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Messages - Beerus Maximus

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So dominating the news over the last few days has been the missing Malaysian 777 airliner. I just happened upon a blog post buy some guy who is apparently well known (it made it onto Digg as the top story for the last few hours, if that means anything). In it, he argues that the communications used by airlines is outdated.

Some quotes... "all they have to connect with ground is old style radios"... "radios that sound awful"... "radios are not safe"... "radio which has poor sound quality"... "primitive". I could go on.

His post is kind of rambling, but he argues that all pilots need sat phones and data recorders and ipads connected to the internet and a bunch of other new stuff. When the sh*t hits the fan in a cockpit, I'm not sure what all of this additional technology adds other than more work load. When Swissair 111 slowly burned in the sky, incapacitating one pilot and taking away all of the cockpit electronics, it surely wouldn't have helped. There is nothing simpler and more reliable to build than a radio with a PTT switch.

You can read his argument here:


Noted carrier at 2101 UTC with music beginning at around 2104 UTC. Peaks to S9+15. Intermittent music until off.

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: LD-1C SDR
« on: March 09, 2014, 2020 UTC »
That's a nice setup and I think you'll be very pleased with the results.

Quote from: ChrisSmolinski
I have bought some from Jameco that seem to be pretty good. You want to try and find a regulated linear supply, vs a switcher.

Another option is to get a large well made linear supply (I have one from Astron rated 12V at 20A) and use that to power everything in the shack.

That's the way to do it. I use an Astron RS-35 linear supply feeding a "Rigrunner" 12v distribution strip. This allows you to throw Anderson power pole connectors on any power lead that needs 12v and slap it into the Rigrunner. Each tap has its own fuse which is really nice. I've tried one of the newer small switchers (you can see it on top of the Astron) but found it generated too much noise.

Nothing at all here in the Boston burbs -- not even a line on the SDR. Look forward to a later TX if possible.

Other / Re: any help?
« on: March 09, 2014, 1853 UTC »
So, this transmission was definitely separate from ANTI Milano? It sounds cut in before the opening anthem.

The first part of the speech/monologue seems to reference Peter Buxtun:


Other online research indicates that Mr. Buxtun was an active Republican from San Francisco, which the speech/monologue also references.

No idea what the context or source of the speech is, though.

Other / Re: UNID 6905 LSB 1802 UTC 9 Mar 2014
« on: March 09, 2014, 1814 UTC »
Got them here. These new guys sound just like CBers. Using CB lingo, and one of them announcing his location near Taunton MA. These guys don't know much about HF, and are talking about boosting their antennas to eliminate "ground noise". Unusual, and kinda funny. Also talk about power mikes, and lots of "hellllooooooo radio" meter peaking silliness. One of them (the guy that might be mobile) claims to be running 600 watts.

Very nice S9+ signal here in the Boston burbs. Same program details as noted above.

S9+20 here with "yearh yearh yearh yearh" and song clips.

Thanks to Gino in Italy for the tip and ID. S5 signal, playing music.

Good S8 signal at 2246 UTC. Playing Roxy Music.

Announcer with "keeping the spirit of free radio alive" and into music. Peaking maybe to S2 so I'm only catching bits and pieces. At 2114 it peaked up to S7 and I heard the announcer talking over "I Will Survive".

SDR catch. S9+ here in the Boston burbs with some moderate fading.

I have Black Beard Radio on 6950 KHz AM, announcer playing techno and says "just about 9 o'clock" here in the UK. Peaking to S4.

Dr. Benway popped up on USB to give an update on t-shirt sales. 90 t-shirts sold. They are on their way to you!

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