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Messages - RainBrandy

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QSLs Received / Re: The Cosmonaut System eQSL
« on: December 30, 2024, 2109 UTC »
I received the same one! Thank you so much!

QSLs Received / Re: V-SKY Radio 12/28/2024 QSL
« on: December 30, 2024, 1440 UTC »
I received the same card for my e-mail report and audio/video files.
Also for the nice and informative letter thank you very much!

09.20 UTC Rock song
09.22 UTC Radio Thunderbird ID by child
09.22 UTC Free - All Right Now

good reception in NW Germany

09.17 UTC DJ announced PRI, El Juntacadaveres - Oktubre
09.18 UTC Spanish announcement, 6275 kcs, obviously live program
09.20 UTC Bumba Massa - Batindi Yo

weak in NW Germany

22.40 UTC Bob Seger & - Old Time Rock'n Roll
22.43 UTC The Beatles - I Want To Hold You Hands
22.45 UTC The Beatles - Twist And Shout
22.48 UTC phaser and announcements, Radio West Finland IDs
22.49 UTC Kate Ryan - Ella Elle L'a

weak in NW Germany, deep fading

22.12 UTC Announcement by male DJ, echo
22.13 UTC Rudy Vallée - The Old Sow Song
22.15 UTC male announcer RCCI  - Radio Comedy Club International
22.16 UTC Enterprise theme, then song about "Oh, Kirk"
22.18 UTC male singer, about a burning flag, coversation about stars OM and YL
22.20 UTC Stan Freberg - Betsy Ross And The Flag
22.23 UTC Station ID with Micckey Mouse voice, RCCI, then male announcer
RCCI - your favorite comedy station, male announcer comedy in front of an audience
22.27 UTC Leroy Pullins - I'm A Nut
22.30 UTC RCCI station IDs by OM
22.30 UTC Spike Jones & The City Slickers - None But The Lonely Heart
22.33 UTC audio off and carrier gone 22.34 UTC

fair on the AB1KW Concord, NH KiwiSDR
I made a recording. If the OP is interested, send me a message.
Thanks for the records! Please eQSL to my address below, if possible!
Thank you so much in advance!

00.05 UTC Classical orchestra waltz music
00.09 UTC Station ID by canned voice - Parker Solar Probe
00.10 UTC drama classics orchestral music, male announcer within
00.11 UTC Parker Solar Probe, e-mail announced (illegible because of distorted language)
00.11 UTC music continued
00.13 UTC male announcer again, into SSTV
00.15 UTC dramatic sound

Heard on the Rockport, Maine KiwiSDR
I made a recording. If the OP is interested, send me a message.
Thanks for the records! Please eQSL to my address below, if possible!
Thank you so much in advance!

23.36 UTC Ghost - We Don't Need Another Hero
23.38 UTC echo announcement by OM
23.38 UTC Duran Duran - Ordinary World
23.43 UTC Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight
23.48 UTC Def Leppard - Love Bites
23.54 UTC David Bowie - Starman
23.58 UTC Meat Loaf - Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
00.03 UTC signal vanished, close down?

weak in NW Germany - wow, direct reception!
I made a recording. If the OP is interested, send me a message.
Thanks for the records! Please eQSL to my address below, if possible!
Thank you so much in advance!

22.51 UTC Jim Reeves - An Old Christmas Card
22.53 UTC male announcer, talk and music

weak to fair on a NE US KiwiSDR

14.26 UTC ABBA - Dancing Queen
14.29 UTC exact time announcement, Radio Pirana (live), greetings in English
14.31 UTC Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman
14.34 UTC DJ talked, station ID (spelled) and e-mail given
14.37 UTC after a pause, south american music, male singer

weak in NW Germany

11.26 UTC Madness - House Of Fun
11.28 UTC The Hollies - Long Cool Woman

fairly well in NW Germany

09.45 UTC Station ID by YL, funky sound
10.12 UTC Mike Francis - Let Me In

fair in NW Germany


15.50 UTC Perry Como - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Forever
15.52 UTC Burl Ives - Silver And Gold

good in NW Germany

12.55 UTC Claudia Jung - Immer Wieder Eine Handvoll Zärtlichkeit

(still Ronalisa?)

very good in NW Germany

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns