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Messages - NJQA

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General Radio Discussion / Re: WRC27
« on: August 09, 2024, 1148 UTC »
BTW, the FCC link also included NTIA’s inputs.  Pretty much the same but they did not caveat the 3900-3950 range as Region 1 only like the FCC did.

General Radio Discussion / WRC27
« on: August 09, 2024, 1139 UTC »
The FCC is asking for inputs on draft US positions for WRC27.  The details are here:


Most of the items are satellite related, but this one is HF.  (Note the mention of financial system low latency transmissions.  That would be HFT…)

AGENDA ITEM 1.9:  to consider appropriate regulatory actions to update Appendix 26 to the Radio Regulations in support of aeronautical mobile (OR) high frequency modernization, in accordance with Resolution 41 (WRC‑23).
The High Frequency (HF) band has been identified as an effective alternative to provide much needed integrated and interoperable Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) communications capabilities.  HF is also a critical and affordable option for global broadcasting and amateur radio, and an alternative when other communications services are unavailable due to natural disasters or other national emergencies. Commercial financial institutions are exploring the use of HF long-distance delivery for financial users requiring low latency data. The challenge with meeting the growing requirement for modern HF is the need for the increased bandwidth allocations that would be required to achieve HF’s advantages while not impeding the legacy frequency needs of incumbent users, groups, or countries.
There are modern wide band HF (WBHF) technologies available that enable the flexibility to use wider channel bandwidths within advanced digital HF and enhanced applications that can support a shared environment while also maximizing spectrum efficiency. Current wideband technology and methodologies are available that automate the negotiating of the Radio Frequency (RF) environment while mitigating any harmful interference to users in, or adjacent to, a desired HF frequency range.
Appendix 26 of the ITU Radio Regulations limits Aeronautical Mobile (OR) to a maximum bandwidth of 2.8 kHz.
WRC-23 through Resolution 411 (WRC-23) resolves to invite the Radiocommunication Sector to review Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations and consider necessary changes, as appropriate, to Appendix 26, on the basis of studies without modifying the existing area allotments, and while taking into account that the current use of the narrowband systems shall remain unchanged and shall not be impacted nor precluded by the revision of Appendix 26.
The band 3500 – 4000 kHz is allocated to the Amateur Radio Service on a primary basis in Region 2, and is allocated in the 3500 – 3800 kHz range in Region 1 and the 3500 – 3900 kHz range in Region 3. This band is intensively used for Amateur Radio operations throughout Region 2, and that use is expected to increase.
The U.S. supports updating Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations to allow for the use of wider channel bandwidth in the following bands allocated to AM(OR)S as long as sharing studies show the ability of HF wideband systems to ensure compatibility with existing AM(OR)S systems and with other incumbent services in the following bands, and adjacent allocations:
- 3025 – 3155 kHz
- 3900 – 3950 kHz (Region 1 only)
- 4700 – 4750 kHz
- 5680 – 5730 kHz
- 6685 – 6765 kHz
- 8965 – 9040 kHz
- 11175 – 11275 kHz
- 13200 – 13260 kHz
- 15010 – 15100 kHz
- 17970 – 18030 kHz

Longwave Loggings / Re: NLK vs NAA de NQC
« on: July 26, 2024, 1256 UTC »
This list shows two possibilities for a station heard near 50 kHz:


Longwave Loggings / Re: NLK vs NAA de NQC
« on: July 26, 2024, 1233 UTC »
NAA Arlington has been gone for a long time.


DISA had their HQ there for years, but they have since moved to Ft. Meade.  I don’t know who uses the site now.

(edit: correction to URL)

Some radios, such as the Icom IC-7610, have a separate Receive only antenna input that can be selected as an option.

Equipment / MFJ is closing down
« on: April 26, 2024, 1416 UTC »
MFJ is closing their manufacturing lines.  This also includes their other brands (Ameritron, Cushcraft, HyGain, etc.).

I’ve suspected this because their owner is over 80 and it seems like more and more of their products are out of stock.

People like to criticize MFJ and it is true that they often have quality control problems, but they have had an impact on the hobby and some of their products (like the 259 Antenna Analyzer) have become legendary.


….and the third run is now sold out.  Glad to see the demand is still there.  Hope he does a 4th run.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: KE4TWI Beacon 13566.5 kHz
« on: March 28, 2024, 1323 UTC »
I hear him frequently in Northern VA.

SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: KiwiSDR 2 Now Available
« on: February 14, 2024, 1506 UTC »
Note this change for the KiwiSDR2:

“….Every KiwiSDR 2 has the proxy service enabled by default. So you can connect using the serial number, e.g. 21xxx.kiwisdr.com The serial number is found on the printed sheet inside the shipping box. Also written on the bottom of the metal case. On the admin page, connect tab, you may disable this and use whatever connection method you like (e.g. by domain name, IP address, DUC domain etc). You can also change the proxy name from the serial number to a name you choose (assuming it's not already taken)….”


If you don’t want your KiwiSDR2 accessible from the internet, you will need to disable this.

Longwave Loggings / Re: eLORAN Tests 1250 UTC 9 FEB 2024
« on: February 11, 2024, 1414 UTC »
All the KiwiSDR receivers have a eLORAN decoder.  You select it from the extensions drop down menu.  It hasn’t been updated to include these new sites though.

You can also check here:


SDR - Software Defined Radio / Re: SDRPlay RSP1B
« on: February 01, 2024, 1452 UTC »
Now in stock at HRO.  The difference in price between the RSP1A and RSP1B is $20.  The steel case alone is worth that.

Equipment / Re: Wellbrook Antennas closing
« on: January 06, 2024, 1353 UTC »
Sorry, we may have missed this but was his death reported in the final months of 2023 or is this the
first this has been circulated?

I don’t know the answer to your question.  The posting to the IRCA mailing list was the first time I had heard about his passing.  If this information was circulated earlier, I never saw it.

Equipment / Re: Wellbrook Antennas closing
« on: January 05, 2024, 1429 UTC »
From the IRCA mailing list:

2a. Death of Andrew Ikin- Wellbrook Communications
  From: Tracey Gardner <tracey.gardner@talktalk.net>
  Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2024 13:10:23 EST

I am the bearer of very sad news.
My good friend Andrew Ikin of Wellbrook Communications passed away on 25th October 2023 after a very short illness.
He was buried on 10th November, a day before his 79th birthday.
He is buried in the local churchyard in Beulah
Andrew was internationally known and respected, his products were second to none and his reputation for customer service renowned.
I was lucky enough to count him as a friend and I will sorely miss him.
The amateur radio and radio listener fraternity have lost a true colossus.

73s Tracey G5VU

The RF Workbench / Re: Oscilloscope recommendation?
« on: December 12, 2023, 1632 UTC »
I ran across this site a little while ago.  I wonder if it still works for the current Rigol scopes?


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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns