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Messages - NM8R

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Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 03, 2018, 0218 UTC »
Roger that, on Algeria 252.  Nice signal here in Michigan. S8 to S9 by the meter.

And likewise 198 which has some of the best audio in my LW listening tenure.  And as P.V. notes DIW is absent.  That is equally odd.

My noise floor is about -105 dBm.  Not everywhere of course - that was measured cherry picking a frequency with pretty much the lowest level.

Last note - I heard R. Iceland on 189 earlier.  They were playing a Tom Petty song.  They are pretty rare here.


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 02, 2018, 0241 UTC »
171 has joined the group.  I may go downstairs and try my Zenith R7000.  One other time I heard EU and AF LWBC stations using its internal ferrite rod antenna.  This might be the second time, with signal levels like these.


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 02, 2018, 0144 UTC »
Update for 02FEB 0141Z (Thursday evening local time):

I am seeing perhaps the strongest signal I have ever encountered from a LW broadcaster, tonight,with 198 Kc at -67 dBm.

183 is almost as strong.

171 is weak. 

It's rare to see a spectrum trace that actually shows modulation peaks as I am seeing tonight.


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 01, 2018, 0349 UTC »
Talking to myself, here, it seems.

But - the dominant station on 252 is playing AA mx - so I will presume Algeria.

A moment of research reminded me Ireland is still on 252, also.  I thought they had closed it down, but apparently the diaspora prevailed.   Good.


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 01, 2018, 0343 UTC »
Dominant stn on 252 Kc appears to be speaking French.  Unsure of the one in the background. 

171/183/198 (!) all making appearances, too.  I can't stress how unusual it is to hear something on 198, over DIW, here.

An interesting evening.

What are you guys hearing?


Longwave Loggings / LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: February 01, 2018, 0242 UTC »
I'm pretty sure I'm hearing two LW BC stations on 252 Kc right now (0239Z).

Thoughts as to sources, anyone?  Both are pretty weak but I would figure one to be Algeria?  Music sounds like AA chant. I'll try to catch the announcer's language.

198 is making a show again tonight and DIW is very weak, again.

183 is in there.  171 only a carrier.


Longwave Loggings / LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: January 31, 2018, 0034 UTC »
I'm not sure I've ever heard 198 BBC as strong as it is tonight (-74 dBm) - nor DIW as weak.

It's enough opposite the usual balance here, to make the BBC program audio nicely heard. 

So maybe the NDB guys want to look for some unusual targets this evening?

183 is there but not strong.  171 is weak.

Longwave Loggings / LWBC in MICHIGAN
« on: January 21, 2018, 0110 UTC »
171         R. Medi is at -75dBm (in other words - a very good signal).
183         Europe 1 on its odd non 9 Kc spaced channel is at - 87 dBm. 
252         Algeria is competing with the NDB's and actually winning, for right now,

Signal levels on all 3 are producing decent audio. 


Longwave Loggings / 171 plus BCB carriers
« on: January 05, 2018, 0149 UTC »
LWBC shows 171 with a nice signal; 189 very listenable (rare for Michigan); nil 252

MW BCB with many carriers visible tonight.  I don't usually give much note to carriers but it is interesting there are so many visible.

Get some.


Longwave Loggings / Re: Radio Algerie International 252 Khz
« on: January 01, 2018, 2229 UTC »
Looks like a repeat of last evening.  171 is big here in Michigan just before local SS.

What's different is 183 is there too, though weak, and BBC on 198 is present - a rarity as DIW usually dominates.

Nil 252.

Happy New Year.


Longwave Loggings / Re: Radio Algerie International 252 Khz
« on: January 01, 2018, 0240 UTC »
My first check in several weeks (about 5 hours ago) showed 171 Morocco at -80 dBm.  It was nicely copiable.  That was about 45 minutes before local sunset here in northern Michigan.  Faded down and now seems to be climbing back up, though not as strong as earlier.

252 not making much of a show here, tonight.

Congrats to the first-time LWBC reception by myteaquinn.  What is your setup?


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in Michigan
« on: March 27, 2017, 0044 UTC »
And off topic ramblings about CKLW would be quite welcome.  Besides, LW is poor right now. 

I figure the silent masses might like to hear, also. 


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in Michigan
« on: March 27, 2017, 0042 UTC »

For a few years I did engineering work for a small AM stick, and the owner of an FM outlet to the north heard of this and being the thrifty type he was, enlisted my help when his long time C.E. got fed up and walked.  The FM was a disaster.  Not b/c of the previous engineer, but due to the owner's cheapness. 

At any rate, I got to know some of the personalities and the young lady in one of the overnight slots was amusing.  This girl had an on-air persona as a non stop walking party diva.  But she confessed she disliked the music quite a bit and was actually classically trained.  Very smart young lady, too.

The MB NDB matter - looks like the Dep't of Ambiguity struck, hard.

171 very weak at this writing (0035Z).


Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in Michigan
« on: March 26, 2017, 0203 UTC »
LW update:  fair to good signals from 252, presumed Algeria, with TexMex/Ranchero music.  I did not know that format resonated in the Mediterranean.  (0155Z).  Nil all other LW channels.  And before I hit post, they took a fade.

Longwave Loggings / Re: LWBC in Michigan
« on: March 25, 2017, 1419 UTC »
And LW conditions have been poor last few nights, thus no loggings from Up North...

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