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Messages - John Poet

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John has a long mustache.

There is a fire at the insurance agency.

Pat has a large fruit cellar.

S-1 in Lansing, Michigan

Low MUF sucks...

Neil Young "Old man" at 0012.

S-0 to S-3 peaks in Michigan, 2155-  UTC

Heard overblown fake car dealer ad with lots of expletives, "your frikken check better be good" etc. (Nicely done, pity I couldn't copy more of it.)
Earlier, OM was singing a song, one line was "we'll write bad checks and piss all over your walls"

2203, into CW apparent ID and message reported earlier.

Into SSTV at 2207, then some kind of massive interference cropping up, can't quite tell what it is...


In 2013, Jamison argued that seeking consumer input in the regulatory process can be harmful, claiming that
"Public discussion inhibits open dialogue."

Well, that's pretty 1984-ish...

However, if the agency actually ends up being further weakened and starved, that would be good news on the pirate radio front.

A Trump FCC and Pirate Radio: Prepare for Struggle
By John Anderson

The United States is still trying to come to grips that it has elected a proto-fascist as its next chief executive. With the Republican Party in firm control of the legislature and the ability to shape the judiciary for the next several decades, lobbyists of all stripes are drooling at the prospects of a bona-fide kleptocracy.

Of all the things expected to be decimated in the Trump era, media and communications policy are among them. Others have already written about the potential for a GOP-run Trump FCC to undo several years’ worth of media reform efforts, such as network neutrality, media ownership limits, and many other things. We still don’t know who Trump may nominate to chair the Commission, though there’s talk that one of the two sitting GOP Commissioners may get the nod.

Neither will be good: Ajit Pai is a trenchant disciple of neoliberal economic theory, and pretty much sees all regulation as bad regulation; Mike O’Rielly, who helped write the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (though tellingly does not crow about it), is pretty much the same. But O’Rielly’s crusade to eliminate unlicensed broadcasting from the nation’s airwaves has gotten a significant boost with this election.

In the short-term, it’s unlikely that current FCC leadership will take any significant actions against pirate stations, and might even further deprioritize broadcast license-enforcement efforts during this lame-duck period. When the Trump administration takes over, it’ll inherit an agency bereft of meaningful operational revenue and adequate staff, demoralized and generally seeking to preserve their own rice-bowls. Many at or near retirement-age may see this as a good time to leave, further decimcating the agency’s institutional knowledge.

But what we can’t know is what the influx of Trumpsters into staff and management positions at the agency will do to the interpretation and execution of media policy. On the unlicensed broadcast front, here are some possible things to watch out for.

The first is the unabashed criminalization of unlicensed broadcasting.

Read more: 


Free Detroit, the rest will follow.

Huh? / Re: I DXed my garage door
« on: September 23, 2016, 2251 UTC »
I drove away from my home today and realized I didn't close my garage door. I knew that the first click would have more juice than subsequent clicks. I was tempted to click it through a chain link fence, but I saved my precious first click. It was all I had to keep me from turning around.  So I backed up to a clear shot, held the clicker high, and it worked! 

So--- about how far?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 USB 0025 UTC 06 Sep 2016
« on: September 06, 2016, 0036 UTC »
Been getting this also, about S-2 in Lansing MI

Startup with a Russian-sounding very familiar instrumental I just can't recall the name of...
There was an ID repeated that I could not copy, then into various shouting I couldn't copy either.

"Ain't that a kick in the head" at 0035 UTC.
Repeat of lengthy screaming f-bomb clip heard a little clearer this time...

Noisy conditions.
Way down in the noise at 0041.

ID!   "The Kid from Brooklyn Shortwave" heard clearly repeated at 0043 UTC, when signal came up to S-4.

'Making Whoopee' at 0050 UTC.

Email address seemed to be given as brooklynshortwave@gmail.com

Huh? / Re: Russian radio airs from psychiatric hospital
« on: September 02, 2016, 1014 UTC »
Didn't it always ?

What bugs me about it is the FCC, at times, confiscates pirate equipment in violations but never, it seems, confiscates ham equipment in cases like this.

The FCC cannot confiscate anything unless you allow them to do it-- that is, voluntarily surrendering your equipment.  Otherwise, they have to get a court order, which is unlikely before there are multiple violations by the same party.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Missing Remotes
« on: August 27, 2016, 0132 UTC »
I'm still looking for the remote that controls the Viking II....

At 0127 UTC, S3 to S7 in Lansing, Michigan with some kind of dance-musicky song by female artist...
seems like the same dance mix going for the last 12 minutes at 0139, I'm dancin' in my chair...

Sounded like there was an ID around 0146, before the other non-music audio began, but I could not copy it...

General Radio Discussion / Re: 2015-16 Pirate Radio Annual
« on: August 01, 2016, 0825 UTC »
Got mine a few days back.  Great work as always, Andy!  Even bigger this year....

Huh? / Re: The Go-Go's on Kimmel.
« on: July 29, 2016, 0937 UTC »
She was looking pretty good for a woman her age, wasn't she?

But I'd especially like her backing me up in a bar fight!

Still listening at 0400, but dropped into the noise a bit so I can't make everything out exactly, but WTF-- you're going away ???!!!

Went off for about a minute then came back on to play another request, after what sounded like talk about quitting, and getting relays or something....  I couldn't make out the reason, if any was given.

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