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Topics - redhat

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SDR - Software Defined Radio / A theory on Kiwi TDoA ambiguity
« on: September 06, 2023, 1639 UTC »
I was thinking about this last night over dinner.  I think the reason the TDoA function on Kiwi's doesn't work all that well is pretty simply;  There are no two Kiwi's with identical antennas, and more importantly, antenna cable lengths.  A few nanoseconds here and there can cause pretty severe distance errors.

If we had a network of Kiwi's with all the same antennas and cable lengths, I bet the results would be more predictable.



Peskies / 6300 USB Arabic 0135 UTC 17 MAR 2023
« on: March 18, 2023, 0137 UTC »
Hearing Arabic sounding speech on 6300 USB.


The RF Workbench / Redhat's LULU build attempt
« on: January 13, 2023, 1546 UTC »
From an edited version of last night's live stream, watch for two painful hours me build my version of the LULU.  This is just the initial build without optimization.  Schemo's and BOM to follow once I get everything dialed in.



Get 'em while you can...


RTL Plans 234 kHz Exit for Year-End

French broadcaster cites energy crisis for dropping longwave

By T. Carter Ross ⋅
Published: October 25, 2022

Faced with rising costs and concerns about the environmental impact of energy use, Groupe M6 announced plans for its station RTL to stop broadcasting on longwave by January 1, 2023.

“Faced with the energy crisis, energy sobriety actions were necessary,” according to the station. “Energy sobriety,” or sobriété énergétique in French, is one of the four pillars France’s new energy strategy designed to reduce French energy use by 10% of 2019 levels over the next two years. Specifically, “energy sobriety” is a call to reduce energy consumption.

The broadcaster compared the electricity required for its longwave broadcasts to the average annual energy consumption of 3,000 French people.

This is not the first move RTL has made to address the carbon footprint of its operations. In 2019, the RTL Group announced an agreement with Luxembourgish energy company Enovos to install 23,400 solar panels at its Junglinster and Beidweiler transmission sites in Luxembourg.

The first wave of panels went into operation in 2020 with a second section of solar panels at Beidweiler completed in 2021. Today, more than 29,000 panels at the two sites produce 10.5 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, according to Enovos, making it the largest solar generation facility in the country.

According to Broadcasting Center Europe Marketing Manager Laurent Seve, long-, medium-, and shortwave operations at the 7.1-acre Beidweiler site will be transferred to Junglinster. The towers will be removed and solar generation capabilities will be “progressively extended.”

This work is currently scheduled to occur over the course of 2023. BCE, part of the RTL Group, manages operations at Beidweiler and Junglinster.

In explaining its longwave exit, RTL also stated that listenership to the channel’s longwave broadcasts were “marginal,” in part because support for the longwave reception is less common in modern receivers. RTL urged listeners to tune to the channel’s FM broadcasts or its digital streams via the Internet, apps, or smart speakers. The company also noted it has been “gradually rolling out” DAB+ service since 2020.

RTL has operated on longwave since 1933, broadcasting until 1966 as Radio Luxembourg from transmitters in Junglinster. In 1966, it rebranded as RTL, and in 1972 the station began broadcasting from a new site at Beidweiler with three 290-meter-high transmission towers.

The decision to exit longwave comes just weeks after the German RTL Group, a division of Bertlesmann, announced it would retain its controlling interest in Groupe M6. The company had previously sought to merge M6 with French broadcaster TF1, but in late September the companies abandoned the deal over French competition authorities’ concerns that a combined TF1–M6 would control more than 70 percent of the French free-to-air television advertising market.
RTL was the last remaining French commercial broadcaster on longwave. France Inter ended its longwave broadcasts in 2017 followed by Europe 1 in 2019 and RMC in 2020.


General Radio Discussion / Joe Farley, one of our own, has passed
« on: March 09, 2022, 1746 UTC »
I got word a few weeks ago from his wife that Joe had underwent surgery for brain cancer and was on hospice.  O.P. was digging around last night and found this..

Myself and Zane met up at Joe's place in 2014 to hang out, and we used to chat on the phone from time to time.  I wish his family the best as they navigate this rough time.

I still have one of his loops on my roof and use it!



The European Union is to ban the Kremlin-backed talk channel RT.

In a series of moves announced on Sunday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the EU would ban RT (Russia Today) and the news agency Sputnik.

“Russia Today and Sputnik, as well as their subsidiaries, will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify Putin’s war and to sow division in our union. So we are developing tools to ban their toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe.”

As also reported by Broadband TV News, a campaign led Ukraine’s Ministry of culture and information policy, and supported by leading Ukrainian media groups – 1+1 media, StarLight Media, Media Group Ukraine, Inter Media Group has written to operators asking them to pull the plug on any Russian news channels broadcasting over satellite, cable and OTT.

A number of countries have already taken their own action at both national and operator level. Poland and Latvia were early movers. However, the UK is waiting on the outcome of an Ofcom investigation into RT.

Wanna bet we see more SW in the future?


I see this popping up in threads around here from time to time, and it bears repeating.  To eliminate problems in your builds, especially as beginners;

*Don't buy components off ebay, or Aliexpress, wish, etc.  This is especially true of vendors overseas.  Many times these parts are restamped low quality parts of substantially different rating than they claim to be.
Buy parts from reputable domestic vendors, like Digikey, Mouser, etc.  It may seem daunting, as there are usually many versions of a particular part, but if you don't know which one will work, ask for help here.  We'll do our best to help you sort them out.

The money you think you will save is usually lost chasing problems related to counterfeit parts.


General Radio Discussion / Radio World article on shortwave radio
« on: September 10, 2021, 1718 UTC »
"Still lots to listen to" is the beat on the street.  James Careless wrote it and features Gilles Letourneau from the OfficialSWL Channel on Youtube.



Shortwave Broadcast / WBCQ 6155 khz am 16 AUG 2021 0235z+
« on: August 16, 2021, 0251 UTC »
Pirate perhaps?  Not listed on any scheds...pretty strong too, over S9.  Played Led Zepelin's In The Evening, then Neil Young, a national lampoons skit about Neil young, Then Neil Young and Crazy Horse 'Sedan Delivery' at 0250.
0253 WBCQ ID

Barefoot on the radiwow r108 in the tub in E TN.

Thanks for the show!


General Radio Discussion / Anyone heard from Richard Nowak lately?
« on: August 06, 2021, 1952 UTC »
My last few emails have bounced.  Haven't heard from him since March.

Hope all is well,


FM DX Loggings / Big FM DX opening today.
« on: July 25, 2021, 0015 UTC »
I heard several stations on the stock x-mobile radio, most in the 1200 mile range.  Not strong enough to pull in RDS, but enough program info to corroborate with the station websites.


Peskies / Peskies 4188 LSB 3 JAN 2021 0005z+
« on: January 03, 2021, 0016 UTC »
Weak but audible.  Presumed spanish.


General Radio Discussion / NASWA Winterfest info?
« on: November 23, 2020, 1946 UTC »
I haven't heard anything in regards to next years fest.  Anyone else have any word?


We are on 6285 KHz tonight with some new music.  Come on in, the water is fine :)


This came in today from Digikey. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/0/CPPC1-HT7PP-ND  It appears they are EOL'ing their entire through-hole line.

Epson has a similar product that is still in production.  https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/0/SGR-8002DB-SHB-ND
As does ECS https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/ecs-inc/ECS-P145-BX/ECS-P145-BX-ND/965972


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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns