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While not as strong as it is on the UK remote SDR, I am receiving Common and Precious III on 26510 kHz - 26,510 MHz - 26.510 MHz on the Nakhabino, Russia KiwiSDR.  S2-S3 signal, received best in CW or USB mode.  There is a Russian taxi company using 26.510 MHz FM for two-way communications that sometimes drowns out the CW signal but when the frequency is clear its nice and readable.  The Russians are all over the place (especially their taxicab communications....) so I still maintain that you made an excellent frequency choice.  Signal increased slightly around 1738-1739 UTC. 

Tuning around the 11 meter band on one of many remote SDRs, found a nice sounding CW signal right on 26510.0 kHz / 26.510.0 MHz.  Originally tuned in FM mode (signal quiets the receiver decently when transmitting, S3-S4 signal in FM mode).  Common and Precious III 26 MHz beacon 26510 kHz CW

Switched to USB mode and dropped 1 kHz down to 26509 kHz / 26.509 MHz USB mode, still peaking at a nicely readable S4 signal at 1730 UTC.

There is some very weak FM traffic coming in on 26515 kHz / 26.515 MHz and even more sporadic FM voice traffic (likely from Russia) on 26500 kHz / 26.500 MHz but the beacon's CW signal is still easily the strongest.  More FM signals a bit higher up in frequency, namely 26550 kHz / 26.550 MHz, then the start of the German CB band, at 26565 kHz / 26.565 MHz going up from there it gets busier.

Good frequency choice :D   That 8 watts is doing an excellent job! 

10/11 meters / Re: UNID 27.385 LSB 0123 UTC 18 July 2017
« on: July 19, 2017, 1723 UTC »
Seems like a jammer to me.  With 27385 LSB though, you can never really tell.  I would presume that if somebody was trying to broadcast they would try and find a clear frequency, and stations are continuing to call CQ and transmit in general even when the music is playing. 

I sort of wonder why pirate broadcasters on 11 meters don't use frequencies like 26925 kHz or 26955 kHz.  They're usually clear (well, usually), and are easy to remember since they're both 20 MHz above the common 6925 kHz and 6955 kHz 43 meter pirate frequencies.

Starting early in the morning this time.  0700 UTC to 0820 UTC.  http://msk.swl.su:8073/ remote SDR, focusing on 25-30 MHz:

Lots of Russian taxis all over 26 MHz and 27 MHz, mostly in the upper part of 27 MHz with some in the lower bands (25 MHz and 26 MHz).  Noticed some FM voice activity in 10 meters as well, presumed these were taxis (and turned out to be right).  Lots of legit CW and SSB phone amateur activity on 10 meters as well. 

25675 kHz FM - 25.675 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
25785 kHz FM - 25.785 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
26025 kHz FM - 26.025 MHz FM - Russian taxi company, can hear drivers replying to YL dispatcher, good signals
26035 kHz FM - 26.035 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatcher, much weaker than 26.025 MHz and 26.055 MHz
26055 kHz FM - 26.055 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatch lady, talking very fast
26175 kHz FM - 26.175 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatch, female dispatcher
26200 kHz FM - 26.200 MHz FM - POCSAG Paging - this is a UK on-site pager frequency, heard on a Russian SDR
26265 kHz FM - 26.265 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
26355 kHz USB - 26.355 MHz USB - Russian 11m CB freebanders
26370 kHz FM - 26.370 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady (weak signal)
26395 kHz USB - 26.395 MHz USB - Russian 11m CB freebanders
26405 kHz USB - 26.405 MHz USB - Russian 11m CB freebanders
26425 kHz USB - 26.425 MHz USB - Russian 11m CB freebanders - very strong signals
26535 kHz FM - 26.535 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady Russian taxi CB
26580 kHz FM - 26.580 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatcher
26630 kHz FM - 26.630 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, no YL / taxi lady heard here
26645 kHz FM - 26.645 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
26705 kHz FM - 26.705 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatch mixing in with German speaking stations
26735 kHz FM - 26.735 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady reading numbers, OM drivers replying to her
26785 kHz FM - 26.785 MHz FM - Paging, weak, likely POCSAG
26805 kHz FM - 26.805 MHz FM - German language
26820 kHz FM - 26.820 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
26835 kHz FM - 26.835 MHz FM - POCSAG Paging - some signals S9+30
26865 kHz FM - 26.865 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
26900 kHz FM - 26.900 MHz FM - POCSAG Paging - Pager frequency very active
26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - Paging - local on-site pager frequency, several stations heard
26960 kHz FM - 26.960 MHz FM - Data link or paging system, not POCSAG
26965 kHz FM - 26.965 MHz FM - Weak FM voice heard under data bursts
26980 kHz FM - 26.980 MHz FM - Russian taxi cab dispatcher lady Russia taxi CB
26995 kHz FM - 26.995 MHz FM - Russian CB traffic
27005 kHz AM - 27.005 MHz AM - Very strong (S9+30) AM QSO in Russian, possibly local AM channel
27040 kHz USB - 27.040 MHz USB - Russian language QSO, switched to broken English for a bit, then back to Russian
27055 kHz FM - 27.055 MHz FM - Several stations talking at once, maybe truckers?
27100 kHz FM - 27.100 MHz FM - FM carrier with faint music heard
27130 kHz FM - 27.130 MHz FM - FM carrier, background noise heard with lots of QRM from 27.135 MHz FM
27135 kHz FM - 27.135 MHz FM - Nonstop traffic, similar to 27.180 FM and 27.185 FM
27140 kHz FM - 27.140 MHz FM - Pulse signals or data burst every 4-5 seconds, with voice traffic underneath
27150 kHz FM - 27.150 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter
27170 kHz FM - 27.170 MHz FM - Strong signals, OMs having a QSO in Russian
27175 kHz FM - 27.175 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
27180 kHz FM - 27.180 MHz FM - Nonstop signals, lots of interference, plus QRM from 27.185 MHz FM
27185 kHz FM - 27.185 MHz FM - A total mess, nonstop signals and QRM
27190 kHz USB - 27.190 MHz USB - Russian language, punching through QRM nicely
27200 kHz FM - 27.200 MHz FM - Strong signal, OM speaking Russian with roger beep
27220 kHz FM - 27.220 MHz FM - YL speaking Russian, probably taxi cab dispatch but so much QRM
27225 kHz FM - 27.225 MHz FM - Several QSOs going on at once, lots of QRM
27235 kHz FM - 27.235 MHz FM - Data bursts, very active data signals on this frequency
27245 kHz FM - 27.245 MHz FM - Data bursts mixing in with Russian voices
27250 kHz FM - 27.250 MHz FM - Strong QSO in Russian language
27255 kHz FM - 27.255 MHz FM - German language
27260 kHz FM - 27.260 MHz FM - Busy channel - possible simplex repeater heard mention of "repeater", heavy QRM
27270 kHz FM - 27.270 MHz FM - Strong (S7-S9) FM QSO in Russian, nice FM audio full quieting
27275 kHz FM - 27.275 MHz FM - Russian CB QSO, with QRM from strong signals on 27.270 MHz FM
27280 kHz FM - 27.280 MHz FM - Data bursts, followed by OM speaking Russian, then multiple stations talking over each other
27295 kHz FM - 27.295 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady squeezed in between stronger signals
27300 kHz FM - 27.300 MHz FM - YL talking in Russian, not sure if this is a taxi cab company or not
27325 kHz FM - 27.325 MHz FM - Another YL speaking Russian, can't hear anybody replying to her
27335 kHz FM - 27.335 MHz FM - German language
27345 kHz FM - 27.345 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady talking to taxi drivers
27350 kHz FM - 27.350 MHz FM - Pager or data link
27355 kHz FM - 27.355 MHz FM - German language
27375 kHz FM - 27.375 MHz FM - Russian CB traffic, good signals
27405 kHz FM - 27.405 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch, with buzzing QRM
27430 kHz FM - 27.430 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch, can hear taxis replying to her
27445 kHz FM - 27.445 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady reading numbers, with background noise
27465 kHz FM - 27.465 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady Russia CB taxi
27505 kHz FM - 27.505 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady, sporadic signal
27515 kHz FM - 27.515 MHz FM - YL speaking Russian, with minor SSB QRM underneath her FM signal
27525 kHz FM - 27.525 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady (weak signals)
27535 kHz FM - 27.535 MHz FM - YL speaking Russian with lots of background noise, children crying, etc
27540 kHz USB - 27.540 MHz USB - 11 meter free banders working DX (with Russian taxi QRM)
27555 kHz USB - 27.555 MHz USB - Stations calling CQ DX (English and Russian heard!)
27565 kHz FM - 27.565 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady, sporadic signal
27570 kHz USB - 27.570 MHz USB - "something 161, go ahead my friend" "who is calling me" - 11m SSB DX
27580 kHz USB - 27.580 MHz USB - Russian CB chatter, probably not a taxi cab since they're using SSB
27675 kHz FM - 27.675 MHz FM - Russian CB talk, two OMs having a QSO
27715 kHz FM - 27.715 MHz FM - Russian taxicab traffic, YL dispatcher with driver chatter
27735 kHz FM - 27.735 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady talking to drivers, reading numbers, good copy
27745 kHz FM - 27.745 MHz FM - Another active Russian taxicab dispatch channel, with minor QRM from 27.750 MHz FM
27750 kHz FM - 27.750 MHz FM - Active taxi dispatch frequency, can hear drivers replying to YL dispatcher, strong signals
27755 kHz FM - 27.755 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady..can only hear dispatchers on this frequency, with QRM from 27.75 MHz
27780 kHz FM - 27.780 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatch YL, this is very close to UK FM CB channel 19 27.78125 MHz
27875 kHz FM - 27.875 MHz FM - Russian taxi dispatch YL Russian lady reading numbers
27915 kHz FM - 27.915 MHz FM - Possibly taxi company Russian YL talking to Russian OM
27935 kHz FM - 27.935 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady, mention of "Sasha", very clear S9 signal
27955 kHz FM - 27.955 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch, can only hear dispatcher, S6-S7 signal
27975 kHz FM - 27.975 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady, can hear phone ringing in background
28035 kHz FM - 28.035 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady, with QRM from on-frequency CW
28085 kHz FM - 28.085 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady
28145 kHz FM - 28.145 MHz FM - Russian taxicab dispatch lady - clear frequency (for now!) good signal

10/11 meters / Re: UNID 27.385 LSB 0123 UTC 18 July 2017
« on: July 18, 2017, 1951 UTC »
Somebody just jamming the 27.385 MHz LSB channel 38 LSB SSB calling frequency or actually broadcasting?


26905 AM 26.905 MHz AM - Spanish language taxi dispatch traffic mixing with English language trucker chatter
26915 AM 26.915 MHz AM - Low channel AM calling channel, busy
26925 AM 26.925 MHz AM - Spanish language
26935 AM 26.935 MHz AM - Truckers
26965 AM 26.965 MHz AM - Southern US stations talking, not sure if local to each other...
27015 AM 27.015 MHz AM - Southern US stations, lots of splatter from 27025 AM
27025 AM 27.025 MHz AM - The Superbowl, busy, as usual
27065 AM 27.065 MHz AM - Spanish, Puerto Rico
27085 AM 27.085 MHz AM - Original AM calling channel, now its second only to "The Superbowl"
27125 AM 27.125 MHz AM - US stations working DX
27165 AM 27.165 MHz AM - Alternate trucker channel, similar to 27185 AM / CB Channel 19
27185 AM 27.185 MHz AM - High noise level, hearing bits and pieces of truckstop broadcasts, etc
27205 AM 27.205 MHz AM - Sounds like one of the AM BCB "graveyard" frequencies
27225 AM 27.225 MHz AM - Mississippi Trainwreck and lots of numerical handles heard
27245 AM 27.245 MHz AM - Spanish language mixing in with US stations w/ roger beeps
27255 AM 27.255 MHz AM - "I need to look a little more northeast!"
27265 AM 27.265 MHz AM - Similar to 27025 AM and 27085 AM
27285 AM 27.285 MHz AM - Very very strong stations heard here, Canadian and US "big gun" AM stations
27325 AM 27.325 MHz AM - Spanish language heard, with heterodyne squeal
27345 AM 27.345 MHz AM - Heterodyne, lots of QRM
27375 LSB 27.375 MHz LSB - Similar to 27395 LSB, stations moved here due to heavy QRM on 38LSB
27385 LSB 27.385 MHz LSB - Non-stop traffic, multitude of stations transmitting at once
27395 LSB 27.395 MHz LSB - Busy, US stations working DX - alternate to 27385 LSB
27405 AM 27.405 MHz AM - Spanish language heard, weak
27415 AM 27.415 MHz AM - Truckers, lots of fading
27425 LSB 27.425 MHz LSB - US stations working DX, didn't get any locations
27445 LSB 27.445 MHz LSB - Nova Scotia working Virginia and several other stations - strong signals
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language / Latin American free band CB calling frequency
27515 LSB 27.515 MHz LSB - "442 Central Michigan" working another station
27575 AM 27.575 MHz AM - Truckers
27625 AM 27.625 MHz AM - "number 572" "I really like that rig" "I think you're right though" - maybe truckers?
27645 LSB 27.645 MHz LSB - "you got overcharged"
27670 LSB 27.670 MHz LSB - Local (to them) net, "Victor", "Tom", "Dicky", "Dave" and several other stations
27695 LSB 27.695 MHz LSB - Spanish language
27755 AM 27.755 MHz AM - Truckers

The remote SDR in question is here--> [http://rz3dvp.ru:8073/]

I recently added several more European and Russian remote SDRs to my bookmarks.  The band does not appear to be open at this SDR's location.  I can barely hear the 26.945 MHz paging transmitter that is always S9+30 at http://nsk.swl.su:8073/ (which is located in Novosibirsk, in South-Central Russia).  Nakhabino is located roughly 40 miles/65km from the center of Moscow, and roughly 3500 miles/5700 km from Novosibirsk.  So the fact that I'm hearing the 26945 kHz 26 MHz paging frequency active on two SDRs that are 3500 miles away from each other likely means its like the 26 MHz UK paging frequencies, located on-site at hospitals, etc.  

After listening for a while, it became apparent that, like most places, there are local channels that most of the chatter is centered on, followed by the road channel or trucker channel...and then, since this is Russia, there's taxi cab companies (local ones) using 27.735 MHz FM and 27.875 MHz FM.  The band is closed and I'm only hearing local stuff so I bet these two taxi companies are pretty close to the receiver site.  The weaker taxi traffic could have been coming from other suburbs of Moscow or maybe even Moscow itself.  

Anyway,  here's the logs from the Nakhabino SDR, starting at 1945 UTC, ending at 2015 UTC.

26620 kHz - 26.620 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian YL taxi dispatch
26705 kHz - 26.705 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian YL dispatcher reading numbers, QSO with male taxi driver
26855 kHz - 26.855 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian YL dispatcher lady.  S9 signal, taxis can be heard replying to her
26915 kHz - 26.915 MHz FM - Weak FM signal here, too noisy to make anything out but the freq is active
26945 kHz - 26.945 MHz FM - Paging - active pager frequency, multiple signals noted with different signal strength
26975 kHz - 26.975 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, sporadic traffic
26985 kHz - 26.985 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, informal QSO (nice FM signals, presumed very local like taxi on 27.875 FM)
27050 kHz - 27.050 MHz FM - CB talk, Russian language
27055 kHz - 27.055 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, not the same QSO happening on 27.050 MHz
27065 kHz - 27.065 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, OMs talking long-winded QSO
27125 kHz - 27.125 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter
27135 kHz - 27.135 MHz FM - Busy channel, sounds like multiple QSOs at once  
27180 kHz - 27.180 MHz FM - Russian CB "zero raster" channel 19 - truckers, road channel
27185 kHz - 27.185 MHz FM - Russian CB "five raster" channel 19 - truckers, road channel (not as busy as 27.180 MHz)
27200 kHz - 27.200 MHz FM - Two OMs having a casual QSO, Russian language.  S5 to S6 signal
27210 kHz - 27.210 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian language.  OM drivers talking to "control" YL dispatch lady
27235 kHz - 27.235 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian language, can only hear dispatch lady
27300 kHz - 27.300 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, doesn't sound like a taxi
27375 kHz - 27.375 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter, doesn't sound like a taxi
27400 kHz - 27.400 MHz FM - Russian CB chatter
27510 kHz - 27.510 MHz FM - Taxi cab company dispatch Russian language 27 MHz FM
27635 kHz - 27.635 MHz FM - Russian voices heard, almost sounded like weather forecast or traffic report?  
27675 kHz - 27.675 MHz FM - Faint Russian traffic heard, I know this frequency is used by a simplex repeater in Russia
27735 kHz - 27.735 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatch lady, S9 signal full quieting FM Russian taxi lady
27875 kHz - 27.875 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatch lady, S9+10 signal, very good signals from dispatcher  
27950 kHz - 27.950 MHz FM - Taxi cab company Russian language YL dispatch lady


Russian taxis 27 MHz taxi dispatch 27MHz taxi cab CB radio two-way radio taxi dispatch lady Russia taxi control 26 MHz taxi dispatch 25 MHz 11 meter band CB radio Russia Russian CB Russian taxis UK FM 27 MHz FM CB radio Polish channel plan Russian CB frequencies 25615-28305 kHz 25615-30105 kHz 25.615-28.305 MHz 25.615-30.105 MHz RU mode export radios 25.550 MHz 26.175 MHz 26175 kHz 27.500 MHz 27500 kHz land mobile radio Russia CB radio allocations CB radio band Germany Russian taxis on UK FM CB channels 27.735 MHz, 27.781 MHz, 27.780 MHz, 26.805 MHz, 27.875 MHz, taxis on 10 meters, intruder 10 meter amateur 28.305 MHz 28.755 MHz 30.555 MHz

Fixed the dates in the titles of the other logging threads for Russian CB radio band logs.  Today actually is the 17th of July, 2017. 

Started monitoring at 1430 UTC 17 JUL 2017

25605 kHz FM 25.605 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
25620 kHz FM 25.620 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language, lots of fading
25775 kHz FM 25.775 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady 25 MHz
25975 kHz FM 25.975 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26045 kHz FM 26.045 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26055 kHz FM 26.055 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady, strong signals
26065 kHz FM 26.065 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26095 kHz FM 26.095 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language, very weak
26155 kHz FM 26.155 MHz FM - Very weak FM two-way comms here, likely taxi cab company dispatch 26 MHz
26305 kHz FM 26.305 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26375 kHz USB - 26.375 MHz USB - Russian language speaking OMs (not taxis, freebanders)
26405 kHz USB - 26.405 MHz USB - Russian speaking freebanders (commonly found 26 MHz, 5 kHz steps USB mode)
26425 kHz USB - 26.425 MHz USB - Russian speaking freebanders, sporadic activity
26495 kHz FM - 26.495 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26515 kHz FM - 26.515 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26605 kHz FM - 26.605 MHz FM - OMs talking, Slavic or Russian - sounding language
26670 kHz FM - 26.670 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
26700 kHz FM - 26.700 MHz FM - Paging, weak
26705 kHz FM - 26.705 MHz FM - Pager, POCSAG - not the same pager or mode as 26.700 MHz
26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - Paging frequency, several different pager transmitters heard
27045 kHz FM - 27.045 MHz FM - Strong data link 10 kHz wide FSK signal
27085 kHz FM - 27.085 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian taxi S9 to S9+20 strong signal
27095 kHz FM - 27.095 MHz FM - Unmodulated carrier, strong signal, maybe somebody doing a radio test?
27100 kHz FM - 27.100 MHz FM - Russian language, hearing OM talking rapidly
27135 kHz FM - 27.135 MHz FM - Mixture of several signals, maybe truckers?  Russian
27175 kHz FM - 27.175 MHz FM - Taxi company, OM drivers calling "control" and YL dispatcher replying
27185 kHz FM - 27.185 MHz FM - Weak signals here, CB channel 19 likely automated broadcasts
27300 kHz FM - 27.300 MHz FM - Pager, sounds like POCSAG, fading in and out
27420 kHz FM - 27.420 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
27430 kHz FM - 27.430 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
27460 kHz FM - 27.460 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
27570 kHz USB - 27.570 MHz USB - Russian language, Russian CB freebanders
27825 kHz FM - 27.825 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Russian language Russia taxi lady
27875 kHz FM - 27.875 MHz FM - Female taxicab dispatcher - Moscow taxi dispatcher Russia

Very interesting indeed.  I'm actually listening to a QSO on 2130 kHz FM (PM) right now [1422 UTC].  I've changed the title of the thread to reflect that these are legit users and not 'village radio' or freebanders/outbanders or bootleggers. 

Interesting.  So chances are they're using former USSR railroad radio equipment? 

2130 kHz, 2150 kHz, both FM?  2444 kHz and 2464 kHz are closer to the other "village radio" communications that have been heard too.

I did a quick 2-4 MHz band scan on one of the Russian remote SDRs and the band was pretty quiet except for the very active frequency of 2130.  At first I thought it was distorted AM but flipped over to FM (narrow FM, NBFM, NFM, narrowband FM...roughly 9.5 kHz bandwidth) and the voices came in nearly full quieting.  I know secretsquirrel mentioned use of NBFM in addition to regular old AM and SSB for village radio...but this is the first time I've come across it.

Roundtable "net" like communications style, hearing lots of different voices chattering with each other, both OMs and YLs.  Seems like pretty informal two-way communications.  Some of the transmissions have a 1000Hz / 1kHz tone transmitted with the audio.  I'm not sure if this is part of some weird selective calling system or simply an malfunction.  Some of the transmitters have the tone, others don't.  Several times, there was no voice traffic on the channel, but the tone was there.  Almost like its serving as a "channel marker" (we know the Russians are fond of those...).

Never seen FM used in the 2 MHz band before.  There's got to be at least 8-10 different stations chatting right now, some of them are weak and others are nearly full scale and full quieting.  Anybody speak Russian?  This is the SDR I'm listening to these stations on:




Does anybody know the history of Russian / Soviet military radio design development?  I've stumbled upon some bits and pieces of information.  For example, discussions of the Red Army using British and US gear in WWII under Lend-Lease, including the famous English W.S. 19 Wireless Set No. 19 with Cyrillic labels and the American BC-348 series of HF receivers with Cyrillic labelling (called the US-9 or YC-9 in Russia) but information on Russian made radios is a little harder to find (doesn't help that I don't speak Russian).  There are some obvious nods to US, British, Australian and Italian tactical radio design in several Russian/Soviet bloc radios I've seen...for example the use of switches for 10 MHz, 1 MHz, 100 kHz, 10 kHz and 1 kHz steps for HF radios, and the use of 1 MHz steps,  100 kHz steps, and a 00/25/50/75 kHz switch for 30-76 MHz (or 20-70 MHz) FM tactical radios.  

I know about their tank and mobile command radio equipment, mirroring the WWII and Korea-era US military frequency plan of 20-59 MHz, FM mode, often adding AM, USB and CW to FM capability.  Of course, there's provision for MF/HF portable and mobile radios, and I found a Russian defense contractor's website advertising an aircraft radio that covers 30-174 MHz and 200-400 MHz AM/FM with various encryption and frequency hopping ECCM capabilities.  Doesn't explain the use of FM on the 2-3 MHz band though!  

There are lots of articles talking about Soviet-era receivers covering the frequency range in question...but I can't find much of anything on transmitters and/or transceivers.  

It seems like there's a pretty wide variance between stations operating in AM mode.  There doesn't seem to be any channelization or frequency plan (at least with the AM signals).  The SSB traffic seemed to be more "channelized" - and that fits in line with military gear.  I know the Soviets operated (and the Russians probably still operate) military tactical gear in the 2-3 MHz area AM/FM/SSB and the 20-70 MHz area with FM/SSB.  When I say "FM" I don't mean the US military version of wideband (25-30 kHz bandwidth) but narrowband FM.  I've read about former Eastern Bloc / CIS countries using SSB in the lower parts of VHF in addition to the higher parts of HF (with radios that cover, say, 20-35 MHz, in USB/FM/CW modes). 

I'm checking some SDRs in that region now (just did a quick band scan of 11 meters on the Russian web SDR - now I'm checking the 1.7-4 MHz region).

Logs - starting at 1450 UTC:

2130 kHz FM - 2.130 MHz - FM - Russian voice traffic with weird polytone signals underneath
2836 kHz USB - 2.836 MHz USB - Russian voice traffic two-way QSO

Novosibirsk, Russia - grid square reference NO14 / NO14NV

Started at 1430 UTC (2130 local time at the SDR location).  Ended at 1445 UTC.  Since most export radios start at 25615 kHz (or 25610 kHz if you're using the Russian or Polish zero channel "raster"), I started at 25000 MHz just to be sure.  Yesterday I logged Russian taxi cab company dispatcher lady on 25550 kHz / 25.550 MHz FM.  Some export radios start at 25165 instead of 25615.  Others still start at 26065.  Nothing going on in the 12 meter amateur band or in the 24990 kHz to 25615 kHz area.  


25625 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia
25755 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch
25835 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch, barely readable
26000 FM - Russian taxis YL dispatcher working OM drivers, strong signals at points
26055 FM - Weak two-way traffic here, likely another Russian or CIS taxi company
26230 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia (S6 signal with S4-S5 noise floor...)
26345 USB - Russian language
26365 USB - Russian language
26395 USB - Russian language
26405 USB - Russian language
26590 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia
26945 FM - Active paging frequency, several different signals seen on waterfall, some S9+30 signals
26960 FM - Russian or Slavic language speaking traffic, sounds like CBers and not taxis
27075 FM - Russian language QSO, nice loud audio S7 to S9
27085 FM - YL taxi dispatch lady, S9 to S9+10 signal, very strong Russian language
27135 FM - Russian language, weak (not sure if taxi or something else)
27155 FM - Very weak FM signals popping up on this frequency, unable to actually hear anything though
27185 FM - Non-stop FM signal here, very weak but maybe a weather or traffic broadcast?
27225 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia
27255 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia
27335 FM - Russian language QSO, hearing one side of conversation (OM talking, S9 signal)
27775 FM - Russian taxis YL taxicab company dispatch lady Russia

The regular CB band itself was actually pretty quiet, only channels 26960 (channel 1 on the Russian channel raster - 26965 -5kHz), 27075 (CB channel 10), 27085 (CB channel 11), 27135 (CB channel 15), 27185 (CB channel 19), 27225 (CB channel 22), 27255 (CB channel 23) and 27335 (CB channel 33) were active during the 15 minutes of monitoring done on that SDR.

After doing a log with the Russian remote SDR, I thought I would use the Swedish one...and make a new thread since my other post had gotten so large:

Since the SSB traffic all was right on frequency, and the AM signals are all over the place, I decided to log the SSB traffic in its own section:

2890 kHz USB - Russian language, casual chatter (right on frequency 2890.0 kHz)
2895 kHz USB - Russian language, casual chatter (also right on frequency 2895.0 kHz)
2917 kHz USB - Russian language, with minor splatter from stronger signals on 2920 kHz USB
2920 kHz USB - Russian language, OM talking rapidly - talking to a second station...casual QSO
2925 kHz USB - Russian language, similar to other traffic heard around these frequencies
3006 kHz USB - Russian language, slightly distorted with terrible heterodyne scream QRM from AM signal on 3008.3 kHz
3040 kHz USB - Russian language,

AM two way village radio Siberian radio Russian tundra radio logs 2-3 MHz band, Russian / Slavic language...lots of frequency drift, so, as in the previous log, I am going to preface each log with the frequency I think they're 'shooting for'.  Since these AM signals are anywhere from 5-6 kHz wide to 8 kHz wide, there is some overlap and QRM from time to time.  SSB signals mixed in with AM traffic as well as various digital modes right around the 2900 kHz to 3100 kHz area in particular. 

2980 kHz AM - 2980.2 kHz, 2981.1 kHz, Russian language - pretty weak
2998 kHz AM - 2998.2 kHz - strong Russian voices, talking to a station on 2998.3 kHz
3002 kHz AM - 3001.7 kHz, 3002.8 kHz, 3003.0 kHz with QRM from strong FSK signal on 3001 kHz USB
3007 kHz AM - 3006.2 kHz, 3007.4 kHz 3008.0 kHz, 3008.3 kHz, with lots of QRM from 3006 kHz USB
3024 kHz AM - 3023.9 kHz (significant drift) and 3024.5 kHz (strong!)
3047 kHz AM - started at 3046.1 kHz, ended up at 3046.6 kHz, working a station on 3046.8 kHz (much more stable) also 3046.2 kHz

Novosibirsk, Russia - grid square reference NO14 / NO14NV - checked 25-30 MHz.  Didn't get nearly as much as I expected, but I have noticed some patterns - especially when compared with my logs from the Southwest UK SDR

25550 kHz FM - 25.550 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
25615 kHz FM - 25.615 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
25685 kHz FM - 25.685 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
25700 kHz FM - 25.700 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
25895 kHz FM - 25.895 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
26375 kHz USB - 26.375 MHz USB - Russian language
26395 kHz USB - 26.395 MHz USB - Russian language
26420 kHz USB - 26.420 MHz USB - Russian language
26560 kHz FM - 26.560 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
26795 kHz FM - 26.795 MHz FM - Pager Paging System (wide signal, 12 kHz) S7 to S9 signal strength
26905 kHz FM - 26.905 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
26945 kHz FM - 26.945 MHz FM - Strong pager or data link system, does not sound like POCSAG. S9+10 sig, 12-13 kHz wide
26950 kHz FM - 26.950 MHz FM - Weak pager or data link paging system, readable when 26945 is not active
26960 kHz FM - 26.960 MHz FM - Russian language, OMs talking (maybe not a taxi?)
27075 kHz FM - 27.075 MHz FM - Russian language, weak
27085 kHz FM - 27.085 MHz FM - VERY strong taxi dispatch lady, S9+30, Russian taxi lady
27135 kHz FM - 27.135 MHz FM - Russian language, casual chatter
27140 kHz FM - 27.140 MHz FM - Data bursts, not sure what format or mode this is
27160 kHz FM - 27.160 MHz FM - Data link or another odd format paging system
27180 kHz FM - 27.180 MHz FM - Russian voices, busy frequency
27185 kHz FM - 27.185 MHz FM - Russian voices, also busy
27290 kHz FM - 27.290 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
27595 kHz FM - 27.595 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis
27800 kHz FM - 27.800 MHz FM - Taxi dispatch Russian lady Russia taxicab dispatcher YL Russian taxis

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