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Messages - ThaDood

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The Radio Jay site is indeed a fun site to get lost in,   https://radiojayallen.com/    And, how I remember hearing about him was when I aired the interview of him on a very early Radio Survivor,   http://www.radiosurvivor.com/2017/03/14/podcast-84-improving-radio-reception/     It is more on improving AM / FM reception, but Radio Jay does talk about his site here, and I'm glad that he did. Yeah... No tech specs on his radios, and he says that up-front, but wants his site so that the average person can go through it.

I interpret this to mean that the new format of the station is going to really suck.

Good practice for the following weekend's Field Day,   https://contests.arrl.org/junvhf/   Now, can we hope for decent "E" and Tropo propagation for this? Rarely... Usually the Monday afterwards are when the VHF / UHF bands open up.

Equipment / Radio Jay's review on a new Sangean table radio.
« on: June 09, 2020, 1858 UTC »
Yeah, only AM / FM, but might be decent to chase AM night DX,    https://radiojayallen.com/sangean-wr16-wr16se-am-fm-table-radio/

Equipment / Re: Please recommend some good MW and LW DX radios
« on: June 06, 2020, 2012 UTC »
Still have the neat reads from Radio Jay Allen,     https://radiojayallen.com/    His go-to radio is still the Panasonic RF-2200. (Yeah, I want one as well.) Be aware, you can easily get lost on Radio Jay's site. To my surprise, he didn't have a Sangean ATS-803A / Realistic DX-440 portable. So, I had to fill him in about that portable. He's tried several Part #15-type transmitters as well, like the Curthbert C-QUAM AM Stereo kit. (Enjoy that!!!!) Oh... Follow up on using an MFJ-956 Preselector on your ATS-803A, I believe that it's spec'ed down to 150kHz. So, should be good for LW and MW.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Pirate radio laws outside the US
« on: June 05, 2020, 1746 UTC »
Years ago, I remember reading in The A.C.E., (Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts.), that unlicensed broadcasting was pretty laxed in Ireland and Italy. Ya might want to post your question to the folks leftover from that. Many of them being on The FRN,    http://frn.net/vines/    You may even see an older post on just this subject. I do remember 20 years ago, (A couple of sunspot cycles ago.), that the best way to hear Euro-pirates was on the upper 21MHz, (13M), band. Border Hunter Radio comes to mind around 21.860MHz. Oh yeah!!!! Check out this Euro-pirate site!  http://www.alfalima.net/   (Almost forgot about them.) Some of those posts go back 20 years as well. Happy hunting!!!!

Equipment / Re: Please recommend some good MW and LW DX radios
« on: June 04, 2020, 2055 UTC »
The Sangean ATS-803A is certainly one of the better, more sensitive, portables to have for LW and MW DX'ing. I still use mine to DX MW at times. However, when I put that portable to my Windom, I can get IMD from local stations and very strong 90M SW. You may want to consider a preselector to help improve what you already have. https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=3912

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Might indeed be worth checking out, especially if Digikey can do the programming on their end. Thus far, the only thing that I don't like is the +/-50PPM rating, as I'd want something to be a bit tighter in FREQ tolerance. Thanks for the heads-up!

My bro-in-law 2 years ago wanted to trash his Y2K Dell desktop computer. So, I did rip & tear for the components and came across the 25MHz, SG-615P, CPU clock OSC. So, around Christmas 2019, I've built a PS circuit around it using a 9VDC wallwart, filter CAP's, an LM7805 +5VDC REG, another filter CAP, a 250uH choke, and by the info on-line, added a .1uF CAP before that IC. On the RF OUT I've built a homebrew adjustable Butterfly Filter and terminated that with just a 1k-Ohm resistor. And??? Nice clean sinewave on the 'scope, and the FREQ starts up right at 25.00000MHz, then sags to 24.999986MHz. Not bad, but I want better tolerance. However, I'd put that OSC project to the side for other 'Must fix' projects. Then, went back to it, after the scrubbed SpaceX manned launch. That OSC project still sags down to 24.999986MHz. So, I then looked at the AC ripple on the output of the 7805 REG  = .058V. Not bad DC, but did a 'What if' and added another 2,200uF CAP on the output of that REG. Now AC ripple is .001V. NICE!!!! And RF = 24.99997MHz. I then loaded to a 50 Ohm dummy load and now get 25.00000MHz. Huh.... Now that looks better, and useful for receiver aligning. So, if folks trash computers, especially by the roadside, and you're super cheap, (Like me!), there's some clock OSC possibilities there for use. And, the price is right! (Minus the Bob Barker.) 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Question
« on: May 28, 2020, 1831 UTC »
I know that I don't, anymore. I did 20-some years ago, when ya didn't need to sign-up for an account and PW for just that. And, that was the one for Rowe Productions for Mortification death metal fans. Gee... That had to be either 1998, or 1999. I seem to recall doing The ACE chatroom years ago as well. But... Just one more UN and PW to remember, and I have a whole book of just those to go back for that has accumulated. Today, if I wanna' chat, that's what two-way radio is for. The ultimate social distancing.

Equipment / Re: What are you using for SWLing?
« on: May 27, 2020, 2329 UTC »
Presently, to work Sporadic E, the Kenwood TS-2000X. Before that, I've realigned a TS-50S and its AT-50 Auto Tuner, then used that for a few weeks. Before that, (Late Fall.), DX'ed with an Icom IC-745. Nightly, I use a Sangean ATS-803A as my bedside radio. For portable runs, I like using that Eton E10 AM only portable. Next, I want to realign the CW / SSB on a Kenwood TF-F6A HT and try that on HF. It's fair, but handy, on the AM broadcast band, or quick CB scanning, or to listen to myself on 432MHz and 1296MHz SSB. I so under utilize what that HT can do. https://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/ht/0066.html

Equipment / Re: Grounding A Radio
« on: May 17, 2020, 0241 UTC »
OK, a schyttload. How much wire ya got, and how big are your carpets to stash that under? As much as possible. Maybe do a zig-zag pattern under the carpet, like I've seen done. You may have to experiment here. You can test RX using the WWV and CHU FREQ's, since they are on 24/7. I like to test RX'ing with Toronto's CFRX 6070kHz AM, since that's on 24/7. There's no real wrong answer here, since every APT-locked situation is a big challenge. I did more than one antenna set-up when I was APT bound. For FREQ's 15MHz and above, I used a Firestix CB antenna with indoor GND-plane kit, and an antenna tuner. For FREQ's below 15MHz, I wrapped a long wire along the ceiling edges of the APT. I did DX pirates, but was glad to get out of that set-up.

General Radio Discussion / Re: End Of Show Songs?
« on: May 14, 2020, 1908 UTC »
I've used the short filler from Deliverance - Cheese Burger, Maker Do, to end Capital Rips, since it has that chic at the end asking, "That's the end?" I don't know how many times I've heard The Doors - This Is The End, to end a show, or even end an entire station going off-air for the last time. Then, there's This Is The Last Goodbye. (Not sure, but was that Radio Head that did that?) Some more obscure ones are Saint - Time's End. (Title cut track from that album.) The Alter Boys - Final Hour. That last tune in Pink Floyd - The Wall comes to mind, before that quiet harmonica tune, but can't recall that name of it. (I know y'all out there can blast out that one, while I'm having a brain fart.) Oh... REM - End Of The World, as We Know It. Europe - Final Countdown. (Yeah, that one has been kind of over used already.) Still, some others that come to mind are, Orcus - Here Comes The End! Soberpill - The End. Two Wheel Eel - Last Goodbye. Hounds Of Heaven - Happy Ending. Liquid Violence - The End. Brainchild - Desend. The Black Coffee - The Last Train. Believer - Dust To Dust. Actor - Checking Out. Then, there's the 1sec track from The Lead - Wink Of An Eye. (Yes, it's that short.) So, a few choices out there. Many more I'm missing, fo' sure.

Equipment / Re: Grounding A Radio?
« on: May 13, 2020, 1906 UTC »
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well... 3'rd floor of a condo, you'd expect that the GND prong is electrically grounded. (So you'd hope.) However, a better GND actually would be a cold copper water pipe, and not PVC. One problem being in a condo, (And I had this ground floor in a complex APT.), is the amount of noise that you may pick-up from the 120VAC electrical GND. Do you have a balcony, with a metal railing, outside to GND too? Even that maybe a better way to GND in an APT. Not to make ya spend more $$$$$, but MFJ actually makes an artificial GND unit, like an ass-backwards tuner,   https://www.amazon.com/MFJ-Enterprises-Original-MFJ-931-Artificial/dp/B00F8G0DAI     Yeah, this is made more for transmitting, but it will help your receive sensitivity as well. However, you can forgo that unit, and run an assload of old-ass speaker wire under a big rug, and that will act as a counterpoise as well. Good luck!!!!!

Before I headed out to work, Dallas / Ft. Worth 10M repeater coming on 29.660MHz FM Monday evening, around 23:00UTC. As far as I know, no PL on this machine, and it get a hell of a lot of traffic, as well as various local 440MHz links. Yeah, figures... Always the propagation starts up when you don't have the time to work it. Right???

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