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Messages - ION Radio

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Thanks for tuning in!  8)

email for eQSL

Thanks for listening!

Nice props so far.

email for a QSL.  :)

Thanks for listening!!!

email for a eQSL

General Radio Discussion / Re: Hobby Broadcasting Radio
« on: November 17, 2022, 2050 UTC »
Yes, I would love a copy of that. Thanks Andrew.

2303 S9+ into Southern New England DW. The Indie tunes sounding nice.
2306 Tuning back to RFW, ID from DW into music. Nice side band audio.
2315 ID.
2321 DW on the mic.

2301 Hello Red Hat. S9+ into Southern New England. Electronica type stuff playing.
2308 RH chatting.
2312 AC on the mic with Red Hat via satellite I think they said. Doing a joint show, very cool.
2319 A good alternate version of "Lazy". Maybe live.
2326 A little fade and noise now.
2327 ID XFM. And I want to give a hello to AC also.
2332 Joint ID, XFM and Radio Illuminati.

2336 Better signal on 6865 usb,S9+30

Time for dinner, I will have recorder going for the rest of of show. Thanks and Happy Halloween.

Broadcast Announcements / Re: ION Radio Halloween Broadcast 10-30-22
« on: October 30, 2022, 1847 UTC »
LINK11 is going, will try 6955.

Broadcast Announcements / Re: ION Radio Halloween Broadcast 10-30-22
« on: October 30, 2022, 1839 UTC »
Mix Radio is on 6880..... will have to change frequency. Possibly 6950.

A short test before the 1900z broadcast.

Thanks for the posts!

Broadcast Announcements / Re: ION Radio Halloween Broadcast 10-30-22
« on: October 30, 2022, 1625 UTC »

 New frequency is 6880 kHz

Broadcast Announcements / ION Radio Halloween Broadcast 10-30-22
« on: October 29, 2022, 1414 UTC »
Starting at 1900 UTC on 6875 kHz with an old radio drama, (Dracula or Frankenstien) then  WKBWs War of the Worlds from 1968.

After that will be ION Radio's Halloween Broadcast program for 2022!

Any changes in time or frequency with be posted.

All good stuff and every post on HFU and email reports will receive a Halloween QSL.

Unfortunatly this may be our last Halloween broadcast.

Thanks for listening and your posts. This was FUN! Some of my favorite music!


Thanks for listening and your posts! At 15 watts.

email for a QSL  ionradioshortwave@gmail.com


2311 Great signal, S9+10. Music and some weird stuff.  :)

Very good CT Yankee! Don't know how you did that, but yup it's me. Testing a bit but since we got a few listening I'll stay on.  8)

At 15 Watts.

Thanks for listening!!

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