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Messages - Josh

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Equipment / Re: Loop on Ground - Can I bury the loop?
« on: February 25, 2019, 2346 UTC »
There have been many studies on hfunderground antennae, most from a military/civil defense aspect. The cheapest yet most effective will likely be made from solid center insulator coax like rg8, with the shield removed, the farther the earth is from the wire the less loss so insulator thickness comes into play but keep in mind these studies more or less were looking at transmit and receive characteristics, not reception alone. Also note that being below ground causes the velocity factor to be altered from normal, so less "antenna" is required to meet a specific freq characteristic if that is desired.

As you likely suspect, the deeper it's buried the more losses increase. A few inches is good for emp resistance, the shallower the better if all you care about is being able to mow over it, some folks just pin a insulated wire to the ground and let the thatch grow over it, no burial needed. Kinda like those dog fences.

I've a arrl antenna handbook that has excerpts from a fedgov study where various hf antennas were utilised deep inside an abandoned mine, and the results were promising. In the same article was noted a great signal increase on 80m for a vehicle traveling thru a deep rock canyon, apparently the canyon acted as a slot antenna. Neat stuff!


MW Loggings / Re: Unid- 1709.98 AM, 22 Feb 19, 0420 utc
« on: February 25, 2019, 2331 UTC »
If it was around 660Kc or lower at that time of day I'd agree but 1700 is a bit too high I fear.

State and cia/usaid likely fund both.

Huh? / Re: That was then, this is now....
« on: February 23, 2019, 1835 UTC »
About a year after Elvis died, I was driving through a rustbelt town, a guy had table in an old supermarket lot selling velvet pictures of "Fat Rhinestone Elvis" and "Christ With The Crown of Thorns". I thought it was about the funniest thing I'd ever seen. The next summer on the first anniversary of "The Big E's" death, the pilgrimages to Graceland began.

I hope that guy up in the Youngstown suburbs found out, moved to Memphis, and made his fortune.

Surely he had a massive black velvet rottweiler to go with Fat Elvis? Today's Elvis version would be Fat Axl Rose on black velvet.

Huh? / Re: Peter Tork, Court Jester of the Monkees, Is Dead at 77
« on: February 23, 2019, 1826 UTC »
I saw the Monkees in 1967, The Boyce and Hart Band played from behind a screen while the real talent in the Monkees. Davey Jones had a live mic.

It was an interesting crowd, a friends older brother took us in his monstrous '63 Plymouth Fury because he wanted to see the back-up band, some crew of hippies called "The Jimi Hendrix Experience"? I think Jimi and his crew learned that 12,000 screaming, booing, nine year old girls were too much for their sound system to overcome even though it went to eleven.

Trudy was pissed by Hendrix's racket, I can tell you that. No backseat hand-holdin' on the hour ride home.

Back in my stratocaster uber alles days I had every JH track on vinyl. It would have been glorious to see them play live. In the words of the great Eric Klepton, Jimmy knew how to shake them strings. Hey Joe, where you goin with that gun in your hand?

Huh? / Re: That was then, this is now....
« on: February 23, 2019, 1824 UTC »
When I'm not on the work pc I'll post my 80s and modern rock playlists for you to laugh at.

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: New steakhouse chain
« on: February 23, 2019, 1819 UTC »
Yeah thanks mdk, was trying to find a link to the story, some larger cities have come up with an idea to liquefy their elders in situ and slurry them into the mini parks and gardens to sustain future generations.

SDR - Software Defined Radio / New SDR available!
« on: February 22, 2019, 1758 UTC »
Per Vices Cyan, one channel RX/TX SDR $73,500
Cyan Mid, 8 RX/TX channels $149,500
Cyan Pro, with 16 RX/TX channels $289,000

"Cyan is designed to offer users with a customizable number of independent, phase coherent radio channels, up to 16 total, each offering a standard 1GHz instantaneous RF bandwidth. Featured on a high channel count, ultra wide band, high gain direct conversion quadrature transceiver and signal processing platform. Cyan provides the highest RF and digital bandwidth with an onboard DSP in a compact form factor."

Think I'll stick with the RSP2 for a bit longer. I've had 10 or more VRX running at the same time, and 1/588th as expensive as the base model.

Huh? / Re: That was then, this is now....
« on: February 22, 2019, 1738 UTC »
No accounting for taste.

Not only do I consider the beatuls to be tripe, I also consider the doors and elvis just as highly overrated, so how you like me now?

Elvis had it coming tho. When I was a kid, Saturday was the day we looked forward to, a fun filled day of running around and cartoons and so on. But if you woke up on a Saturday morning and elvii was playing from the coffin-like motorola stereo turntable in the living room, your day was ruined. Elvis on Saturday morning meant mom was soon to make her appearance and micromanage you and your bros efforts at the herculean task of room cleaning that would last well after the cartoons had left the air and the only thing left to watch was fessional wrasslin in black and white.

VHF/UHF Logs, including satellites and radiosondes / Re: UHF mil air
« on: February 22, 2019, 1721 UTC »
AAR 327.600 AM 1716Z 22FEB19
Getting set up, multiple ac, one call is DEATH 11 and he is grossly distorted so presume a B2 per dear friend autovon.

"squawk 2728

DEATH 11 copy my block yada yada yada wtfbbq

he's currently at 275

he's pushing up"

I can see how a B2 isn't a quiet plane, two guys forced to wear masks in a tiny cockpit and 4 jet engines operating mere yards away seems uncomfortable.

Bacon, BBQ, Beef, And More / Re: New steakhouse chain
« on: February 22, 2019, 1713 UTC »
You better not be eating your squirrel brains mixed in with your scrambled eggs, Josh. Creutzfeldt- Jackobs is common in your area and carried by squirrels. The mid-Ohio river drainage and the Upland South are the heartland of squirrel hunting country and the disease.

It can take decades for it to hit you and is much more common in women than in men. Women used to regard the brains as a delicacy, but since the word started getting out in the late 80's, they're discarded. A great-Aunt by marriage died from it, the last two decades of her life were brutal.

Only had squrel once that I'm certain of, back in 89 when I was in law enforcement. A fellow officer was an avid hunter and brought some bbq tree rat in for lunch one day and handed me a tiny leg. I said wtf is this and he said squirrel, so I tried it, dry and not very filling, kinda like a tiny chikin wing. His deer jerky was way better. But closer to topic, them prions are mfers.

From liquid burials to corpse compost: the eco-innovators finding new ways to dispose of the dead

Huh? / Re: That was then, this is now....
« on: February 22, 2019, 1707 UTC »
If Savage was fooling around with Leary during the early Monarch days surely he was a cia asshat I mean asset. Also, funny how folks who would normally find themselves tossed out of the ivy league are saved somehow, my guess is by a three letter agency that has done nothing but harm to the country.

Huh? / Re: Peter Tork, Court Jester of the Monkees, Is Dead at 77
« on: February 22, 2019, 1701 UTC »
As manufactured as they were they're still better than the beatles.

Breaker breaker good buddy, gotcher ears on, com'on back!

Lol thanks, I wondered if anyone would comment on that, one of my fav quotes of a fav quote from the uncle who got me into this radio mess.

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