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Messages - skeezix

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Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
86       971  903  904  307.0 200  Gatun                          Panama               9.261    -79.937  4,181  158

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented N-S

The loop now runs N-S, same length as the E-W loop, but this is a new wire on a different side of the garage. The E-W wire remains in place.

Much better reception from Gatun, as expected.

Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
1714     971  903  904  307.0 200  Gatun                          Panama               9.261    -79.937  4,181  158

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented N-S

https://www.radioshackcatalogs.com/flipbook/1985_radioshack_catalog.html?fb3d-page=102   Would that work?

I presume you mean the "Desktop Weather and Time Receiver" (12-149). I have the 12-148 and would need a better antenna plus some way to siphon off the audio into the computer. There is only a speaker, no audio output so some messing around would have to happen. There's a switch for 5, 10, and 15 MHz.

Following up to my original post from 2014... I did have that FT-840 tuned to 10 MHz for around 9 years. Turned it off last winter as the server I had connected to I didn't use much anymore and no point to leave it running. Plus, the backlight on the FT-840 is now burned out. Apparently it can't be left on 24x7 for 9 years. As far as ntpd went, it worked just fine, when 10 MHz was propagating. Once in a while it would sync to WWVH. The other systems at home happily sync'd to that server.

Gatun showed up last night.

I finally decided to add a N-S loop and see how well things come in from the south now. There is more RFI on the band, with a blob of something at 290 kHz +/- 2 or so kHz. Next posting will have the results for the N-S loop (which really started around 1630 today, but there are no stations within range during the day which makes it moot.

Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg 
351      971  903  904  307.0 200  Gatun                          Panama               9.261    -79.937  4,181  158

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented E-W

Loop is still E-W... I'll get around to moving it N-S some day.

Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
98       971  903  904  307.0 200  Gatun                          Panama               9.261    -79.937  4,181  158

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented E-W

I've heard that station, but it was last winter & spring. I may have heard it before that. Never heard an ID after listening for quite a while. Signal was sufficient, but not all that strong.  I'll have to check for it again.

DGPS / Re: DGPS Non-Logs May 17 2024
« on: June 15, 2024, 0401 UTC »
Yeah, I fully agree.

Amateur Radio / Re: Dumb question RE FT8
« on: June 10, 2024, 1504 UTC »
Each of the signals is 50 Hz

This is a screenshot from the waterfall in WSJT-X for 6m, 12m, and 15m.

DGPS / Re: DGPS Non-Logs May 17 2024
« on: June 10, 2024, 1454 UTC »
I still would like to see what's south of us. With 30dB null in my loop, its not been good for down there. Although many times, Gatun and Miraflores came in quite strong.

It did take Canada a long time, I was a bit surprised. Considering they'd been planning for years with a date to turn them off, but apparently things moved slow. Unless there was some renegade up there reading our posts and didn't turn them off, then someone in mgmt found out they weren't off yet.  ;D

This DGPS project was great fun. I still wish they were all going. I especially liked the station not far from here at Alma, WI that would come in 24x7. When it didn't, then I knew I had a problem with my station. 

All good things must come to an end. Hopefully something else will come up.

DGPS / Re: DGPS Non-Logs May 17 2024
« on: June 08, 2024, 0228 UTC »
I think they're all gone now.

I had ADGPS set to show 2+ decodes. I set it to 1 and it found three:
Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
1        673  751  752  303.0 200  Pyeongchang                    South Korea          37.333   128.483  9,940  328
1        204  463  463  310.0 100  Canivete                       Brazil               0.516    -50.424  6,499  127
1        971  903  904  307.0 200  Gatun                          Panama               9.261    -79.937  4,181  158

South Korea is impossible.
Brazil, is possible, but would be a first. I consider it undetermined
Gatun definitely comes in here, so this could be a good decode.

Haven't seen any Canadian stations since the last post with them. Probably won't be doing this much more. I'm going to see if I can move the loop antenna from E-W to N-S (i.e. to another side of the garage). It will be a bit lower to the ground, but it'll have to deal with it.

DGPS / DGPS Non-Logs May 17 2024
« on: May 18, 2024, 0424 UTC »
I haven't posted in a while as there have been no decodes. While propagation has been tough and thunderstorm season is now starting, even during the sufficient days, there have been no decodes.

I've been decoding every day and nothing comes up. Not even from Panama... but they're off the side of the loop (-30 db down), so I don't blame them too much. I think the Canadians have finally shut off their transmitters, or decreased power.

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Due to community pushback, no longer enabling the new name/callsign entry panel by default.
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The third batch of KiwiSDRs are now available.


Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
39       940  338  339  315.0 200  Cape Race, NL                  Canada               46.661   -53.075  3,098  72 

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented E-W

Count    ID   ref1 ref2 kHz   Baud City                           Country              Lat      Lon      km     Deg
30       940  338  339  315.0 200  Cape Race, NL                  Canada               46.661   -53.075  3,098  72 

AFE822x v2.0 SDR with 43' Wellbrook ALA100LN loop oriented E-W

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns