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Topics - ThaDood

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General Radio Discussion / Find Your Modulation Sweet Spot?
« on: October 19, 2019, 1737 UTC »
This is always good AM info,  https://www.radioworld.com/tech-and-gear/find-your-modulation-sweet-spot

Boomer FWD that to me.

How's this for American History?!?!     https://www.tablazed.com/2018/11/rare-photos-of-revolutionary-veterans.html

Anyone related to any of these vets?

General Radio Discussion / Space Weather fromour tax $$$$$?
« on: October 04, 2019, 2151 UTC »
So, is this really of any significance to us?        https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings

Equipment / A possible 2.4GHz STL use from Retekess? Maybe...
« on: October 01, 2019, 1714 UTC »
Radio Jay was doing a review on another portable DSP radio, with so-so performance, but what caught my attention was the company name of the product he reviewed, Retekess. Well, I've never heard of them. A quick search of their product line show some interesting FM transmitters, (None of which are legal in the USA.), and this 2.4GHz audio TX / RX,   https://www.retekess.com/categories/Audio-Monitor-System
A potential STL??? What I don't like is it's yet another appliance on 2.4GHz that may have a potential to mess with wi-fi. Still, intriguing.

Propagation / HF sucks??? Try VHF / UHF this heat wave!
« on: September 27, 2019, 1725 UTC »
Today, starts a big Fall heatwave in the USA Northeast, and already I've noticed some nice VHF / UHF enhancement from Temperature Inversions late at night and early morning. Last night, about 2AM, the Athens, OH NOAA WX station on 162.550MHz was 1/2 scale on an HT I checked it on. (Normally, barely there at around 100 miles from me.) This morning, S9! That, and local FM Translators were getting covered over by out of area FM stations. So, when it reaches +90 degrees in the day, and night dips down to the lower 60's, that temperature swing could mean some nice propagation on the FM, TV, MURS, GMRS, Marine, EMS, Weather, Amateur Radio,  whatever's on the VHF / UHF bands. (Even 6M could be game.)  Don't forget to check for those propagational beacons on 2M, 222MHz, and 432MHz, in CW mode. So, while the lower HF bands are still too noisy, and the upper HF bands still suck, those VHF / UHF bands should be game! Will we see the conditions of late September 2004? That would be nice.

For Sale / Wanted / Barter / Greenland up for sale? Um, NO!!!!!!
« on: September 21, 2019, 1847 UTC »
I guess that Trump won't get this,    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/19/why-does-donald-trump-want-to-buy-greenland

Kindda' too bad, could have been the last possibilities for, not just raping for minerals, but tourism, ultimate winter sports, radio super quiet telescope station locations, and starting up radio stations. Hey, can't be any worst that Alaska, where the FCC up there has a ravage reputation of going gung-ho onto practically anything reported to be unlicensed up there.

Now they're finally getting serious about this storm? Anyway, look for Hurricane Nets,      http://www.arrl.org/news/hurricane-watch-net-set-to-activate-as-caribbean-prepares-for-dorian

Huh? / Another alternative browser? Brave
« on: August 22, 2019, 2105 UTC »
Anyone ever browse with Brave before?   https://www.brave.com/
If so, what do you think???

10/11 meters / Very late "E" opening on CH 38LSB 8/18/2019, twice!
« on: August 19, 2019, 0446 UTC »
Woke up to Boston stations CQ'ing at 9AM EST, followed by E. NY, then Quebec, Canadian stations. Gone by noon. And "E" opening again at 10:30PM EST from Dallas and Lonesome, TX, then several Arkansas stations. Pretty much gone by 11PM. Still, nice late, late, season openings.

10/11 meters / Late E's for 11M, then 10M!
« on: August 05, 2019, 0241 UTC »
Around my neck of the woods, local HAM's on lightning free weekend evenings chit-chat on 10M, 28.415MHz USB. And, since this was a nice dry, storm free, Sunday evening, the weather must have keep any local ops outside today. However, I did hear from 23:25UTC - 01:30UTC stations from N. MI, NJ, then the swamps of LA. Scanned 11M CB, and sure enough, that was hopping mad with E skip. So, still some E's this late.

I've recently brought back from the dead a 1967 Arvin #87R59 Leather Cased Radio, then repaired the DC jack and and replenished missing hardware. FM and the MB (Marine Band), sucks on it, as I remembered that they did, even in their hey days. However, AM is a different story. On 1270kHz it was pulling in a pretty progressive classic rock station with much flutter fades. Getting an ID was about damned near impossible, and no other radio that I had here seemed to really get this. Not even the C-Crane Plus radio. Best direction was North / South. Boomer went onto an on-line SDR, with great AM receive, and finally caught the ID as WQTT,   Marysville, OH,   https://radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/finder?sr=Y&s=C&call=wqtt&nav=
That night pattern is pointed right at me, but it's short skip, which would enplane the rapid fluttering fading. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder what else I'll catch with that portable?

“The iron laws of physics being what they are, we are simply not making more,” says FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel.


Huh? / Anyone ever try Opera browser?
« on: June 20, 2019, 1843 UTC »
Yeah, has anyone ever tried this on a WIN PC, Mac, or Linux based, computer? If so, what do ya think? Better, worst, than Firefox?  https://www.opera.com/

Amateur Radio / Field Day 2019, this weekend june 22 - 23.
« on: June 20, 2019, 1803 UTC »
                 Field Day 2019,   http://www.arrl.org/Field-Day   , so all, but the WARC Bands and 60M, will be hopping. Even a PSA for it. Now, if only the T-storms can stay away.

 If we can ever get a weekend break in T-storms, there's the VHF, on up, Contests this weekend,   http://www.arrl.org/june-vhf
          Even if you don't have CW / SSB capabilities, check the following simplex FM FREQ's of 52.525MHz, 52.540MHz, 146.550MHz, 146.580MHz, the 147MHz simplex FREQ's, 223.500MHz, 446.000MHz, 446.050MHz, and 446.100MHz. The exchange here is mainly for the grid square and if you have other bands to work points from. And, any licensed amateur worked is a point to any serious contester. Good practice for Field Day. Now, wish these T-storms away!

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