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Messages - Andrew Yoder

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I'm about ready to start laying the book out, but I went through it and found stations for which I don't have any 2011 images (QSLs, stickers, etc.). In a few cases, such as 6YCAT & Indira Calling, I don't have any images at all (yeah, I know I should've sent more reports in the late '90s).

Here's my list, not including stations not known to QSL (such as Southern Relay Service, Radio Free Manitoba, etc.)

Ann Hoffer
Blue Ridge Radio
Bust a Nut Radio
Hot Legs Radio
Hunk of Junk Radio
Indira Calling
Lounge Lizard Radio
Radio Cinco de Mayo
Radio Ga-Ga
Radio Jugaloo
Radio Magnetic Pole
Radio Marlene
Sycko Radio
Thinking Man Radio
Trip Wave Radio
Undercover Radio

If you have QSLs from 2011 for any of these and wouldn't mind sharing them for the Pirate Radio Annual, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks again!

General Radio Discussion / Re: FCC activity
« on: March 05, 2012, 1816 UTC »
Jolly Roger: Understood. I'm not trying to sweep "dirty tricks" under the rug. I'm sure that people have done different things that counter good pirate radio listening. But, in the past few years, I've noticed that people have not only been lax about their pirating operations, but they've seemed to be unaware of how the FCC has operated in the past. And lately it's seemed to me that talk of the dirty tricks, etc. has eclipsed the FCC's/DOC's involvement in this process.

Although I do address the possibility (or lackthereof) of an active pirate cooperating with the FCC in one sentence, my intent was simply to let people know how the FCC has operated in the past, not try to do a point-by-point argument for one side of this battle or the other.

General Radio Discussion / FCC activity
« on: March 05, 2012, 1434 UTC »
(to address some comments from the WEAK Radio post)

I think there might be some misconceptions about the FCC and their enforcement from some in the hobby who have been listening or pirating for less than 13 years. We've been lulled to sleep by the FCC's inactivity over the past decade, but they have the technology to close a house-operated station quickly. This bit isn't meant to be comprehensive, but I've heard a number of Qs on the topic and also assumptions about things that I believe are really stretching and I thought I'd mention what I know. Hopefully, it's a help.

The FCC closed at least one pirate in the '80s during the station's first broadcast. In the '80s, the rule was keep the broadcast under 30 min. and only broadcast once or twice per month and you *should* be safe.

Whether an active station gets closed is more a matter of an intersection of the FCC's funding, current feeling/internal policy on SW pirates, and the location of their agents than anything. If an FCC agent is sent to your town to close high-powered CBers, an FM pirate, or to check a licensed AM or FM station, you will be in much greater danger if you fire up on 6925 for a few hours that night. Evidently, the FCC simply ignored SW pirates between about 1999 and 2009, but from late 2010 to early 2011, they cared again.

This is normal. Over the years, they've let things slide and then suddenly closed stations down for a few months or even years. They don't write about why the enforcement levels change, so we really have no idea what causes the change in climate. But this is how they operate. This batch of closures is similar to the ones in '98 and '85. There were also stretches from about '77-'83 and '89-'93 when the FCC closed a number of stations and seemed to be taking a very active approach toward SW pirates. In fact, in 1991 (I believe), a guy was relaying Voice of Laryngitis programs on 15050 kHz (I think) while driving through the Midwest. This was a clear freq that was occasionally used by pirates (in other words, he wasn't QRMing the USAF and this wasn't a primary pirate freq, like 6925 is now). But they set up a roadblock on I-70 and busted him near Denver.

Any time a pirate broadcasts, if the FCC is checking, they can narrow the QTH down to a few square miles with distant DFing. Maybe not the town you're in, but the next town over at least. The problem is sending people out to close stations and do the close-in DFing. They can do it, but it's really expensive and shortwave is finally a low priority.

The FCC has never worked with an active pirate, so there's no chance that a particular SW pirate is selling out other pirates in exchange for keeping himself on the air. The FCC simply doesn't work that way. Also, one particular person complaining to the FCC about a pirate won't make much of a difference overall. Pirates are broadcasting, afterall, and fact is that people are complaining to the FCC about pirates. Some hams (and other people) do listen to pirates and complain to the FCC. In one of my old FOIA requests, I have photocopies of QSLs that one guy was receiving from pirates so that he could send to the FCC to use as evidence against these stations.

One comment made at the Winterfest was that a couple of the stations that were closed interfered with MARS frequencies. I don't know if this is the case, but interfering with MARS *will* cause a reaction from the FCC.

I started this thread because I wanted to show my appreciation for WEAK Radio and all of the programming he aired over the past few years. I'd rather not get onto other topics or theories about what happened to the station. I'm addressing those in another thread. Thanks to the unid relay station for giving us all a good taste of what WEAK Radio was like a few weeks ago.

Right now bits of talk are intelligible, so not too bad. Has been playing a lot of '80s new wave music so far, so I haven't been able to ID the songs yet.

Thanks for the show!

General Radio Discussion / Winter SWL Fest 3/1 to 3/3
« on: February 25, 2012, 1758 UTC »
BTW, the NASWA Winter SWL Fest is this coming weekend:


Tuned in during "The Pusher." Nice signal here.

Thanks for the show!

General Radio Discussion / Cowboy Stan crosspost
« on: February 24, 2012, 2110 UTC »
This is from the FRN:

We lost an amazingly funny guy and great friend to many of us.

Cowboy Stanley passed away over the weekend.

He was a creative and technical force behind The Voice of Laryngitis. Stan was also an avid radio enthusiast across the entire spectrum as well as a devotee of tracking Monarch butterfly migrations across North America.

Good Bye Stan. We’ll miss you.
Now the cough is very silent.
Genghis Huxley

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 AM 2338 UTC
« on: February 23, 2012, 0142 UTC »
Thank you for deciphering that end bit. I listened to it about 15 times & was about ready to pull out the headphones to figure it out.

Thanks for the show!
Andrew Yoder
POB 109
BRS, PA 17214

Here, too, with a mostly excellent signal. Went to bed, but had the recorder running. Listening to it right now. I must have recorded my time incorrectly because I have the sign on as about 0529 UTC.

Thanks for the shows, Dr. Benway!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6285 AM UNID
« on: February 19, 2012, 0023 UTC »
Yeah, I agree! Signals are making it across, but there's a lot of noise. Sounds almost like summer

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6285 AM UNID
« on: February 19, 2012, 0013 UTC »
The Bogusman

Wow, just tuned in & it's making it here!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio Ga-Ga: 6930U, 2/18, 2222+
« on: February 18, 2012, 2228 UTC »
Pretty good signal with soul music. ID "Live from Zipper Lake"

Thanks for the show!

Really nice signal here, but mod sounds low. Tuned in while hearing Fearless talking, then into Nugent "Dog Eat Dog." Great to hear Fearless again!

2159 ran downstairs to the SX-96 & the Joe Cocker sounds great on this receiver. Not sure if he adjusted the audio or if the SX-96 just sounds that much better.

Thanks for the show

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