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Topics - Ray Lalleu

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... 1897
on 6019.96
0827 euro-pop, greets (known voice)

on 6140.05
0825 music
0923 Mozart

on 6185.0-
0823 music

edit : RealMix Radio (several logs)

on 6325.23 approx. , drifting
0816 ID, talking, 0818 music

0953 station tune, intro, 0956 ID by waterfall and Morse : that's the beginning of a repeat, 0858 Doors
on 6325.13 now
>> so the 2h show will be repeated at 1150, 1350, 1550, 1750 (maybe weak on mid day)

1949 closing down, 1951 station tune (part), carrier,
1953 OFF

on 3955.0
2300 s/on ID, then James Brown's music by unk., 2302 ID, music, etc...
>> co-channel QRM with music   (jamming ?)

on 6265.0   very weak with peaks
2224 "I heard it through the grapevine", 2225 "Suspicious minds"
2230 OFF or LOST

on 3955.0
2211 "Ode to Billy Joe", 2215 jingle, DJ in F, thème du 'Troisième homme'
>>> bonus repeat of this morning's show

2259 station tune, END

next relay

on 3975.0
2100 usual s/on (new repeat), 2107 Doors "LA woman"
memories by Jack, music,
2210 "All right now"

on 6931.02
1945 pop, 1947 ID, music, fair (despite Ru buzzer and station on 6935)

2256 music, buzzer
0045 music, buzzer

on 6279.9
1548 trace
1617 very weak music
1828 guessing some audio

on 5830.0+
1758 instrum. music (modern jazz), some UT
1826 music

on 6294.96
1735 music, 1736 ID Radio Parade ?, Irish music, often very weak
1747 clear ID, more of Irish trad. music

on 6957.0--
1714 very hard to hear under het and some FSK signal, some music
1726 better in the Alps, W jazz singer, disturbed by SSB QRM on the lower sideband
1928 very weak at home, W jazz singer

on 6944.88
1618 trace
1710 trace, splash from strong 6935

1931 guessing some music, very noisy, splash from 6935

2055 still almost no audio, but the splash is gone

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... 1897
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns