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Messages - RobRich

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2315z - Music. SIO 433. S8+ peaks via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Moderate to strong static crashing, though it is still generally copyable.
2316z - Radio 48 Mix Radio International ID.
2320z - Music. Usual wide audio for MRI.
2352z - Music. Trending SIO 434. Considerable static crashing. Lots of storms around NA and the Gulf of Mexico tonight.
2356z - Blackcat Systems promo. Kudos to Chris.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: KiwiSDR 2 Now Available
« on: June 01, 2024, 2115 UTC »
Also the PSU situation below HF frequencies can depend upon atmospheric and local noise levels. From the same Kiwi forum thread, here is a graphic of potential interest:


One might never even notice much, if any discernible RFI from an Apple USB-C charger or similar moderately decent switcher if the PSU noise falls well below the radio's received RF noise level. The Apple USB-C likely suffices for many, especially at MW and above frequencies.

PSU noise on lower frequencies can become an serious issue with many power supplies. The Apple USB-C as measured gets rather noisy below 300KHz, and I suspect that was measured with a rather clean AC source given the person testing it. Expect likely (much) worse RFI with less filtered switching models; plus admittedly a regulated linear supply is a no guarantee down there as well. It can be a huge YMMV situation.

Previously I had my Kiwi on a Samsung USB-C charger, and IIRC, even an Anker USB-C charger for awhile during initial testing. They worked for the purpose, though IIRC, lower MW and further down did have some noise annoyances.

Many of the linear regulated power supplies used in the PLC industry tend to be decent to excellent performance and can be found often for pennies on the original MRSP dollars. Brands like Acopian, Allen Bradley, TDK/Lambda, etc.

0347z - Music. SIO 434 via ATS-20+ and 15' active loop-in-window. LSB tuning. Some static crashing but otherwise a generally decent to good copy.
0355z - Sternradio ID

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

0104z - "Soul Man" by Sam and Dave. SIO 333 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. LSB ECSS tuning. Considerable static crashing but copyable.
0106z - Brain Brothers Pirate Radio Network ID
0108z - Brain Brothers Pirate Radio Network ID into music.
0108z - "The Twist" by Chubby Checker

0129z - QSL info. SIO 323 via ATS-20+ and 15' active loop-in-window.
0134z - Anthem then off air.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Carrier at ~6924.945KHz. No recovery of music modulation. Peskies noted on 6925lsb. Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical.

Similar loggings from yesterday:


2357z - Music. SIO 333. S7 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Usual wide audio for MRI. Active static crashing but still a decent copy.
2358z - MRI ID
0004z - Cleaned up my waterfall a little. Usual MRI waterfall art noted.
0023z - MRI ID. Trending SIO 434 with ~S8 peaks. Still plenty of static crashing, but it seems band propagation is improving.
0036z - MRI ID.
0059z - Classic taste of Coca-Cola.

~0138z - MRI ID. SIO 323 via ATS-20+ and 15' active loop-in-window.
0153z - MRI ID. SIO 333.
0211z - MRI ID. Trending SIO 434.
0221z - New taste of Coca-Cola.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Equipment / SV3ORA NR-1 Noise Blanker Project
« on: May 27, 2024, 2333 UTC »
Hat tip to Thom's SWLing Post:

NR-1 is a revolutionary Noise Blanker which is the product of two-years of development and extensive testing by Kostas sv3ora.

NR-1 works directly at the antenna. This has significant advantages over the classic noise blankers which work at the intermediate stages of the receivers. It does not require a second “noise” antenna for its operation.

Furthermore, it is not based on cutting-off of amplifiers, unlike common noise blankers do.

Because of these, the NR-1 is superior, compared tocommon internal Noise blankers of radios....

Source: https://swling.com/blog/2024/05/kostas-releases-the-nr-1-noise-blanker/

Kostas (SV3ORA) has a PDF manual, demo videos, etc. here:

* Remove that annoying noise before it reaches your transceiver.

* This is NOT a QRM-eliminator/X-phaser, it does not use a separate antenna and it removes noise from any direction simultaneously.

Source: http://qrp.gr/nr1/

I already have an unit on order. :)

As per The SWLing Post:

Update June 1, 2024: Kostas is not currently selling the NR-1 as a product but has, instead, made the entire project open and available for everyone to build their own. You may contact him for more information.

0248z - Music. SIO 333 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Plenty of static crashing but generally copyable.
0307z - Off the air?
0309z - Burping sounds.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

2338z - Music. SIO 333 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Considerable static crashing.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

2315z - Appears to be the same carrier I logged awhile earlier. No discernible USB modulation. Peskies on LSB.

Carrier offset corresponds to my earlier logging. I deleted my earlier logging as I could not discern other than very faint, very intermittent modulation at the time.

Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Considerable static crashing.

2334z - Music. SIO 333 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Considerable static crashing.
2336z - DJ DW on the mic.
2350z - DJ DW on the mic.

Thanks for the broadcast and shout-out! :)

Looks like someone got a decent deal on the Acopian 5v 22a supply. :)

Anyway one can drop a search for "Acopian A5H" models if interested in other offerings. The A series are the high-performance models with ±0.005% regulation. An added V prefix means the overvoltage protection option is included.

0510z - Music. SIO 444. ~S8 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Some static crashing, but otherwise a decent to good copy.
0513z - OTA.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Excellent. The extra frequency coverage will benefit some, but for me it will be interesting to see what other new features will be offered.

There are decent deals out there on eBay and similar for quality power supplies if patient. I picked up a new, though out-of-box Acopian 5v 32a linear highly-regulated supply with the overvoltage protection option. 0.005% load and line regulation with 0.25mV RMS ripple. Reputable dealer with a warrantied guarantee. MSRP as spec'd is $750+. I paid under $150 shipped.

32a is kind of ridiculous for just a single Kiwi, but the decent mid-range eBay and similar 5v audiophile supplies tend to be like $125 to $200 anyway, and most of those have little to no meaningful published specs.

Here is a new open-box 5v 22a sibling to my mentioned Acopian supply. Overvoltage option included, plus same regulation and ripple specs as above. $111.75 shipped at the moment. Same vendor where I purchased mine, too.


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