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Messages - RobRich

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SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: SDR++
« on: January 31, 2024, 1644 UTC »
I get the feeling, though I suspect all you really need to do is install SoapySDR. :)

That would mean getting SoapySDR installed on your system if not already deployed. There appears to be Homebrew scripts for MacOS here:


Since it is part of the source tree, the SDR++ binary build should already have the needed support to interface with the required SoapySDR module.

Equipment / Re: Best MWDX antenna?
« on: January 31, 2024, 1635 UTC »
Need to check the 31' vertical. Signals are way down. Suppose I will start with inside jumpers and work my way from there. Fun stuff.

Resolved. Appears to either have been the jumper to the KD9SV common-mode choke right outside the house, or it could be the choke itself. I just removed them on both my 31' and 148' loop-on-ground for now.

I probably should replace the chokes with galvanically isolated chokes anyway.

Seller cancelled the 5v power supply order. Oh well.

Ordered a Lambda LCS-CC-5-O with a LHOV-5 over-voltage protector installed. It is way oversized for my purposes at up to 16A capacity, but it was decently priced.


10/11 meters / 11m Band Activity 30 JAN 2024
« on: January 30, 2024, 1427 UTC »
The 11m band is hopping this morning, UK traffic and usual DX on 27385lsb. Noted 27.78125nfm (UK CB ch19) traffic.

MSI SDR and 18' end-fed vertical.

(click to enlarge)

0149z - "Radio is having technical difficulties. Transmitter is smoking." SINPO 55455. Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground. Peaking over S9+20.
0152z - Music. Moved to 6956.8am.
0159z - "This is station Stern Radio" ID.
0201z - Music. DSB tuning.
0209z - UTE activity noted in the background. LSB ECSS cleaned up most of it.
0215z - "Stern Radio is having technical difficulties. Transmitter is smoking."
0215z - Back to music.
0223z - Music. 6957.6am.
0228z - Looked at the waterfall. 6957.8am. Sounding pretty good here.
0232z - Station ID.
0238z - 6958.9am.
0241z - Sign off statement, QSL info, and anthem music.
0245z - Off air.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Waterfall carrier and hints of intermittent modulation at 0108z. Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. It is there, but it is not copyable at the moment.

Nonetheless, thanks for the broadcast! :)

Faint modulation heard at 0118z via Northern Utah WebSDR Server #3.

10/11 meters / Re: 11m Band Activity 29 JAN 2024
« on: January 30, 2024, 0106 UTC »
Sure enough, 11m DX was rolling much of the day when I occasionally checked. :)

0056z - 27385l - 11m propagation is going weak signal here, but Australia/NZ and potentially European DX noted. Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical.

2329z - Radio play or skit. SINPO 35433 via Airsphy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground. Generally copyable but the audio seems quite dynamically compressed, or I suppose it could be the accents, too. Moderate fading.
2341z - Mention of being produced for the BBC.
2343z - Reference to "August 4, 2026."
2347z - Dropped a search and verified dialog against "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury (thanks Ct Yankee)
2348z - Off air

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

2217z - Carrier in the waterfall, plus intermittent peskies. Airsphy HF+D and 31' vertical.
2218z - Faint traces of modulation in the noise floor.
2233z - Modulation at to slightly above the noise floor.

2224z - French language talk into SSTV. Peaking S9 via K3FEFm WebSDR.
2235z - SSTV. Rerouted audio quick enough to get a partial decode with logo and station ID.
2240z - SSTV then off air.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Music at 1950z. SIO 332. Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground. My 31' vertical is offline at the moment. Decent carrier, though low modulation.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

10/11 meters / 11m Band Activity 29 JAN 2024
« on: January 29, 2024, 1730 UTC »
Decent activity this afternoon at 1739z. Usual DX and QRM on 27385l. MSI SDR and 18' end-fed vertical.

1926z - 27385l - Australian DX activity noted

(click to enlarge)

Amateur Radio / CQ 160m CW Contest 01/27/24 to 01/28/24
« on: January 28, 2024, 0609 UTC »
The lower portion of the 160m band is lit up like a Christmas tree with CW activity tonight. Also the usual Gateway 160 Meter Radio Newsletter on 1860am.

Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground.

Equipment / Re: Best MWDX antenna?
« on: January 28, 2024, 0545 UTC »
There is an ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter before the power strip.

Interestingly enough the issue persisted even on battery, and IIRC, the linear power supply feeding the bias tee disconnected . I suspect it is internal to the ~$30 SDR. ;)


Mine should be "full" variants since they have the five bandpass inputs and came with enclosures, though I have not directly verified the circuit layout through disassembly. I am not too concerned either way as they are mostly used to casual HF listening. That said it would not surprise me if the PCBs are not effectively grounded to the enclosures.

The RTL-SDR V4 for $30 pretty much makes its older V3 sibling and most of the MSI variants kind of pointless for HF anymore IMO. I have not got around to poking at rtl-sdr-blog drivers on Windows ARM, thus why I have a MSI SDR connected to my nightstand receiver.

Ideally I probably should get my Kenwood R-2000 back on the nightstand. Problem there is needed troubleshooting I have not felt like doing, or I might eventually send it out for repair. I suspect a damaged FET in the first stage.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6882 USB 2257 UTC
« on: January 27, 2024, 2318 UTC »
2316z - Radio 48 on Mix Radio International into music. SINPO 455344. ~S8 via Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground. ~10KHz wide audio.

Various waterfall images, including a HFU shout-out.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

Talk at 2228z. SINPO 44333 trending 43232. ~S8 peaks via Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground, Copyable, but intermittent peskies and moderate to strong static crashing here at the moment.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

2224z - Music. SINPO 45343. ~S8 via Airspy HF+D and 148' loop-on-ground.  Moderate but listenable copy. Considerable static crashing due to regional storms here.
2303z - DJ DW on the mic.

Thanks for the broadcast! :)

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