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Topics - Bowman1

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Instrumental music on 6945. Solid S8+ here in Iowa.

Someone is transmitting SSTV images on 6950, but I cannot decode them. Anyone else have any better luck?

Other / UNID, 6945 LSB, 0040 UTC, Oct 28, 2015
« on: October 28, 2015, 0043 UTC »
I'm hearing piano music on 6945 lower. Noisy band tonight with the rain here and all, but they are a strong S4 to 5. Good sounding audio as well. Anyone else hearing this?

Standard fare of techno, but a good solid S6 signal into Central Iowa. Can hear Radio Paisano underneath them.

SIO 422

I'm hearing a mix of about three stations on the frequency right now, but the strongest one is a Spanish 'pirate' playing techno. Bored pescadore?

Good signal into Iowa though, pushing an S7 on the peaks.

Hearing blues music on 6925 now that Liquid Radio has signed off. Very faint, with lots of QRM and other noise. SIO 211

Nice signal from RFW on 6950.

Someone is playing 99 Words for Boobs on 6930u. Audio is overmodulated, but the signal is strong


North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID, 6925 AM, 0230 UTC, 12-09-2014
« on: December 09, 2014, 0234 UTC »
Tuned in to hear the Jackson 5's I Want You Back before they signed off. Decent signal, SIO 333.


General Radio Discussion / Recording of WDDR epic broadcast
« on: November 19, 2014, 1506 UTC »
Does anyone have a rrecording of last weekend's epic Wddr show? I didn't have any recorder running that night, which is fine since I pprobably wouldn't of had the hard drivesspace for it anyway. :)  if anyonehas a rrecording they're willing to shareiI'd appreciate it.  

I've got Liquid Radio here in Iowa at about an S6, but with some deep fades. Armchair copy on the peaks though. SIO 343.

Thanks for the show!

KCPR on AM at 0450 playing music and IDs in Morse code. Heard White Line Fever, but can't make much more out. Signal is just above the noise level here. SIO 212

Thanks for the show!

Whiskey Redneck Radio is on 6933 tonight with Dave Dudley songs. Nice signal into Iowa, great audio. Nice quiet band too! SIO 433 on the Perseus.

Transmitting in the name of the Temple of the Screaming Electron.

Songs include Six Days on the Road and Me and Old CB.

Moving onto Grandpa Jones music.

Thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / RML, 0410 utc, Feb. 22, 6925 u
« on: February 22, 2014, 0416 UTC »
I have a very very faint copy on the Red Mercury Labs tonight. Just heard the Captain ID after playing Riders on the Storm.

Is the Yoshi QRP tonight?

SIO 122

North American Shortwave Pirate / WMMR 6925 AM 1330 UTC 4 Jan 2014
« on: January 04, 2014, 1334 UTC »
I'm getting bits and pieces of modulation on 6925 right now, but I'm having a hard time making anything out. Possibly Radio Totse?

Anyone else hearing this?

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