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Messages - Treehouse SWL

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Turned on the radio just in time to hear the "Days of Hard Life" song. Signal was fair at best with lots of noise tonight.

Can't hear anything now as of 0355 UTC on the frequency. Can't tell if he signed off immediately after the song or if the signal just fell to nothing.

Update: Checked a few West Coast SDRs; he seems to have indeed signed off a few moments after I tuned in.

Loud and mostly clear via the Weiser, Idaho, SDR ...

2350 UTC: "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Frankie Valli.
2352 UTC: "California Girls" by The Beach Boys.
2354 UTC: "My Boyfriend's Back" by The Angels.
2356 UTC: "Do it Again" by The Beach Boys.
2359 UTC: Mix Radio International + Cool AM Radio ID with email address. Mentioned this is a 1944 remembrance program.
0001 UTC: Narration about World War II and D-Day.
0005 UTC: Joint MRI + Cool AM Radio IDs repeated over WWII song.
0007 UTC: "Bless 'Em All/The Washing on the Siegfried Line/Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major" by Vera Lynn.
0008 UTC: Faint audio now reaching my radio here in Lake Stevens, Washington.
0010 UTC: Joint ID again with email address, back into documentary about D-Day.
0012 UTC: "Lili Marleen" by Lale Andersen.
0014 UTC: Back to sound/speech from WWII.
0015 UTC: "The Girl Who Loves a Soldier" by Leon Cortez and his Coster Pals.
0018 UTC: "In the Mood" by The Four King Sisters.
0021 UTC: Back to narration on D-Day invasion, quoting Berlin radio reports.
0023 UTC: End of "In the Mood," then ID mentioning the special remembrance program.
0024 UTC: "The Washing on the Siegfried Line" by The Two Leslies.
0108 UTC: Still hearing the music rise up at times on my radio at my QTH.

Thanks for the D-Day remembrance!

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Radio Vanuatu back on the air again
« on: June 02, 2021, 1724 UTC »
Thanks for keeping us updated on Vanuatu!

I turned on my radio just for a couple minutes between 0630-0700 UTC last night just before ending my day here. (Even if I'm headed for bed, I habitually check for Mali on 5995 and Vanuatu on 11835 around that hour.) I could hear music through the noise on 11835 kHz. Also, I checked 7890 kHz and heard no audio, but could detect a signal. Most nights, I don't even get a hint of the harmonic on that frequency.

He's back for the second night in a row with the usual preaching style. Better signal with less noise than last night.

I haven't heard this one in a week or more, but YHWH's back on 7475 kHz right now. Fair to good signal with fading heard here northeast of Seattle, but quite a bit of noise in the band as well.

0225 UTC: "Days of Hard Life" song played; the signal's really getting buried by noise now and fading deeply here.

Signal really rose up fast in the past moment via the Northern Kentucky SDR ...

0022 UTC: "Pineal Impact" by In/Animate.
0023 UTC: "Mehana" by Daliborovo Granje.
0031 UTC: "Requiem" by SOJUS 3000.

Strong signal heard via the Northern Kentucky SDR ...

0002 UTC: "It All Depends on You" by Ben Bernie and his Orchestra.
0003 UTC: "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" by Bessie Smith.

Listening via the Northern Kentucky SDR ...

2358 UTC: Male-hosted doc about pirate radio around NYC. Fair to good, mostly staying above the noise.
0009 UTC: Noise level increasing somewhat while the pirate radio documentary continues.

Just barely audible here near Seattle ...

0145 UTC: Slow, kind of mystical music.
0147 UTC: Sounds like a soundbite from TV or movie.
0149 UTC: A few seconds of music, then another soundbite of talking ... "The American dream became a nightmare ..."
0155 UTC: Back to ambient music.
0157 UTC: Two SSTV transmissions.
0159 UTC: Off.

MW Loggings / Re: CHHA 1610 AM 246 UTC May 19, 2021
« on: May 24, 2021, 0005 UTC »
Update on that logging and discussion back at the start of May: The conditions on mediumwave have fluctuated a bit here since I logged CHHA, but I heard their music on 1610 a couple nights ago when I checked. So they're still being heard way out here near Seattle.

Listening via the Weiser, Idaho, SDR ... signal's audible through lots of noise.

2252 UTC: "In the Summertime" by Mango Jerry.
2253 UTC: OM said something, then SSTV transmission.
2254 UTC: OM said something again, followed by "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield.

Listening via the Northern Kentucky SDR ...

0203 UTC: Through the noise, I can hear a British-accented female voice talking over music. Sounds like it's from a documentary or movie.

0004 UTC: "White Wedding" by Billy Idol heard via the NA5B SDR near Washington, D.C. Good loud signal.
0006 UTC: "Alive and Kicking" by Simple Minds. I missed the quick ID, but from the signal and that huge waterfall on the SDR, this looks like Mix Radio International.

0105 UTC: Just checked back on this one from my own radio here near Seattle. Weak but audible music now.

2345 UTC: Hearing OM counting to five and then "1, 2, 1, 2 ..." via the NA5B SDR near D.C. Good signal overall.
2346 UTC: Same voice saying "audio, audio."
2347 UTC: OM voice with dragged-out "1, 2" and then "audio, audio" again.
2352 UTC: Still counting at intervals, along with "hello radio" at times.
2354 UTC: "Moving in Stereo" by The Cars.
2356 UTC: Song cut off; silence, then resumed, then stopped again, then back.
2358 UTC: Music's still cutting in and out.
0000 UTC: "Moving in Stereo" by The Cars restarted from the beginning.
0002 UTC: Same song restarted again.

Just turned on the radio and found the usual preaching style on this frequency amid lots of noise and some deep fades at times.

0327 UTC: "Days of Hard Life" song.
0330 UTC: Off.

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