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Messages - Skipmuck

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Tuned in at 2230 UTC to hear a peskie yakking, into instrumental music "To the Point"-Dean Evenson & Tom Barabas
Seems to be 2 peskies...not sure if they're talking to each other....
Playing instrumental music clips, followed by talk in Portuguese...It think this is a peskie playing radio
This might be entertaining if I could understand what they're saying  ???

2201 UTC OM with World of Warcraft tirade on abruptly...plenty of F-bombs and general profanity for all tastes :D
Signal is a solid S7 here...maybe a little overdriven
2205 UTC OFF
2206 UTC Francis talking about videos...playing Hearts...mention of Overwatch...World of Warcraft...been playing that game for 12 f**king years...we're gonna have sex this weekend....she didn't give a shit about me...expansion after expansion...I don't want to be that way...I'm giving you another chance...still playing video games all the f**king time...get it right
2212 UTC OFF
2216 UTC Back on again
2220 UTC OFF

Here also at 2258 UTC with some threshold music
2308 UTC Still unable to ID any songs...
2311 UTC "Capricorinations"-Mika Miko (Per Shazam) :)
2314 UTC "Blues Not Speed"-Mika Miko (Ditto)
2316 UTC "Frisco Dyke"-Mika Miko
2320 UTC "XLR8" ID
(Signal just above the noise floor here)
2330 UTC Siren
2338 UTC OM with "XLR8", into "El Yo-Yo"-Wayne Gorbea & Salsa Picante

Time to hit the sack...thanks for the eclectic tunes this evening XLR8!

QSLs Received / Re: Radio Illuminati 10/1 eQSL
« on: October 06, 2016, 1503 UTC »
Also received the same eQSL here as well as another one for the October 2nd relay on 5150 AM! Thanks much Mr. Azimuth Coordinator! :)

1432 UTC Song ending and OM with "Newport Pirate Radio?" ID, into "21st Century Schizoid Man"-King Crimson
(S3 Peaks and deep fades into the noise floor)
1436 UTC OM talking, into unid music....signal is fading quite a bit...tough copy at the moment
1439 UTC "Goodnight Moon"-Shiveree
1444 UTC Signal jumped up to S5 during unid foreign language tune
1446 UTC "The Dream Machine"-Sukia
(Signal strength is varying widely here...)

1928 UTC OM with ID "Your listening to Spikedelic at Home...87.9...Newport Pirate Radio broadcasting live from Nashville, Tennessee"...(mentioned songs played including song by Sergio Mendes & Brazil 66)
1929 UTC Unid reggae tune (signal strength still varying widely here)
{Not the same as the current 87.9 mixlr stream...perhaps one of the Showreels?}
1938 UTC "Hole In the Day"-Leo Kottke
1941 UTC "Friday's Child"-Nancy Sinatra
1944 UTC OM with ID...."playing some rainy day music"...rundown of songs played
(Perhaps this one? http://mixlr.com/879-newport-pirate-radio/showreel/spikedelic-home-rainy-daze/
2044 UTC OM with ID
2045 UTC Blues music mixing with the opening stanza of "The Soft Parade"-Doors, into punk rock tune
2050 UTC Shazam says "12 X U"-Wire
2052 UTC Advert plug for "Vinyl Guru Records" in Newport Rhode Island :)
(Signal strength from just above the noise up to S7 peaks)
2057 UTC Advertisement for Vinyl Guru Records (different than the one at 2052 UTC
2058 UTC OM with ID and email addy shortwavepirate@aol.com , the OFF

Thanks for the relay show today TRS! :)

Hearing someone talking in English...mentioned World of Warcraft...hard to hear but sounds like a tirade of sorts..."a hardcore game"
2329 UTC OFF? Nope back on again...too close to the noise floor to copy

Not sure what this is all about, but it sounds like someone forgot to turn off the microphone to the xmtr after the earlier show on 6925 USB

On suddenly at 2151 UTC with "Click Click Boom"-Saliva with solid S6 signal here
2156 UTC UNID alt/rock tune(After several tries, Shazam says "Keep Away"-Godsmack)
2201 UTC "Re-Education (Through Labor)"-Rise Against
2204 UTC "Stupify"-Disturbed
(Signal at S9 now!)
2208 UTC "Cool Girl"-Tove Lo
2212 UTC "This Girl"-Kungs vs Cookin' On 3 Burners
2215 UTC "Habits(Stay High)"-Tove Lo
2219 UTC "Bring the Noise"-Public Enemy
2224 UTC "Moaning Lisa Smile"-Wolf Alice
2226 UTC "High N Dry(Saturday Night)"-Def Leppard
2230 UTC "Hold On Loosely"-38 Special (Signal dropped down a bit....S6)
2234 UTC "Rock N Roll Band"-Scorpions
2338 UTC "Summer of 69"-Bryan Adams
2341 UTC "Uma Thurman"-Fall Out Boy
2345 UTC "Loving You Is a Dirty Job"-Ratt
2348 UTC "Wanted Man"-Ratt
(Signal holding steady at S5 now...noise has picked up a bit)
2251 UTC "Still of the Night"-Whitesnake
2253 UTC OFF

Thanks for the entertainment whoever you were.... :)

1741 UTC "Landing Gear"-Ani Difranco (S2 peaks with deep fades at tune-in)
1743 UTC "Norwegian Wood"-Beatles
1746 UTC "Dimming of the Day-Dargai"-Richard & Linda Thompson
(Checked the Newport Pirate Radio stream on mixlr and this is not it)
1749 UTC "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"-Kingston Trio
1752 UTC "Mr. Tambourine Man"-Byrds
"Tears of Rage"-Band
"Love of Our Lives"-Indigo Girls
"You Know What I Mean"-Turtles
"Pink Moon"-Teddy Thompson & Krystle Warren
"Fire and Rain"-James Taylor
"Teach Your Children"-CSNY
"Love, Life, and Money"-The Wandering
"California"-Joni Mitchell
"Okie From Muskogee"-Merle Haggard

1913 UTC "Silent All These Years"-Tori Amos
1916 UTC "Turn, Turn, Turn"-Byrds
"I Shall Be Released"-"
"God's Gonna Cut You Down"-Johnny Cash
"Go Tell It On the Mountain"-James Taylor
1950 UTC "Lilac Wine"-Jeff Buckley
(Signal is at S3 now with some occasional deep fades)
2103 UTC OFF midsong :(

Thanks for the Wednesday afternoon tunes 5150 Relay!  :)

2320 UTC UNID music at S5 here
2321 UTC OM talking now...mentioned the name of the last song....talking about the Gujira record...go back a few years...let's listen to it...you're listening to "Leprous Garden"...WGXC Hudson...stay with us!"
2323 UTC "Integral Birth"-Cynic
(Here's a link I found on a google search https://wavefarm.org/wgxc )
(7:00pm Leprous Garden: 2016 10 04 A historical and thematic study of death metal in all its forms, featuring the monthly segment, "Metallurgy. Hosted by Mantas")
2335 UTC Signal has faded into the noise....barely audible now :(

Thanks for the entertainment whoever!

Third SSTV cap

2248 UTC "Hey You"-Pink Floyd (and the worms ate into his brain...... :o) S9 here with usual awesome AM audio
2314 UTC Radio Illuminati ID thanking the 5150 Relay Station for tonights broadcast :)
2351 UTC "Lights"-Interpol
0023 UTC Still rock solid S8 here with very little fading :)..."Feels Like Summer"-Panama Wedding
0030 UTC RI ID closing announcement with email addy to the tune of "Time Is Tight"-Booker T & MG's :)
National Anthem and OFF at 0035 UTC

Thanks Radio Illuminati and thanks Relay Station 5150! 8)

Hearing some unid music right at the noise floor

2145 UTC "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer"-George Thorogood at S8 here
2152 UTC OM with ID "Amphetamine Radio", into CW followed by unid audio clip
2153 UTC OM with "You're listening to Amphetamine Radio...2153 UTC", into "Eat the Rich"-Motorhead
2158 UTC "Barracuda"-Heart
2202 UTC "Once Bitten Twice Shy"-Great White
2207 UTC "Already Gone"-Eagles
2211 UTC "Heartbreaker"-Pat Benatar

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: unID 6930 USB 0138z
« on: October 02, 2016, 0144 UTC »
Here also at 0142 UTC with UNID song....peskies on 6933 LSB are QRMing
0144 OFF?

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