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Messages - William Hassig

Pages: 1 ... 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 [167] 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 ... 204
I hear only static.

I hear it too but it's weaker with crappy audio, R8 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0106utc, fair sig with static, good wideband audio, music from 1930's, R8 & dipole. (edit) "every day is a holiday" at 0116 utc, apparently a day theme program. (edit) I tuned in momentarily to the unid relay up on 8060 and that is weaker with crappy audio.

Tuned in at 0047utc, weak with static, muffled voices, hear man and woman speaking unid language, now dead air, R8 & dipole. (edit) now hear heavy metal music, poor audio.

Tuned in at 0010utc, hear only static, R8 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0007utc, only hear moderate to heavy static, R8 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0216utc, fair with storm static, got end of bcst, dickweeddj@gmail.com, R8 & dipole.

Got end of program, fair with storm static, R8 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0410, weak/poor under moderate storm static, muffled bass heavy audio, long soft rock/pop tunes in unid language, off at 0430 without announcement, RF-4900 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0124utc, fair sig with static, soft pop and rock music, RF-4900 & dipole. (edit) signal fading, now poor with static. 

Tuned in at 0203, weak sig, hear urban contemporary music, Rf-4900 which is difficult to tune ssb accurately, 7mhz dipole.

Barely detect weak carrier in ssb mode under static, RF-4900 & dipole.

Tuned in at 0038utc, weak to fair sig bobbing in and out of static, I hear spacey music like what you'd hear on the program "music from the hearts of space," RF-4900 & dipole. (edit) Still there at 0118utc, I'm expecting the announcer Stephen Hill from "hearts of space" to come on at end of program to announce what was played. I say that in jest but maybe it is HOS. (2nd edit) Still there at 0159utc, sometimes it comes in better than other times. (3rd edit) still there at 0229, I think this is the same CD playing on repeat.

Tuned in at 0303utc, fair sig with heavy static, good audio, modern pop music, RF-4900 and dipole.

Tuned in at 0210utc, good sig over static, various marches, RF-4900 & dipole. (edit) signal slowly beginning to weaken.

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns