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Topics - Shortwave_Listener

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S7 with the GB3WB KiwiSDR in the UK. Audio is very poor, even by SSB standards. QRM from a carrier on 6949 kHz.

1716 UTC-Music
1718 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID
1718 UTC-Unknown Music (sounds off frequency)
1721 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID over music
1729 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID
1730 UTC-Still more music, horrible sound quality
1737 UTC-Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto
1739 UTC-Talk, can’t understand (not English?)
1740 UTC-The Chicken Dance
1742 UTC-Seagull sounds and something said
1742 UTC-Unknown Music
1747 UTC-Email address

1757 UTC-Covered by OHR
1801 UTC-OFF

Sounded best on 6950.1 at tune in, seems to be on 6950.0ish at 1739 UTC, I think the TX is drifting?

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1630v AM 0520 UTC 7 JAN 2023
« on: January 07, 2023, 0522 UTC »
S5 with the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR in Finland. Really bad FMing and selective fading.

0520 UTC-Russian pop music

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1675v AM 0501 UTC 7 JAN 2023
« on: January 07, 2023, 0504 UTC »
S7 with the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR in Finland. Lots of Russian pirates active on this Saturday morning in Russia.

0501 UTC-VIA Band?
0505 UTC-Next song of the same kind, Shazam still no help
0508 UTC-Very upbeat Russian song, not sure what genre I would describe it as (sounds kind of like 50s Rock & Roll)
0515 UTC-Station operator speaking, lots of FMing (but not during music)
0516 UTC-OFF

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1639v AM 1533 UTC 6 JAN 2023
« on: January 06, 2023, 1534 UTC »
S7 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR.

1533 UTC-Station operator talking over the music
1533 UTC-Music playing on its own, low and tinny modulation
1536 UTC-Still occasional comments from the operator
1536 UTC-OFF

1537 UTC-ON, same thing as before
1544 UTC-Still commenting over music occasionally
1545 UTC-Just turned the music off and is now going on a long angry sounding talk
1547 UTC-Someone now has a drifty carrier on 1641v kHz causing QRM
1602 UTC-Making a phone call again (has done this a few times), after pressing a few buttons and talking to the woman on the phone the music starts again (does that each time), maybe he is frustrated at being on hold?
1604 UTC-Finally made it through to whoever is on the phone, neither person seems very happy
1621 UTC-Talking to a different person now, lots of laughing
1624 UTC-OFF
1628 UTC-ON, talking again, sometimes singing

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1669v AM 1530 UTC 5 JAN 2023
« on: January 05, 2023, 1545 UTC »
S5 with the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR. Very bad FM, AM carrier only visible during silence.

1530 UTC-Bard songs

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1669.5v AM 0500 UTC 5 JAN 2023
« on: January 05, 2023, 0501 UTC »
S5 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR. S7 with the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR in Finland.

0500 UTC-Столыпин by Mikhail Gulko
0502 UTC-vodka, vodka - Russian babe by Dmitriy Ivanov
0505 UTC-Unknown Music
0511 UTC-Carrier was fairly stable before, suddenly started FMing severely
0519 UTC-Music stopped in the middle of a song, station operator spoke, back to the music

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1658.5v AM 1526 UTC 4 JAN 2023
« on: January 04, 2023, 1528 UTC »
S5 with the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR in Finland.

1526 UTC-Russian pop music

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1710v AM 0517 UTC 4 JAN 2023
« on: January 04, 2023, 0519 UTC »
S5 with the Tambov, Russia KiwiSDR. QRM from QSO stations around 1713v kHz. Much better S5 on the OH5LIZ KiwiSDR in Finland.

0517 UTC-Unknown Russian Pop Music
0520 UTC-Next unknown music
0524 UTC-A VIA band?
0529 UTC-Professional Russian announcer talking over what I think is a VIA band, not sure where it is from (I am not aware of any legal broadcasters still playing music by the old VIA bands that these pirates sometimes play)
0533 UTC-Back to music only
0535 UTC-Announcer talking again with music
0559 UTC-OFF

General Radio Discussion / Shortwave Radio Archive
« on: January 03, 2023, 0556 UTC »
For those who haven't already seen, I have an extensive archive of recordings of pirate stations and many other things on shortwave and other bands. I mostly use KiwiSDR receivers to hear may things I cannot hear from my location, but I occasionally post recordings of stations heard on my Sony ICF-2010. I think you will be pleasantly surprised! I record almost everything of interest I hear.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive/featured

Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/@shortwave_radio_archive

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6955 AM 0234 UTC 3 JAN 2023
« on: January 03, 2023, 0236 UTC »
S7 with the KPH-HF KiwiSDR.

0234 UTC-Choir music?
0235 UTC-OFF with no announcement

Listening on the K3FEF KiwiSDR, interesting conversation about FM pirate stations they operated and other pirate stations.

This is a list I have compiled based on loggings here on the HFU. It shows all the North American shortwave and mediumwave (AM) pirates heard in the month of December 2022. Note that many stations use multiple names so determining the number of actual transmitters in use is impossible. Some stations are also active so infrequently that they may not have been logged this month but may broadcast in the future. Stations are listed alphabetically and show the station name followed by the number of loggings in December 2022. The most active station (other than UNID with 101) was B Side Radio with 16 broadcasts. There was a total of 292 broadcasts this month.


All Vinyl Radio 1
Ballsmacker Radio 8
Black Swan Radio International 4
B Side Radio 16
Captain Morgan Shortwave 2
Channel 94 2
Cloudsplitter Radio 11
Crow Radio International 1
Damn Skippy 2
Fruitcake Station 2
Goat Herd Radio 2
Goat Man Radio 1
Good Times Radio 2
Hawaiian Numbers 7
Hello Radio 2
Infected Mushroom Head Radio (Zeeky) 3
ION Radio 5
Locomotive Radio 1
Mix Radio International 1
Nowhere Radio 3
One Dog Radio 3
Outhouse Radio 11
Pee Wee 1
Pelee Island Broadcasting System 3
PNP Radio 1
Prime Number Radio 2
Radio Free Whatever 6
Radio Olah 1
Rock 165 2
RPM 45 1
Santa Claus Radio 1
Santa Radio 1
Solar Centric 2
Station One W 1
Sycko Radio 5
Transistor Radio 1
Thunder Chicken Radio 14
Truth Radio International 5
Two Dog Radio 2
UNID Santa 3
UNID Tones 10
Unique Radio 1
WDDR Drunken DJ Radio 1
White Crow Radio 1
WKWZ Kwanzaa Radio 1
Wolverine Radio 2
WTF Radio Worldwide 3
X-FM 1
Yeah Man Radio 1


Community Radio Network 4
Good Times Radio 1
The Squeaker 24/7 since 30 August (previously "Shortwave 1710")
Undercover Radio 4

Note: Due to the extensive activity on New Years Eve I have counted all broadcasts up to 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (instead of 2359 UTC).

S5 with the KPH-HF KiwiSDR in California. S7 with the KX4AZ KiwiSDR in Michigan.

0232 UTC-ON with SSTV QRMing B Side Radio
0235 UTC-Still going
0237 UTC-OFF
0242 UTC-Back on by now, Peskies on 6932 LSB are not pleased
0247 UTC-End of that image, OFF

Thanks to myteaquinn for the decode and informing me it is Fax.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 26895.3 AM 1808 UTC 1 JAN 2023
« on: January 01, 2023, 1811 UTC »
Exact frequency is 26895.28 kHz. S9+10 with the Lamont, Alberta KiwiSDR. Same excellent wide AM audio as last time I heard this station.

1808 UTC-ON
1809 UTC-Goo Goo Muck by The Cramps
1811 UTC-OFF

Just a test?

Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlwK8g3Hn1Y / https://archive.org/details/unid-26895.3-am-1808-utc-1-jan-2023

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns