FM - Nonstop POCSAG (or sounds like POCSAG) CCIR multitone paging, various bandwidths
26.705 MHz FM 26,705 kHz FM - POCSAG paging (9-10 kHz BW), CCIR multitone paging, other data bursts, very busy
26.745 MHz FM 26,745 kHz FM - Nonstop paging signals, various bandwidths, similar to 26695 and 26705
26.885 MHz FM 26,885 kHz FM - Multi-tone data bursts, 8-9 kHz bandwidth, possibly paging systems
26.905 MHz FM 26,905 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links 
26.915 MHz FM 26,915 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links
26.925 MHz FM 26,925 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links
26.935 MHz FM 26,935 kHz FM - Data bursts, narrowband, with FM CB radio signals on frequency
26.995 MHz FM 26,995 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals, approx 8 kHz bandwidth with MFSK "lead in" burst
27.000 MHz FM 27,000 kHz FM - Narrowband data bursts (3-4 kHz)
27.045 MHz FM 27,045 kHz FM - MFSK data signals, 4.5 kHz bandwidth, various signal strengths
27.470 MHz FM 27.470 kHz FM - Narrow band (3-4 kHz bandwidth) data bursts, sound like POCSAG or CCIR
27.505 MHz FM 27,505 kHz FM - Nearly constant paging signals, not POCSAG, 10-12 kHz wide
27.505 MHz FM 27,505 kHz FM - Various data modes in use at once, 8-13 kHz bandwidth
27.510 MHz FM 27,510 kHz FM - Multi-tone pager signals, very similar to the signals on 26.645 MHz and 26.695 MHz and 26.745 MHz
27.510 MHz FM 27,510 kHz FM - Constant "idle" paging signal noted at 1130 UTC, 6.5 kHz bandwidth
27.750 MHz FM 27.750 kHz FM - Narrowband data bursts, similar to those noted on 26.905 MHz and other 26MHz frequencies
27.845 MHz FM 27,845 kHz FM - Pager signals, sporadic signals - previously noted activity on/hear 27.845 MHz 27.847 MHz 27.8475 MHz
27.850 MHz FM 27,850 kHz FM - Similar to 27845 27850 27855 bandwidth ballpark

Tune in time:

1040 UTC

26.200 MHz FM 26,200 kHz FM - Narrow and wider band paging signals (FM carrier signal on frequency)
26.200 MHz FM 26,200 kHz FM - Data burst with sync tone (carrier)
26.220 MHz FM 26,220 kHz FM - POCSAG or POCSAG like paging signals
26.350 MHz FM 26,350 kHz FM - On-site paging systems, pagers - sounds like POCSAG, possibly CCIR multitone (narrowband)
26.350 MHz FM 26,350 kHz FM - On-site paging systems, with FM carrier signal during idle periods (3-4 different carriers noted)
26.500 MHz FM 26.500 kHz FM - On-site radiopaging, with FM carrier signal during idle periods
26.600 MHz FM 26,600 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals - pager network 26.6 MHz 26600 FM
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - Narrowband multi-tone paging with carrier tone during idle periods
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - Data bursts, MFSK, center frequencies 26.635.3 and 26.636 MHz
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - CCIR multitone paging, mixing with the other data and pager signals on frequency
26.650 MHz FM 26,650 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals, various bandwidths (sounds like POCSAG)
26.695 MHz FM 26,695 kHz FM - Nonstop POCSAG (or sounds like POCSAG) CCIR multitone paging, various bandwidths
26.705 MHz FM 26,705 kHz FM - POCSAG paging (9-10 kHz BW), CCIR multitone paging, other data bursts, very busy
26.745 MHz FM 26,745 kHz FM - Nonstop paging signals, various bandwidths, similar to 26695 and 26705
26.885 MHz FM 26,885 kHz FM - Multi-tone data bursts, 8-9 kHz bandwidth, possibly paging systems
26.905 MHz FM 26,905 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links 
26.915 MHz FM 26,915 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links
26.925 MHz FM 26,925 kHz FM - Very narrowband MFSK data signals, likely data links
26.935 MHz FM 26,935 kHz FM - Data bursts, narrowband, with FM CB radio signals on frequency
26.995 MHz FM 26,995 kHz FM - Multi tone paging signals, approx 8 kHz bandwidth with MFSK "lead in" burst
27.000 MHz FM 27,000 kHz FM - Narrowband data bursts (3-4 kHz)
27.045 MHz FM 27,045 kHz FM - MFSK data signals, 4.5 kHz bandwidth, various signal strengths
27.470 MHz FM 27.470 kHz FM - Narrow band (3-4 kHz bandwidth) data bursts, sound like POCSAG or CCIR
27.475 MHz FM 27,475 kHz FM - Narrow band (3-4 kHz bandwidth) data bursts, sound like POCSAG or CCIR
27.505 MHz FM 27,505 kHz FM - Nearly constant paging signals, not POCSAG, 10-12 kHz wide
27.505 MHz FM 27,505 kHz FM - Various data modes in use at once, 8-13 kHz bandwidth
27.510 MHz FM 27,510 kHz FM - Multi-tone pager signals, very similar to the signals on 26.645 MHz and 26.695 MHz and 26.745 MHz
27.510 MHz FM 27,510 kHz FM - Constant "idle" paging signal noted at 1130 UTC, 6.5 kHz bandwidth
27.750 MHz FM 27.750 kHz FM - Narrowband data bursts, similar to those noted on 26.905 MHz and other 26MHz frequencies
27.845 MHz FM 27,845 kHz FM - Pager signals, sporadic signals - previously noted activity on/hear 27.845 MHz 27.847 MHz 27.8475 MHz
27.850 MHz FM 27,850 kHz FM - Similar to 27845 27850 27855 bandwidth ballpark

Tune in time:

1300 UTC:

26.200 MHz FM 26,200 kHz FM - Various bandwidth paging signals, including FM carrier "preamble", 14 kHz BW (widest)
26.500 MHz FM 26,500 kHz FM - FM carrier idle signal on frequency, paging signals on frequency on top of carrier
26.635 MHz FM 26,635 kHz FM - Narrowband data signal on frequency, FM carriers, nonstop
26.645 MHz FM 26,645 kHz FM - Hospital paging on site hospital pagers UK - POCSAG - very active
26.695 MHz FM 26,695 kHz FM - Hospital paging on site hospital pagers UK - POCSAG - very active
26.695 MHz FM 26,695 kHz FM - Various paging data modes FSK MFSK CCIR signals on top of each other
26.705 MHz FM 26,705 kHz FM - Hospital paging on site hospital pagers UK - sporadic activity
26.745 MHz FM 26,745 kHz FM - Hospital paging on site hospital pagers UK - POCSAG - very active
26.755 MHz FM 26,755 kHz FM - Sporadic paging signals, 8 kHz, 10 kHz and 12+ kHz BW
26.900 MHz FM 26,900 kHz FM - Paging signals, various modes, often several signals on top of each other
27.505 MHz FM 27,505 kHz FM - Nearly constant paging signals, not POCSAG, 10-12 kHz wide
27.760 MHz FM 27,760 kHz FM - Two subcarriers of FSK data signals, previously noted on this frequency, 8-10 kHz bandwidth
27.845 MHz FM 27,845 kHz FM - Pager signals, likely CCIR multitone paging protocol MFSK FSK signal

11 meter shortwave broadcast band 25.9 MHz 25900 kHz AM 25,900 25.900.0 MHz AM at 1205 UTC.  Nice strong signal, some very minor fades. 

Signal strength a nice solid S7, peaking S9...deepest fades down to S5. 

SIO 444, overall very much armchair signal.  Coming in on a handheld receiver with a 27 MHz CB 11m/10m band antenna (telescopic base loaded antenna, 51" full length).  Also coming in on another telescopic base loaded CB antenna, 27" Cobra HA-TA, 25.5 MHz to 30.4 MHz resonance. 

Location: Richmond, VA

Hearing a good amount of Caribbean and Latin American activity this morning, just before 1200 UTC on 07/12/2024 12-July-2024.

27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - Caribbean area calling frequency, busy
27455 USB 27.455 MHZ USB - Latin American SSB calling frequency, nonstop activity

26735 AM 26.735 MHz AM - American truckers using export radios "freeband" Channel 19 down one band
26705 AM 26.705 MHz AM - Spanish language signals starting to fade in at 1203 UTC
26675 LSB 26.675 MHz LSB - Spanish language chatter, sporadic activity
26615 AM 26.615 MHz AM - Spanish language freeband CB radio signals
26605 LSB 26.605 MHz LSB - Spanish speaking stations, likely QSY'ed from 26.555MHz LSB
26605 AM 26.605 MHz AM - AM voice signals on frequency as well as the SSB, some QRM
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Latin American SSB calling frequency, nonstop activity
26545 LSB 26.545 MHz LSB - Spanish speaking stations, likely QSY'ed from 26.555MHz LSB
26540 LSB 26.540 MHz LSB - Spanish speaking stations, likely QSY'ed from 26.555MHz LSB 
26535 LSB 26.535 MHz LSB - Sporadic SSB activity, Spanish language
26525 LSB 26.525 MHz LSB - Very busy with Latin American stations, almost as busy at 27.455 USB or 26.555 LSB 

VHF low band DX
Via UK based SDR receiver

See below for the result of my research, 40.875 MHz, 40.900 MHz, 40.925 MHz and 40.950 MHz are allocated to on-site paging systems in Spain.  Power output is limited to 5 watts.  Channel bandwidth is 25 kHz. 

40 MHz paging multitone paging activity noted at 1745 UTC, tuned in again at 1752 UTC and there are various paging (sounds like POCSAG, likely narrower deviation variant...most signals are 8.5 kHz bandwidth, 9 kHz bandwidth...10 kHz at the most) signals. 

40,875 MHz 40875kHz paging 40875 FM is apparently assigned to 5 watt on site paging services, including hospital paging pager systems.  Internet searching resulted in me finding a Spanish language scanner forum focused on Spain itself and found this (machine-translated)


I am receiving a signal that seems to me to be POSAG at 40.875 Mhz, I do not usually scan these frequencies because I thought they had no activity, looking at CNAF I read: "Radio search in closed areas 5W", Could it be a search for a hospital or center nearby?. And I tried using the PDW program but without results, although I have never had results with this program, I may have it configured incorrectly. Let's see if someone can confirm that they also receive it and if they can decode it.

I am in the Mostoles area (Madrid).


Original Spanish


Estoy recibiendo una señal que me parece POSAG en 40,875 Mhz, no suelo escanear por estas frecuencias porque creia que no tenian actividad, mirando en CNAF leo: "Radio busqueda en recintos cerrados 5W", ¿Podrian ser buscas de algun hospital o centro cercano?. E intentado usar el programa PDW pero sin resultados, aunque no he optenido nunca resultados con este programa, puede que lo tenga mal configurado. Haber si alguien puede confirmar que tambien lo recibe y si lo puede decodificar.

Estoy en la zona de Mostoles (Madrid).


Another reply to the same thread indicated that it is actually not POCSAG at all, not even POCSAG 512, but Multitone Paging:


CNAF is almost certainly "Cuadro Nacional de Atribución de Frecuencias"

In Spanish:

UN-12 Radiobúsqueda en 40 MHz.

Los canales cuyas frecuencias se indican a continuación se destinan exclusivamente para el servicio de radiobúsqueda en recintos cerrados y en sus inmediaciones:

40,875 MHz   40,900 MHz
40,925 MHz   40,950 MHz
La potencia radiada aparente (p.r.a.) máxima será de 5 W y la anchura de banda de emisión máxima la correspondiente a una canalización de 25 kHz.

UN-13 Aplicaciones ICM en 40 MHz

And in English:

UN-12 40 MHz Paging.

The channels whose frequencies are indicated below are intended exclusively for paging services in enclosed areas and in their immediate vicinity:

40.875 MHz   40.900 MHz
40.925 MHz   40.950 MHz
The maximum apparent radiated power (e.r.p.) will be 5 W and the maximum emission bandwidth will be that corresponding to a 25 kHz channel.



Also of interest is this:

UN-7 Land Mobile Service on 27 MHz.

The channels whose frequencies are indicated below are intended exclusively for the land mobile service.  Power output limited to 20 watts.

27.505 MHz
27.515 MHz
27.525 MHz   
27.535 MHz   
27.545 MHz
27.555 MHz
27.565 MHz
27.575 MHz
27.585 MHz
27.595 MHz
27.845 MHz
27.855 MHz

The maximum apparent radiated power (ERP) will be 20 W and the maximum emission bandwidth will be that corresponding to a 10 kHz channel.

UN-8 Low power applications at 30 MHz.

Frequencies reserved for remote control and remote measurement outside the "ICM" bands under the consideration of common use:

29.710 MHz   29.900 MHz   30.125 MHz
29.720 MHz   29.910 MHz   30.135 MHz
29.730 MHz   29.920 MHz   30.145 MHz
29.740 MHz   29.930 MHz   30.155 MHz
29.750 MHz   29.940 MHz   30.165 MHz
29.760 MHz   29.950 MHz   30.175 MHz
29.770 MHz   29.960 MHz   30.185 MHz
29.780 MHz   29.970 MHz   30.195 MHz
29.790 MHz   29.980 MHz   30.205 MHz
29,800 MHz   29.990 MHz   30.215 MHz
29.810 MHz   30.035 MHz   30.225 MHz
29.820 MHz   30.045 MHz   30.235 MHz
29.830 MHz   30.055 MHz   30.245 MHz
29.840 MHz   30.065 MHz   30.255 MHz
29.850 MHz   30.075 MHz   30.265 MHz
29.860 MHz   30.085 MHz   30.275 MHz
29.870 MHz   30.095 MHz   30.285 MHz
29.880 MHz   30.105 MHz   30.295 MHz
29.890 MHz   30.115 MHz   -
The first three channels, frequencies 29.710 MHz, 29.720 MHz, and 29.730 MHz, will be used primarily for leisure and recreational applications including voice transmissions, i.e., non-industrial uses and non-professional applications.

The separation between adjacent channels is 10 kHz. The maximum output power of the equipment will be 500 mW and the maximum authorized emission limit will be 100 mW.

UN-2 27 MHz Paging Radio. 

The frequencies listed below are intended exclusively for paging services in enclosed areas and their immediate vicinity.  Just like the 40.875 MHz, 40.900 MHz, 40.925 MHz and 40.950 MHz allocation, these frequencies are on site pager paging systems, including hospital pagers, 25 kHz bandwidth limit. 

26.200 MHz
26.350 MHz
26.500 MHz
27.425 MHz
27.450 MHz
27.475 MHz

The maximum apparent radiated power  will be 5 W and the maximum emission bandwidth will be that corresponding to a 25 kHz channel.

Received via online receivers in Europe and the UK. 

First noted on 07 July 2024 07/07/2024, identical signals simulcasted on three frequencies at once, specifically CB radio channels 37, 39 and 40


27.375 MHz FM 27,375 FM Channel 37 Kanal 37 C37E FM mid band FM channel 37 FM
27.395 MHz FM 27,395 FM Channel 39 Kanal 39 C39E FM mid band FM channel 39 FM
27.405 MHz FM 27,405 FM Channel 40 Kanal 40 C40E FM mid band FM channel 40 FM

Signals noted on 7 July were all German language chatter.

As of right now, via the G8JNJ SDR (UK based SDR) at 1735 UTC / 1736 UTC, I am hearing identical signals on 27.395MHz FM and 27.405MHz FM....27375 is very weak and has lots of AM, FM and SSB QRM so I'm presuming propagation just isn't as insane as it was two days ago.

At 1738 UTC, 27405 became unusable due to very strong QRM (Italian CB radio chatter) in FM mode.  Shortly thereafter, the same thing happened on 27395, with AM voice signals obliterating the FM signal underneath.  Very strong Italian CB signals at 1739 UTC, peaking at S9, S9+10dB or even higher channel 39 AM.

Considering the fact that there are numerous signals that are not being repeated...I would presume (assume?) that this system, like the 26 MHz network(s), make extensive use of CTCSS tones (PL tone squelch). 

Still, I am fascinated by the number of these systems popping up all over the place now.  I know simplex repeaters (parrot repeaters) are nothing new, especially in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and elsewhere in Eastern Europe...and now Central and Western Europe...

Well, now that you can get a multi-band mobile CB with AM and FM capability for under $80 and it happens to have the same 2-pin audio connector on the front panel that Baofeng, etc. radios have, a SureCom SR-112 or Radio-Tone RT-SRC1+ simplex repeater controller (with the standard Baofeng / Kenwood audio connector cable assembly), a power supply, an external antenna and a modest amplifier...and you'd have yourself a nice CB repeater. 

Talking about Bloomington, Illinois on 27535 kHz AM.  Listening via the W3HFU SDR (900 Foot Sky Loop Antenna).

27.535MHz AM truckers using export radios outside legal CB band freeband CB radio activity trucker CB radio chatter 27,535 27535.0 kHz AM

Two or three guys active on frequency, channel 11 up one band.  Lots of AM activity above channel 40 right now..

Not sure where these guys are located but there are at least 4-5 different stations having a roundtable-like net on 27575 AM.  Tuned in at 1740 UTC.  Still coming in nicely at 1742 UTC. Talking about antenna installation, especially base antennas...going to work, chickens in the coop...other agricultural related discussion. 

Strongest signal S5-S6, weakest S3-S4 or so.  Great sounding AM signals all around...no overmodulation, bandwidth at peaks exactly what it should be. 

Southern accents, but not too deep south if that makes sense.  Talking about one stations' elevation.  Seems like there's numerous stations on frequency, discussion about another station lurking on the side.  Heard "Bass Smasher" or "Bassmaster" (??) handle

Carrier frequencies are right about on the money:


All within 100 Hz of the 27575.0 center frequency.  Pretty darn good, especially if they're running modified CB gear vs. export rigs.


Hearing the same QSO on the following frequencies at the exact same time via the excellent G8JNJ SDR online receiver. 

1900 UTC
3 July 2024

26935 FM - 26.935 MHz FM - Channel 78 - Kanal 78
26865 FM - 26.865 MHz FM - Channel 71 - Kanal 71 - designated as an Internet gateways channel
26855 FM - 26.855 MHz FM - Channel 70 - Kanal 70
26845 FM - 26.845 MHz FM - Channel 69 - Kanal 69
26835 FM - 26.835 MHz FM - Channel 68 - Kanal 68 - unofficially, this is very popular as a gateway / online radio network access freq
26815 FM - 26.815 MHz FM - Channel 66 - Kanal 66
26765 FM - 26.765 MHz FM - Channel 61 - Kanal 61 - designated as an Internet gateways channel
26755 FM - 26.755 MHz FM - Channel 60 - Kanal 60 - designated as an Internet gateways channel
26705 FM - 26.705 MHz FM - Channel 55 - Kanal 55

I know there are a lot of remote sites on this system.  Most, if not all of them, use CTCSS tone squelch (PL).  67.0 Hz, 77.0 Hz, 85.4 Hz, 88.5 Hz, 94.8 Hz, 100.0 Hz and 103.5 Hz are all known to be in use.  I believe there is some use of DCS (DTCS or DPL) as well. 

At 1905 UTC, 26.835 and 26.935 are the strongest.  5 minutes before, 26,835 MHz FM and 26,855 MHz FM were the two strongest by a significant margin. 

At 1906 UTC, 26.855 MHz started suffering from severe QRM, in both AM mode and FM mode.  26.855 MHz AM consisted of Italian language chatter.  Very strong signals at 1906 UTC - 1907 UTC.

Via UK based SDR receiver
1855 UTC tune in

Some fair to weak UK FM CB channel 19 chatter, frequency 27781 FM 27.78125 MHz FM 27,781.25 FM suffering from heavy QRM from Spanish language taxi cab dispatcher traffic land mobile comms taxi cab controllers on 27.785MHz AM 27785 AM. 

Latin American signals already starting to fade in at this time, now just a minute shy of 1900 UTC on July 3, 2024.

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