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Messages - Sealord

Pages: 1 ... 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 [108] 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ... 155
Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 322

Fair signal with the yucky static conditions here in the swamplands.

04:43z Sign on w/2001 theme
04:44z female ID with 'Popeye The Sailorman' tune underneath
04:46z male with British accent ID
04:50z 'Rehab' - Amy Winehouse, great tune!
06:26z sign off with 2001 theme

Audio (04:43z-04:50z): https://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/BlueOceanRadio6925Usb0443z-0450z09-12-12.mp3

Thanks BOR! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Flying Dog Radio 6925u
« on: September 12, 2012, 1007 UTC »
Late post recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 322-323

Fair to decent signal - similar details as others.

00:06z-00:30z Flying Dog Radio show

Audio (complete broadcast): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/FlyingDogRadio6925Usb0006z-0030z09-10-12.mp3

Thanks FDR! :)

QSLs Received / X-FM QSL's
« on: August 31, 2012, 1025 UTC »
Received theses two very cool QSL's from Redhat:

Thank you, thank you Redhat - you rock! :)

Other / Re: 7000 LSB - possible Brazilian pescadore activity
« on: August 30, 2012, 1558 UTC »
Hiya BoomboxDX - you must've grabbed that mp3 awhile back

I'm not very good on languages unless it's really obvious.  I've also heard activity (all in LSB mode) around 6933, 6940, 6943 & lately 6970.  There's one particular fella that's easy to spot - he has a lower range voice with good sideband audio, usually speaking in a calm manner with whoever.  I get the best reception from these guys when my array is pointed SE.

Here's an updated link for the 'gang tx' :)


QSLs Received / Re: Rave On Radio QSL
« on: August 30, 2012, 1537 UTC »
Also received one too - thanks ROR! :)

6925 USB SIO 434

Strong signal here with some fading - missed the other morse broadcasts, but this one came in with a good signal.

23:07z-23:12z  NEMO CW tx

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/NEMO6925Cw2307z-2312z08-29-12.mp3

Thanks! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Red Mercury Labs 6925am
« on: August 30, 2012, 1449 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 (rx in USB) SIO 322-323

Caught Red Mercury Labs a couple of times last night with fair signal & fading conditions.

02:44z-02:47z  On with "...six..nine..two..five..."  Sounded like there was a QSO near the end, but couldn't make out who it was, BOR maybe?

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RedMercuryLabs6925Am-usb0244z-0247z08-30-12.mp3

03:29z-03:36z Edmund Fitzgerald, ID & off

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RedMercuryLabs6925Am-usb0329z-0336z08-30-12.mp3

Thanks RML! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: SSTV 6925 USB 0253 UTC
« on: August 30, 2012, 1441 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 322-323

These are from The Machine Radio

02:53z Scottie 1 SSTV:

02:56z Scottie 1 SSTV:

Thanks TM! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Renegade Radio 6925USB *0123
« on: August 30, 2012, 1438 UTC »
Recorder catch (kinda :) ):

6925 USB SIO 322-323

Finally got a chance to do some listening/recording last night - decent signal despite noisy conditions with some fading.  Nice signal image JF!

01:22z kicked off with theme music
01:24z "...wake up you sonsofbitches..." :)
02:32z ID & off

Audio (complete show): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RenegadeRadio6925Usb0122z-0232z08-30-12.mp3

Thanks RR - good to hear ya again! :)

Recorder catch:

6925 (rx in USB) SIO 322-323

Wasn't sure what mode this was in, but at 05:13z the signal strength went up nicely - may have been two different stations or possible same station switching over to USB after running in AM first?

04:51z on with music, but can’t make out song
05:13z  ‘Everybody Knows’ – Leonard Cohen
05:19z Off

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwaveOddsSodsTransmissions/Unid_pirate6925Am-usb0451z-0519z08-22-12.mp3

Thanks! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925AM *0138 - 0213*
« on: August 22, 2012, 1332 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 AM (rx in USB) SIO 322-323

Fair to decent signal with some fading - show kicked off with Smithereens tune.  Signal also picked up a bit with broadcast.

Audio (01:38z-02:13z): http://archive.org/download/ShortwaveOddsSodsTransmissions/Unid_pirate6925Am-usb0138z-0213z08-22-12.mp3

Thanks! :)

Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 222-323

Weak to decent signal with fading conditions - signal seemed to pick up a little around the 07:00z block.

05:59z-10:18z Blue Ocean Radio

Audio (complete show): http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/BlueOceanRadio6925Usb0559z-1018z08-19-12.mp3

Thanks BOR! :)

Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 222-323

Weak to decent signal with fading taking signal in and out of noise floor - similar details as others.

05:05z-05:32z UNID FM relay

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwaveOddsSodsTransmissions/Unid_pirate6925Usb0505z-0532z08-19-12.mp3

Thanks! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925u Radio Ga-Ga
« on: August 19, 2012, 2023 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 222

Weak signal just barely above the noise, but could still hear the music & ID at end of show.

04:40z-04:58z Radio GA-GA

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/RadioGa-ga6925Usb0440z-0458z08-19-12.mp3

Thanks RGG! :)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925u WPOD 0229 UTC 8/19/2012
« on: August 19, 2012, 2018 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 USB SIO 322-323

Fair signals overall with fading conditions - similar details as others.

02:22z-02:52z WPOD 1st show

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/Wpod6925Usb0222z-0252z08-19-12.mp3

03:07z-03:20z WPOD 2nd show

Audio: http://archive.org/download/ShortwavePirateRadioCont/Wpod6925Usb0307z-0320z08-19-12.mp3

Thanks WPOD! :)

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