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Messages - John Poet

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Huh? / Re: Hello World!
« on: November 10, 2017, 2042 UTC »
Howdy Smokey, and welcome!

Pay no attention to those electronics behind the curtain....!
They belong to my second cousin, Pigmeat, but I know nothing else about them! 

Huh? / Re: Yikes!
« on: November 10, 2017, 2038 UTC »
Those Swedish Muslims are known to be particularly numerous and ultra-violent...


Thought I was too late, but still on at 0136 UTC. 

VERY strong audio coming through here, comrades!  Sounds GREAT!

(About S-3 but my screwy antenna connections often attenuate signal strength).

Have slight interference from some tone generator but that's probably local.

"Expedient antenna"!  I LOVE IT!

Good luck Fart Knocker!

Be aware you could cause a good deal of telephone landline music and TV interference for anyone still using over the air TV, in your building, especially using that much power!

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Re: T-368
« on: October 08, 2017, 0737 UTC »
I believe the T-368 was a 400-watt carrier. Must weigh somewhere around 1 pound per watt or more, lol.

Fair Radio Sales was pushing these in the '80s... It was purportedly used by a lot of rebel-type stations in Central and/or South America.

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 04, 2017, 2342 UTC »
I can hear Fansome now -

"Dammit, the tape is jammed again!"

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 04, 2017, 2144 UTC »
You might want to add this site on there when you get a chance (or the map if there's a way to link to it).  I've found this f0F2 map very useful when the various graphs were down-- like most of them right now:


Yeah, I had it saved on a browser link since I go there so often...

General Radio Discussion / Re: We're doing it this time.
« on: October 04, 2017, 2106 UTC »
YIKES!  Propogation page wiped out!

I was using that...

Huh? / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 03, 2017, 0534 UTC »
After some reporting confusion, the final word from a credible source:



Huh? / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 02, 2017, 2052 UTC »

Out of the many rock stars dying over the past few years-- this is the one that really hurts me.

RIP Tom.

"And you don't even know what you got, 'til it's walkin away..."


Equipment / Re: Two New Videos - Preparing for Your Next DXpedition
« on: September 14, 2017, 0207 UTC »
It's GREAT to leave all that city-generated RF noise behind...!!!

Typically S-0 background, out in the sticks... and S-5 to S-9 at home  :(

Equipment / Re: Hallicrafters SX 42
« on: September 14, 2017, 0205 UTC »
I was thinking about trying to pick up one of these or an SX-38, to refurbish, just for the hell of it... sometime...

"Pirates Beware. Chairman Pai Is Coming For You"

 The FCC Chairman Pai updated the radio industry on his progress to shut down pirate radio operators, at the NAB conference. He says, thanks in part to the vocal support of Commissioner O’Rielly, the FCC has substantially stepped up its enforcement efforts against pirate radio stations. And here are the numbers…

 Since Pai became Chairman in January, the Commission’s Enforcement Bureau has issued 55 Notices of Unlicensed Operation, several Notices of Apparent Liability, and six Forfeiture Orders against pirate broadcasters. Pai says this FCC has cracked down on illegal operators all across the United States, from California to Kentucky, and up and down the East Coast from Florida to Massachusetts. “You can rest assured we will not just continue, but intensify this effort in the months to come. Our message to pirate operators is clear: the FCC will not tolerate unauthorized, illegal broadcasts, and we will use all of the tools within our disposal to end them.”

from https://radioink.com/2017/09/06/pirates-beware-pai-coming/#comment-17838

Editorial comment:
Pai isn't coming.  He's not even breathing heavy
He is, however, a tool....

I do urge my compatriots to exercise due diligence... especially those within 100 miles of the field offices that remain open. 
Don't feed the Pai!

Very faint here, listening in USB.

'Take me home country roads' and then
 'All you need is love' at 2355 UTC.

About S-4 at best.

Equipment / Re: This might be the start of something big
« on: August 12, 2017, 1952 UTC »
Perhaps too big.

Test fit of the PVC pipe for the 10 ft by 10 ft loop antenna.  That little patio umbrella stand, as heavy as it is, is no match for the loop frame. But that is just temporary, the loop is actually going to hang from a tree limb, at least for initial prototyping and testing.

The weight of the pipe itself is about 14 lbs, plus throw in the fittings, my guess is 16 or 17 lbs total.

What size PVC pipe are you using there?

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