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Messages - BOR

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0135Z Peaking to S5 on the west coast. Robot voice says broadcast will begin in 5 minutes.
0137Z Human voice this time giving out the time in UTC.
0140Z Robot voice giving details that broadcast is in Motorola C-quam stereo and to utilize it if you have the capability.
0200Z or so...shoutouts to HFU posters including me...thanks...

2330Z Tuned in to strong AM signal on 6940 AM playing pop tunes. I have it on good authority that this is Radio True North.
2345Z Station ID and shoutout to me and others. Still good S9 signal here in spite of M Class long duration flare in progress.
0017Z Still booming in here, S9+15db on peaks...playing an assortment of 80's and disco sounding music.
0150Z approx, switched to 4070 kHz.
0158Z signal peaking to S7m good audio at my west coast location
0208Z RTN playing my request..."Great Big Johnson" :-)
0217Z Band going long and RTN dropping into my noise level. Thanks for the show, RTN.

Switched to 4070 kHz at 0153Z Peaking to S7 at my west coast location with good audio.

0153Z Switched to 4070 AM...good signal and audio at my location...peaking to S7
0211Z Still good into my location..averaging S9 with peaks to S9+10db

2317Z: S2 on the west coast...super distorted audio and the signal keeps cutting out and getting very weak. Based on signal strength at this time of day and hearing previous broadcasts, my guess is that this is Radio After Dark
2343Z Got his audio issues sorted out...now on 6050u. It's not Radio After Dark but he wants to be UNID for now as he's coming on later...this was just a test transmission.
2345Z off suddenly

Hearing music on 6957 usb out here on the west coast with weak to fair signal. Playing mellow music at 0047Z
0053Z CW ID, Peewe
0055Z Ghost Chickens In The Sky
0058Z SSTV but not set up to receive it

Nothing heard on the west coast of Canada as of 2056Z

Good signal on the west coast of Canada, as usual...thanks, Wolverine!!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: RTN 6950 AM 0040z 12/12/15
« on: December 12, 2015, 0446 UTC »
0445Z Bouncing between S1 and S5 here...I think we're a bit too close to each other. Good enough copy to make out the tunes and voice ID's though.

Weak on the west coast. Being taken out by RTTY as of 2349Z

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6945 USB 2254 UTC 9Dec15
« on: December 09, 2015, 2306 UTC »
2304Z I have it here on the west coast about 6944.75, slowly drifting down in frequency. Just had Johnny Cash singing about a Wanted Man...now into some song I don't recognise. About S5 at my location.
2312Z off air abrubtly...this was Radio After Dark as per #pirateradio chat.

0003Z I've got it about 6944.5...fair strength but audio is very distorted to me...west coast, maybe peaking to S3 but pretty much unintelligible.
0018Z has drifted down to about 6944.3...still very distorted audio

2255Z I can barely tell there's a carrier in there out here on the left coast. Condx don't seem very good at the moment. 2 hours until sunset...things might improve then.

0445Z Pretty decent signal out here on the west coast of Canada, peaking S6 on the FT-2000 and G5RV antenna (with preamp off, so that's pretty good). Audio quality is good and modulation level is acceptable. Playing a selection of unfamiliar (to me) music which is not bad to listen to.

Thanks for the show.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950 AM 0103 UTC 5Dec15
« on: December 05, 2015, 0106 UTC »
Pretty good S7 signal on the west coast of Canada at 0106Z
0112Z just ID'd as WABC...wabc@yahoo.com
0117Z jumped to 6955 kHz

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