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Messages - Teotwaki

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HF Beacons / Re: New whooper beacon on 4095.65
« on: June 19, 2022, 1300 UTC »
Starting 2 days ago DW has exhibited some ragged keying. Signal strength seems normal when keyed up but some "whoops" and Morse characters go missing. It could be the result of the constant heat out there or an after effect of the last time it went off the air. The keying problem does not seem to vary directly with the reported temperature changes. Battery voltages seem normal.


This report was based on the KFS SE kiwi SDR but I should double check other SDRs for compparison

HF Beacons / Re: 2097.3 kHz. "A" Beacon Returns...Again...
« on: June 17, 2022, 1808 UTC »
It was a strong signal (S5 - S6) on my little Belka-DX with the set top whip, at just before 0700z (1am local) on June 7th 2022, in the Valley of the Gods, near Monument Valley in southern Utah.

Let me know if you catch it again. I've been missing the necessary DX windows here at home and on SDRs. I am hoping it is still on the air now and for many years to come!

HF Beacons / Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« on: June 17, 2022, 1806 UTC »
Link to another rambling McGreevy post of older "necessary input"


HF Beacons / Re: Gendarme
« on: June 17, 2022, 1754 UTC »
I'm replying now as a moderator: I have been asked to delete Steve's off-topic posts but I'll move them somewhere so that they are available for anyone interested. I'll edit this post with a link once I figure out what bin to put the messages in (yes, including my personal non-moderator response to Steve's accusations, lol).


Here's the link. I'd like to see Dave's thread stay on topic, especially since he wanted to give Gendarme it's own reception thread


HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Morning Beacon Log
« on: June 17, 2022, 1637 UTC »
CS is a little weak on the KFS Omni such that the full 400 Hz sweep is not heard, maybe the first 150 Hz or so.. The start of the sweep is a little lower at 4109.27KHz, maybe due to the warmer weather. It will be interesting to see how many PPM it drifts back up in winter.

HF Beacons / Re: 4095.6 - the Desert Whooper Returns
« on: June 17, 2022, 1624 UTC »
When I'm lying in the bunk of the campervan in a remote location, there's definitely something magical associated with receiving the signals from these distant (and probably also remote) beacons. I know I don't need to explain that kind of magic to you!

I was planning to head up to Silverton. A fellow camper was sending videos and pictures of the free camping locations there, and it looked beautiful. He sent me a video of a moose that was just 20 or 30 feet from their campsite. I had a fuel pump issue though and, by the time it was fixed, decided to head east into Utah instead. I do intend to make it to Silverton one day though.

Utah has an awesome array of great areas: Moab, Arches, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Grand Staircase. A few weeks ago I was deep into the Maze District and could hear DW there.

HF Beacons / Re: Pirate Beacons Heard In Colorado
« on: June 17, 2022, 1622 UTC »
Hiker coming in s4 on 7998.2  khz time 1600 utc

Thanks for the heads up. I can hear it very weakly on the KFS Omni but not here at home. 2221utc

HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Morning Beacon Log
« on: June 16, 2022, 1602 UTC »

Now coming in on the home receiver

6700.48 KHz  Hexie2K very weak

HF Beacons / Re: Currently Active Beacons Chat
« on: June 16, 2022, 1515 UTC »
Both the Active & Inactive lists are updated. I moved Windy to inactive but hope it comes back soon.

HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Morning Beacon Log
« on: June 16, 2022, 1507 UTC »
on the home receiver

4095.640 KHz  Desert Whooper is faint

Trying out the KFS kiwi SE SDR

4095.69 KHz  Desert Whooper, S6, 150 Hz whoop, telemetry BAT 14.4v  oTMP  88  iTMP 91  PV  1393mA
4095.95 KHz  Drifting dasher, poor frequency stability as it wanders 250 Hz up and down
4109.50 KHz  Coast Slider, slow 400 Hz wide whoop
4110.00 KHz  Fast ditter/dasher thing that shows up every 10KHz on KFS
6627.20 KHz  fast dasher beacon wasting a lot of spectrum, almost 1 KHz wide
6700.44 KHz  Hexie2K very weak

I didn't hear the "A" beacon on 2097.3 but that could just be poor morning propagation. That beacon does seem to be lower power than I recall

HF Beacons / Re: Gendarme
« on: June 16, 2022, 0559 UTC »

LOL! In my early pirate days, I went way out in the boonies to tx. Got the antenna about 60 feet up and heard nothing on my brand new
Sangean 909. I changed the batteries and went to 40 meters, a ton of QSO's. I put the original batteries back in and proceeded to do a couple of shows.

I was so far out in the sticks there was no electrical noise to be heard as static that late in the fall. I was sure the receiver had got bounced around and broke when I first heard all that dead air.

My first time out in the desert was about the same. With the lack of  a big noise floor out of the radio I thought I had a bad antenna connection.

HF Beacons / Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« on: June 16, 2022, 0557 UTC »
That 853 word rant is a real doozy McGreevy. Just like the first rant where you so bizarrely accused me of ruining your desert night vision.  I should have left that one up for people to read. But maybe Chris has it archived somewhere.

 Post  below ----->Snipped for brevity and for emphasis on the weirdness of it all<----

southern california attitude
taking over this forum, etc. 
rising police state
I began this mania
morphed into this total *mania*
all readers remember who began this before HFU even existed
Southern California attitude you carry
oh gee willikers, oh my oh my. 
this is a silly radio forum, Mr. So Cal.
silly kinda sn*bby guy taken over this forum, ad nauseum
DOOOD southern kalifornia talk surfer dude newport beach car wreck boom boom box car capital big nasty mess down below where you  hee hee.
nasty LA Basin so car clogged sigalert PSI=300 cough cough
doodland for sure totally groady to the max I live in the better part of Encino - omigod. for sure, toootaaallllyy!.
radio achievements I have done since the 70s
SouthernCalifornian-rat-racers ruined the place so yuppie land now
fer sure tootally dood you can not like me at all oh waa waa do i really care jimbo. :-)
pesky DW perps move the silly bird-thing
Pleeze for sure dood totally?
freaking-out FCC freaked-up that band
some kind of possible mind control to agitate the rightwing masses
maybe to avoid the mind control...(?)
"silly beacon thing" and silly opining of it all.
quoting the dood from "ClockWorkOrangeCounty":
oh don't take this whole silly thing too seriously

Steve, please get some professional help. That time I talked to you on the phone you seemed friendly but a little goofy.  Now you have shared some truly worrying behavior:

Exhibit paranoia.
Write about things that aren’t there or never happened.
Make repetitive statements.
Seem more depressed than usual
Behave aggressively.
Have extensive facial burns.
Seem tired, anxious, or depressed.
Act detached from reality.

HF Beacons / Re: Pirate Beacons Heard In Colorado
« on: June 16, 2022, 0459 UTC »
June 10...caught Hiker around 1200utc the beacon had a very poor note.
Then Sky King tried to send a message and the beacon would not operate properly.
A few minutes later he came back on the air and sent a message about the beacon..the CW note had improved.
I only could copy 50 percent.  I did catch that a switch was going bad.  The beacon was old.
But that was about it...
At 1340 utc I had good copy on the Utah SDR  with QSB.

Excellent catch!

HF Beacons / Re: 2097.3 kHz. "A" Beacon Returns...Again...
« on: June 16, 2022, 0457 UTC »
It was a strong signal (S5 - S6) on my little Belka-DX with the set top whip, at just before 0700z (1am local) on June 7th 2022, in the Valley of the Gods, near Monument Valley in southern Utah.

That's a great area to be in both for the beauty and the low noise level!

HF Beacons / Re: New whooper beacon on 4095.65
« on: June 08, 2022, 0415 UTC »
A decent signal wafting in and it's still really hot out there!

BAT 13.0  oTMP  95  iTMP 101   PV  1

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