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Messages - PghScanner

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6952 USB 2208 UTC 14 Sep 2018
« on: September 14, 2018, 2358 UTC »
S7 with fair audio. Some fading.

Slaughter - Up All night

Thanks for the show

S9 with good audio.

Testing 1 2 3 Can anybody hear me? OM ID

S9 some fading with good audio.

SSTV images
Roxy Music - Oh Yeah

Thanks for the show.

S9 with very good audio.

Larry Clinton And His Orchestra - My Heart Belongs To Daddy

Thanks for the show.

S9 with good audio.

Black Sabbath - Iron Man

Thanks for the show.

S9 to S9+ with very good audio

Wolverine Radio sign on
Thanks for the show.

DDR on now S9-S9+ with very good audio
Steely Dan - Any Major Dude Will Tell You.
Donnie Iris - Little Black Dress - Thanks
The Clarks - You Know Everything - Thanks
The Gathering Field - Lost In America - Thanks
Little Feat - Let It Roll

S9 with very wide bandwidth. Good sounding audio

A Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie
YL - Mix Radio ID
YL - Calling hello to reports.

Thanks for the show.

S9 With good audio

AC DC - That's The Way I Wanna Rock N Roll

Thanks for the show.

S7 with good audio.

0315 - SSTV - III
0316 - Jimi Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner

Thanks for the show.

S8 with good audio.

SSTV - Damn Skippy Radio
SSTV - Damn Skippy Radio

S9+ with very good audio

John Prine - Illegal Smile

Thanks for the show.

S8 with fair audio

Unite Tribe - New Wave Red.
0104 - OM XLR8 ID
0104 -R.L. Burnside - .44 Pistol

S7 with good audio. Some fading.

Snooky Pryor - Bury You In A Paper Sack.

Thanks for the show.

S7 with good audio

Cake - Friend Is A Four Letter Word.
SSTV - Clever Name Radio ID

Thanks for the show.

S8 with slightly distorted audio.

Hot Legs Radio ID and email addy and then off the air.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns