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Messages - Matt_B

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ID and Translation Requests / UNID 840 khz 0330 UTC 22 July 2018
« on: July 22, 2018, 0337 UTC »
Anybody know what the heck this could be? Recorded from a SDR in West Chester, OH. 

Just heard this over the Northern Utah SDR.  I think it's Radio Free Asia, but I'm not sure....some help with the ID?


Just tuned into this on the ol' SDR.  A lot of people talking....anyone have any clue what's going on there?


Holy "can you hear me now?", Batman! NEW ZEALAND??? :-O

Not sure what this is booming into a DC-based SDR right now....coming in clear, a bit of periodic static.  Big band/jazz music, on 1700 khz.  I can't find any station on that frequency....perhaps a pirate? Here's a recording of what I heard. 


Little help, anybody?

No problem.  Glad to hear so many people are enjoying this.  :)

That would be my "Radio Free Connecticut" that you're hearing.  Hope you're enjoying it! :)

Here's an e-mail I just wrote to my Congressman (Jim Himes, D-CT) on the matter. 

Congressman Himes,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding HR 5709, which is known as the "Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement (PIRATE) Act". This bill, which is currently being discussed in the House, deals with the unlicensed operation of radio stations. 

First off, I concede that there are some radio operators who intentionally interfere with licensed radio frequencies.  However, the majority of stations that I have heard don't attempt to do this.  Rather, they are small, community-based operations that transmit on otherwise vacant frequencies, with average power outputs of around ten watts (compare that to the one hundred thousand watt maximum power output of an FM station).  As they do not interfere with other stations, their transmissions serve the public, and harm nobody. 

The radio broadcasting industry would have you believe that unlicensed broadcasters often interfere with frequencies intended for emergency broadcasts, as well as the public health.  The major broadcasting firms say that they are afraid of "pirates" taking over their frequencies.  However, and having first-hand knowledge of the radio industry, I can tell you that this is a "red herring".  What the major companies are really afraid of is competition in the radio industry.  Many broadcasting firms have virtual monopolies in several markets, as they control the vast majority of stations in those areas.  The unfortunate reality of the radio industry is that "if you want to play, you have to pay", and pay big bucks at that.  Unless you know someone in the radio world, it isn't possible for average citizens to own radio outlets, as one station will typically cost millions of dollars.  This has the effect of limiting the diversity of voices that can be heard, and degrading free speech. 

Congressman, I understand the arguments of the major broadcasting firms.  It wouldn't be false to say that unlicensed broadcasting is a problem, and should be addressed as such.  However, I believe that the proposed legislation is a threat to the free speech rights of all radio broadcasters, licensed or no.  For this and other reasons, I urge you to oppose the submitted bill, and vote no on passage.  Thank you for your time. 


(Real Name was put here)

General Radio Discussion / Interesting Event Tonight
« on: May 16, 2018, 0645 UTC »
Not sure what was up, but I think WICC 600 (in Bridgeport, CT) got knocked off the air because of the major storm that rolled through CT yesterday.  Was trying to tune in last night at about 2130 UTC, and could not find a carrier for the station's signal.  At the same time, a Spanish station just below WICC's frequency was coming in pretty well.  I believe that station was WLIE from Islip, NY (Long Island), at 540 khz.  Anybody else in the area run into this?

Hey Tuco, you've caught my internet radio station via relay! Thanks for listening in.  Feel free to shoot me a QSL request at FairBol@gmail.com.  Happy listening! :)

Longwave Loggings / Longwave Info
« on: May 09, 2018, 1036 UTC »
I think I just heard the TUT beacon from Pago Pago, American Samoa, on a Utah-based SDR....at 402.96.  I'm not familiar with LW broadcasting....would/could this be it?

Cool beans! :)

Seriously? Hoping this crap does not pass. 

The big broadcasters say the same thing, over and over again...."pirates interfere with us! They've got to be stopped".  Meanwhile, they have 100,000 watt transmitters, and translators/FM outlets for even the strongest stations (WFAN, I'm talking to you.  You can be heard in the Carolinas, for God's sake....why in the hell do you need an FM signal?).  Compare that to most unlicensed stations that have, I don't know, maybe ten watts of power (the output level of an average light bulb)? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the 100,000 watt stations will blow a ten watt operation away. 

The reality of the situation is that in the radio business, you have to "pay to play", maybe in more ways than one.  Unless you know someone who works for the big boys as an executive, good luck with that.  "Interference"? The only thing that unlicensed radio interferes with is the big broadcasting groups ability to make a dollar (which they don't seem to be doing anyway).  Note to the big boys....that's called COMPETITIONQuit griping about unlicensed stations which are hurting nobody, and leave the free market to its own devices!

Sorry for the rant, just had to get this off my chest. 

Another new one for me.  Just heard this on 25 meters, I think in USB.  Came through around S7 to S8. 


Anybody know what this is? A search of the active stations didn't come up with anything. 

ID and Translation Requests / UNID 14275.07 0728 UTC 3 May 2018
« on: May 03, 2018, 0735 UTC »
Here's a new one for ya.  Recorded this off a web SDR based in Corinne, Utah.  Sounds like Japanese to me, but I'm not sure. 


Anyone have any idea as to what this might be?

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