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Messages - Jock Wilson

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I have been impressed with the signal and reception of Focus Int throughout most of the last 24 hours
on UK sdrs when the skip is short, and on Swiss sdrs when the skip is longer.

Their engineers have excelled themselves - great audio and high modulation.

What's more, they have chosen a good channel to broadcast on.  I look forward to hearing them there in the future.   

General Radio Discussion / Re: IRCs Maligned
« on: August 18, 2019, 1451 UTC »


Can I send money abroad?

In most cases, there is nothing to stop you putting money in an envelope and sending it overseas. This is the most risky way to send cash abroad. In 42 countries, including Norway, India and Poland, it is illegal to send cash in an envelope. These are listed on the Royal Mail website.

It's noteworthy that Norway and Poland are two of the 42 above.

Wikipedia is blocked here. So it's impossible for me to get detailed info about IRCs.


You are making trouble. Quote "That station needs to get a grip - after all, this ain't rocket science, and actually nowhere near it - not good to steer listeners in the direction of breakung the law. >:("

Laws differ all throughout the world. To suggest that the op is asking people to break the law  just because it is illegal in China is nonsense. It's up to people to check the laws where they live.
The station has no obligation to accept IRCs if they wish not to. They have their reasons. If's that's a problem for you, then so be it.

Yep, Brian:

to steer listeners in the direction of breaking the law, which I had said, does not mean asking people to break the law. Let's be precise, shall we?

Of course, I accept what you say about laws differing, obligations and reasons. Who wouldn't!

That stations 'reasons' aren't a problem for me, it is so for me.

I think you are the one making trouble. So, I suggest we agree to differ.

General Radio Discussion / Re: IRCs Maligned
« on: August 18, 2019, 1114 UTC »
Jock, you should check your facts before starting to try make trouble.
It is NOT illegal to send cash in the post.

It is illegal where I am.

Postal orders are another option, btw.

In Blighty, gov depts state that cash sent by snail mail won't be returned.

I think it wouldn't be difficult for the list of IPU countries to be put on that station's website. Then listeners in those countries needn't send US dollars.

The op in Holland would then be able to exchange IRCs for Dutch postage stamps at a Dutch post office.

Brian, I'm making a point, not making trouble.

General Radio Discussion / IRCs Maligned
« on: August 18, 2019, 0904 UTC »
There's one free radio station that broadcasts to Europe and beyond that claims to have an  "excellent hard copy QSL' available to listeners who submit reception reports by snail mail to a Dutch postal address.

However, said station claims on air on HF that it does not wish listeners seeking  their 'excellent A5 hard QSLs' to send IRCs as they are 'difficult to exchange'
Said station is asking listeners after its hard copy QSLs to send US dollars instead of IRCs by snail mail as payment.

However, is it not ILLEGAL to send hard cash in the snail mail system? Note that the country in which a listener is resident could discover this 'illegal act'  when the letter is firstly processed by said country's mail security scanners, if any. And then there's the Dutch end who might well do likewise. 

I think that that station's operator is clever enough to identify easily which countries belong to the IPU, as well as those that don't. I also think that those countries that aren't in the IPU will have no IRCs to issue; by contrast, IPU member countries will have IRCs for issuance.

That station needs to get a grip - after all, this ain't rocket science, and actually nowhere near it - not good to steer listeners in the direction of breakung the law. >:(


Via Swiss SDR

S IN P O = 3+ 44 4- 3+

Moderate skip.

Peaking S7 occasionally.

Rock'n roll oldies.

Offshore radio program.


Great 'local' reception right now. Short skip.

Offshore radio program.


Steady music noted with minimal fading, but under the noise.

Hence unreadable at present across the UK. :(

Presumed Focus Int.

I expect it is probable that the station will be receivable rather soon
with very good reception across the UK and Eire as the skip shortens.  ;)


European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: Iann's Pirate Chat
« on: August 16, 2019, 1805 UTC »
I already tried clearing cache, it did not correct the problem at least using Firefox latest build.  I will try other browsers.

Yep, definitely worth a try. I hope you get a positive outcome.

(I have found that an older version of a particular browser works better than the latest edition when solving other issues; maybe that is also worth a try.)

Yep, much better.

Short skip for at least the previous two hours.

UK SDR is great, though some fading at times.

Disturbances there, including morse and a kind of slow phone ringing. But dwarfed by the signal -- no problem.

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: Iann's Pirate Chat
« on: August 15, 2019, 0301 UTC »
The Doctor Tim channel does not work -- I get a Connection Problem notice and cannot sign in or establish my usual name.
Momentarily I get connectivity but cannot successfully sign in.

It is clearly very frustrating to experience such a problem in the specific country in which you reside!

Where I am, I have just discovered that Wiktionary has been blocked; it never used to be - this is yet another frustration of mine!

(I had tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to access a link provided on another board by a poster who is an unlicensed broadcaster
to back up his assertion that 5799 Khz AM is to all intents and purposes within the ITU broadcast bands.)

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: Iann's Pirate Chat
« on: August 14, 2019, 1806 UTC »

I presume the link above is an alternative link that works for us all in the role of mere viewers of the chatroom's posts.

I confirm that the link works for me in that respect.

0818 UTC

Via Swiss SDR

Living above your head, short ID,  music sounds Islamic, unid, last track on Terry's show today, can't identify slowish music, RNLI PROMO, New dj, Geordie accent, but speaking slowly and clearly- good - announcing block of 3 songs, GENESIS SONG PLAYED 1ST, WISHING WELL by Free? Animals - WE GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS PLACE 
SINPO 33443



Peaking S5 plus

Via Swiss SDR

RNLI promo, station ID, Offshore Echos promo, music 'Hands Up? Voice of Terry Phillips, Say you love me, Fleetwood Mac, Don't drink and drive promo

SINPO 33543



Peaking S7

European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: Iann's Pirate Chat
« on: August 14, 2019, 0317 UTC »
Ray Lalleu’s explanation makes sense given that Flash is going away next year.
As an IOS user, that’s great because making the chatroom ‘non-Flash’ will make it better for IOS users.
I can’t wait...but I just wish it would be instantaneous!  We need the chatroom NOW!!

Unlike me, you are able to follow Ray's explanation; therefore I take my hat off to you.

The chatroom posters had stated that statesiders who were frequent posters were unable
to access the chatroom very recently, but that Iann had been informed promptly of the glitch.

Here in the PRC, I am able to access the chatroom only when my internet dial-up speed is high,
which is between about 1730 UTC and 0900 UTC the following day. However, I am unable
to contribute to the chatroom on account of the great firewall of China.

In case any of you haven't accessed Iann's Pirate Chat, I've pasted the link below.

It's very useful as a live guide to what's on and where to listen.


Focus Via Swiss SDR

I don't want to change the world, break out, female vocalist -  disco 45 record, don't u want me

SINPO is 45444

S7-S9, reaching s9 most of the time now, conditions are improving

Modulation is acceptable.

band conditions still not perfect noise-wise

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