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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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Distant sounding with echoey guitar music & now vocals. Lots of static here, with t-storms having passed an hour or so ago. Occasional pescadore SSB QRM. Heard a little bit of talk, requested reports to HFU, IDs buried in static crashes, but got help from JonM (thanks!).

Have a recording of the show, if you're interested.

Please QSL...& thanks for the show!
Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS, PA 17214

Fascinating article! I'd love to have a few months & some recording equipment down there.

International shipping update: $5 shipping to Canada, $10 shipping to Europe, Japan, & Australia

Just received the proof copy tonight. Noticed a couple of relatively minor errors, but nothing that I'll stop printing for. So, I'll be approving it shortly and hopefully I'll get copies soon.

Also, Aurora, I received the pre-order and logged it. Thanks!

Whew! Just wanted to let you know that everything's been sent off to the printer. Thanks for all of the positive comments! The extra 56 pages added more time than last year...or maybe I'm slowing down faster than I had realized in my old age.

Here's the updated info: A couple of “articles” in the front, 161 North American station entries, and 13 European station entries. Same specs as last year (paperback, 5.5” x 8.5” trim, color gloss cover), but 184 pages.

The CD is just like last year (except that all clips are new): Clips from 84 different stations in North America and Europe. Nearly all clips were from 2010. The CD-R is in standard audio format. If you use a tight slot-loading CD drive (such as in a Mac laptop) and don't want a label on your CD, just let me know.

Cost is $16 + $2.50 shipping to the U.S.

You can send checks or money orders to:
Cabinet Communications
POB 109
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214

or you can send via PayPal to:

I'm expecting to ship the books in about a month. I'm not yet sure about the shipping costs for Europe and Canada. The USPS has gotten difficult with international price breaks, etc. that I want to be sure.

General Radio Discussion / 2011 Pirate Radio Annual update
« on: April 04, 2011, 1302 UTC »
Hi, just wanted to let you know that the 2011 PRA is close to being sent to the printer. I just finished the CD last night and have been checking copies to be sure that everything is burning OK. I’ve got a couple of European station entries to finish, I need to edit and/or rewrite the front matter, add some cross references, change the spine size, and fix all of the folios…then it should be ready to go. My guess is that it will go to the printer this week (hopefully in the next two or three days?).

This year’s edition has a couple of “articles” in the front, 161 North American station entries, and 12 or 13 European station entries. It will have the same specs as last year (paperback, 5.5” x 8.5” trim, color gloss cover), but it should be 180 pages (or possibly two or so more)

I’ll give ordering info when I send it to the printer (I’d rather know that it’s gone, rather than have orders come in and then have unexpected delays, like s computer crash or something). I think cost will be $16 + $2.50 shipping to the U.S., but I’ll verify that later.

Thanks for everyone’s help!

Irish folk music with electronic voices between songs. Hard to copy the ID without listening to the recording on headphones over & over. One ID was something like "the station that always wants your Lucky Charms." Have a recording if the op's interested.

Thanks for the show & please QSL if you do that sort of thing:

Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS, PA 17214

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Free Manitoba 6930
« on: March 16, 2011, 0149 UTC »
Nice clear ID a few min ago & I'm going to get off the internet now so that I can get a better recording of it. If the op is out there, I have a recording & would like a QSL. Thanks!
Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS, PA 17214

Thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Captain Morgan 3/16 0026+ 6925
« on: March 15, 2011, 2336 UTC »
Nice sig here, on with "Who Are You?" intro & IDs. Some honky-tonk sorta rock

Thanks for the show!

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Radio Cairo on 6270kHz @ 0233z
« on: February 16, 2011, 1600 UTC »
Yeah, I remember a station, I think KUSA (the one from about 20 years ago, not today's version) riding VOA's 7415-kHz carrier for about 20 min. Makes for a nice AM (essentially) signal and I'd guess that it's tougher to DF, too.

North American MW Pirate Radio / Re: 1710 khz AM - "The Big Q"
« on: November 25, 2010, 2134 UTC »
In the car last night, I could hear some Spanish talk & music. Not enough in to ID, but I guess it was Radio Celestial.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Running Log From Tonight
« on: September 24, 2010, 1450 UTC »
I agree with everything that Token said & would also like to mention that MW/AM callsigns are really helpful. "Weak music station possibly" and "multiple stations competing for the frequency" could apply to nearly every frequency on the band.

That said, please keep logging! I really appreciate seeing your logs and everyone else's, too. Not that many people seem to be doing it any more...or they're only logging the difficult-to-hear truly DX stations. It's always interesting to see what others are tuning in.

moribund112: Sorry for not replying, just checked the thread today.

RF Burnz: Thanks for posting the link!

Tube SW: Hope you've received your copy by now.

BTW, I forgot to mention here that shipping to Canada is $4 and the shipping is $9 to the rest of the world.

Thanks !

The books arrived & I sent all backorders out last week. A few more copies will be going out tomorrow.

Just received the proof copy from the printer last night and approved the printing this morning.

Getting closer...

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