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Topics - Chanter

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General Radio Discussion / has anyone ever thought about...
« on: June 10, 2014, 1031 UTC »
... Now and then buying an hour or so of airtime on one of the commercial time-seller stations (WRMI, WBCQ, you know) and airing a pirate show legally?  I imagine, given a lot of the music quite a few of the North American and European pirates play, that it'd go over well, and if it takes the place of Brother Scary and his mouthful of sandpapered hate, all the better!  ... Why yes, I'm irritated about the prevalence of doomsday idiocy on the time-seller stations again (again? that's better phrased as yet), why do you ask? 

In all seriousness, has anyone ever thought about doing something like this?  Even if someone were to act as a sort of relay and air a program for a pirate, with the other pirate's consent first of course, it could work. 

...  This is admittedly somewhere between outright call to action and meandering musing.  Call it a little of both.  I am serious about this idea, though.  $25 now and then for an hour of legally-aired pirate-originated programming (if I'm remembering BCQ's rates correctly) doesn't seem so unreasonable, and it'd beat the pants off bigotry any day of the week.  Thoughts, folks? 

10/11 meters / wherein I go 10 meter beaconeering 06/09
« on: June 10, 2014, 1020 UTC »
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but as these are ham beacons I figured they count as licensed rather than unlicensed, so belonged here.  Anyway, after two or more days of some really rubbishy conditions, last night the band went a bit wild!  I came home from work, tuned in on a whim while not expecting much of anything, and boom!  So many QSLs going out from this lot.  :) 

28208.8, 2258-2300Z - N8PVL, Livonia, Michigan, RST 339 

28214, 2302-2305Z - N4PAL, Longwood, Florida, RST 349 

28216, 2305-2307Z - K3FX, Neptune City, New Jersey, RST 339 

28254.5, 2328-2332Z - K4JEE, Louisville, Kentucky, RST 459 

28249.5, 2328-2331Z - KA3JOE, Bensalem, Pennsylvania, RST 239 

I checked this frequency on a whim; I've done so before and gotten a whole lot of zilch, so I figured this time would be no different.  Boy was I wrong!  It took a few minutes and a formatting change to make me realize that no, I was not just hearing distorted time pips from the adjacent and strong WWV.  The RWM IDs at 0139 clinched it.  Wow, wow, and wow!  I never thought I'd hear this one over here, ever.  Then again, I've only heard BPM once... 

Here's my log.  I am oh so definitely QSLing this catch! 

9996, RWM, 0215-0246.  High-pitched time pips at tune-in, lasting uninterrupted for several minutes.  Shifted to a stream of rapid pips at 0220, lasting until 0230 when a continuous tone replaced it.  What sounded like short data bursts at 0238, then clear Morse RWM IDs at 0239, all minute long.  Back into time pips at 0240, then into rapid pips again.  Signal good, audible alongside WWV on 10000.  SINPO 44344. 

Audible again tonight, though not as strong.  Anybody else catch it?  If not, try for it once and see what you get. 

Shortwave Broadcast / craaaazy night for Brazilian DX! 05/11
« on: May 11, 2014, 0518 UTC »
Remember that conversation in another thread about Brazilian stations?  Well, get a load of tonight!  I just wish I'd gotten definite logs of the last two stations here.  I'll be trying again tomorrow night, and if conditions are right, holy cow. 

9820, Radio 9 de Julho, 0010-0105.  Conversation between a male presenter and a number of callers, one string of adverts or PSAs, and some very lovely fado-type music.  Clear Radio Nove de Julho ID at 0042.  Into what sounded like a church service after 0100.  Signal fair, SINPO 33333. 

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, 0027-0055.  Conversation from a male presenter and lighter popular music.  One clear Inconfidencia ID at 0040, in between songs.  Signal fair with minor interference from a nearby station.  SINPO 33333. 

4915, Radio Daqui, 0102-0115.  tuned in to a clear, quite lively station ID, then into some really excellent maracatu music.  Caught a second and third definite station ID in between songs, including one that said Radio Daqui AM, but programming was mostly music.  Per EiBi, this station goes off at 0100, but I definitely tuned in at 0102 and heard them.  Signal fair to good with minor CODAR interference.  SINPO 43344. 

11915, Radio Gaucha, 0052-0120.  Conversation between a male presenter and at least one if not two guests, with several definite mentions of Brasileira, one possible mention of parliament, and what sounded like reference to the Copa Libertadores, though I could be wrong.  Time pips under talk at the hour and at 0115.  Two distinct strings of adverts, and at least two references to Porto Alegre.  Signal fair to good, SINPO 43344. 

4905, Radio Anhanguera Araguaina (tentative), 0105-0115.  Talk mainly in a male voice, interspersed with soft regional music.  Signal weak under loud CODAR interference, SINPO 22222. 

4775, Radio Congonhas (presumed), 0050-0115.  Talk mainly in a male voice, as well as several ballads or softer songs.  I initially thought this was TWR as one song sounded religious, but the language spoken was definitely Brazilian Portuguese.  Signal weaker to fair, SINPO 32233. 

Plus Radio Bandeirantes on two outlets (a booming 9645 and a weaker but still reputable 11925), Radio Nacional da Amazonia sounding like a local on both 6080 and 11780, Voz Missionaria on 9665, Radio Deus E Amor on 11765, Radio Aparecida strong on 11855, *and* Observatorio Nacional Brasileira clear under WWV on 10000.  Ho-lee cow. 

Oddly enough, there was no sign of Radio Brasil Central Goiania, or of stations like Boa Vontade or Caiari Porto Velho.  Can't have it all, eh?  :P  I really hope conditions are this amazing again tomorrow.  Needless to say, I'll be doing some QSLing from tonight's catches! 

Here are the logs I managed tonight.  I was specifically trying for Brazilians, and I got 'em!  I've been seeking these two stations for months!  Definitely QSLing them both. 

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 0130-0152.  News programming, including one interview or correspondent report down a telephone line and male and female announcers taking turns with stories, though the male presenter did more of the talking.  Musical stingers between items, one mention of internacional, and a definite Bandeirantes ID at 0150.  Signal fair in rainstorm static.  SINPO 33333.  Matched // to a comparable 11925, though that signal had a transmitter hum. 

9818.5, Radio 9 de Julho, 0140-0152.  Gentle instrumental music at tune-in, into a program of the same moderated by a very mellow male presenter.  Signal weak but audible in rainstorm static, SINPO 32232.  No sign of a usually-interfering China on 9820. 

Add to that a loud Radio Progreso from Habana on 4765 (old-fashioned organ music, mostly) and an equally booming Radio Nacional da Amazonia on 11780, and it's not a bad night for DX here in the Midwest.  I'm sorry I couldn't catch Caiari Porto Velho, Cancao Nova or Boa Fontade, though. 

Other / 11619kHz +/- rapid Morse
« on: April 02, 2014, 0334 UTC »
Who the heck is sending CW on 11620kHz?  I've had a clear signal there, right on top of an AIR transmission, for two local evenings running.  It might zero at 11619, it's audible on sidebands and in AM, and it's definitely true Morse rather than something like RTTY or a weather fax.  I attempted to copy, but my CW speed isn't up to that level yet, and what I was able to manage didn't scan as English.  Anyone have any ideas? 

Most important of all, other than an ID, is the question... what the heck are they doing smack in the middle of 25 meters?  Arrgh!  I kind of wanted to hear that AIR outlet, you know... 

Last night's conditions were rather odd.  I had Chinese stations everywhere, but Brazilians were making quite a good showing as well.  11765 was louder than it generally is, 11780 and // 6080 are a given, and this one...  I've never managed 11815 before!  :D  anyone know if they QSL?  Still no luck with Bandirantes, darnit.  China tends to step on them.  No sign of Aparecida last night either.  Odd. 

Here's the log as I wrote it up. 

11815, Radio Brasil Central, 0037-0115.  Brazilian popular music, some dancey, some closer to ballads, interspersed with announcements or other talk from a male presenter, often over music.  Definitely heard what sounded like 'nacional', but could have been 'central'.  Signal weaker but audible, with splatter from China on 11820.  SINPO 32232. 

Brazil was in the clear after 0100, when china signed off 11820.  signal remained weak but audible.  One happy Chanter ahoy! 

Did anybody else hear this one?  I was up north for the holiday and didn't have the laptop with me, so ran with the only frequency I could recall for certain.  I caught it - regional instrumental music to a program of carols and hymns interspersed with religious teaching or stories in German - but what would have been a fair signal was badly splattered on by Brother Scary on 9930.  Blah!  :( 

Still pleased I heard this for the second year running, even if last year had better reception by far. 

MW Loggings / 860 KKOW - Pittsburgh, Kansas - 11/19
« on: November 20, 2013, 0017 UTC »
Caught this one unexpectedly.  I'm still delighted at my good fortune hearing an ID like I did.  I like CJBC quite a lot, but it's a flamethrower and how!  XD  Here's the log I snagged last evening. 

860, KKOW, Pittsburgh, Kansas, 0013-0018.  Local commercials and sports talk, including a recorded clip of a touchdown in a football game.  Clear AM 860, KKOW ID at roughly 0016.  Signal fair at best, beneath or alongside CJBC in Toronto.  SINPO 32333. 

Now to get a definite ID on that classical station out of Ohio (?) I can occasionally hear beneath Toronto. 

Shortwave Broadcast / catches from October 22
« on: October 25, 2013, 0203 UTC »
Conditions to southeast Asia were ridiculous in the best sort of way a couple days ago.  Here are the logs I managed the most clearly.  Some are fully written out, some are much sketchier.  Did anybody else notice the wild propagation? 

11895, Voice of America Dewa Radio, 0100-0150.  Pashto news including several mentions of Barack Obama, conversation and at least one interview down a telephone line, including regional and more western music and what sounded like the BBC's news theme music.  At least one embedded VOA ID.  Multiple male and female voices heard.  Signal fair to good, SINPO 33343. 

11945, China Radio International, 0100-0050.  News theme music that sounded enough like the BBC to give me pause, talk in Mandarin in multiple voices, and what sounded like very excited program promos (this made me pretty sure it wasn't the Beeb after all).  No sign of RFA in Uighur.  Signal good at first, fading with time.  SINPO 43343, 22232 by tune-out. 

11590, NHK World, 0115-0130.  Hindi talk, mainly by a female presenter, and Japanese popular music - some rock, some closer to ballads.  Off at scheduled 0130 sign-off time.  Signal fair, SINPO 33233. 

11905, SLBC Sri Lanka, SINPO 32232 with music stronger than talk, but at least one definite female-voiced ID. 

11990, China Radio International in listed Khmer, not clear enough to discern talk though music was audible.  Gone by 0200.  SINPO 22222. 

No sign of Radio Pakistan, though I keep trying.  Argh! 

FM DX Loggings / WSEY 95.7 heard in Wisconsin
« on: July 05, 2013, 0643 UTC »
SW and MW DX was pretty marginal tonight, so I tried FM on a whim.  Am I ever glad I did!  What did I discover on 95.7?  WSEY out of Oregon, Illinois, which is the *Saint Louis* market!  Rockford is a breeze to snag, Chicagoland can happen, but this?  Is new.  You'd better believe they'll be getting an e-mail from me! :)  What's more, reception was good - not quite at local levels, but perfectly readable all the same, so long as I kept the antenna swiveled the right way.  Cardinals-Angels baseball call; I caught the last inning and a half or so.  The Angels came from behind to win in the 9th, if you're interested.  Got a Kool FM ID, if not a proper station ID, shortly after the hour (isn't that the law in the States?  What the?)  That, the Cardinals game and the Saint Louis area adverts were enough to confirm what I was hearing, I looked it up, and boom.  

I haven't had FM DX like that in a few years!  

Edited to add: Holy tropo!  I've had Chicagoland stations popping up all along the FM dial all night.  Try this, all heard between 9 and 11Z: 

92.5, Dance Factory Radio, Chicago, weak fair (I like this one!) 
94.7 WLS, Chicago, oldies, fair to good, splatter/distortion from a local 
95.1, WIIL Will Rock, Kenosha, WI, hard rock, good 
95.3, WRTB Bob FM, Winnebago, IL, fair 
95.5, WNUA El Patron, Chicago, Spanish-language, fair 
96.5 ? weak but present beside a local 
96.9, WDDV the Drive, Zion, IL, rock, clear as a local 
103.5, WKSC Kiss FM, Chicago, top 40, fair at best 
104.7 Spanish-language, fair, Milwaukee? 
106.7 WPPN Pasion, Chicago, Spanish-language, fair, mixing with a local 

I'm surprised I didn't get any Chicago Public Radio stations in there.  Maybe I just wasn't tuned to the right frequency at the right time.  I did have a couple classical-ish stations on 98.7 and 98.9, but I never got any talk, let alone IDs from them, so I can't be sure they weren't just VCY America affiliates out of Milwaukee and elsewhere. 

Shortwave Broadcast / RMRC special broadcast via WRMI, 06/02/13
« on: June 02, 2013, 2234 UTC »
Did anyone else hear this one?  I deliberately left my home QTH to try and get it, but ran into some nasty noisy lighting-related RFI.  Argh!  I did manage to hear a fair signal on fade-ups, though; mostly contemporary-sounding music, but German talk in a male voice at around 0310Z.  Tune-in time for me was 0300-0315Z, before the noise got the better of me and I packed it in.  I suppose it doesn't help that WRMI is pretty mercilessly jammed by Cuba regardless of programming.  The only thing they don't seem to jam?  Brother Scaryvoice and his rants!  Go figure. 

MW Loggings / 850 KEYH, Houston, TX heard in Wisconsin, 05-08
« on: May 09, 2013, 0419 UTC »
Caught this one completely unexpectedly.  Here's the log I wrote after getting back to the apartment.  QTH for this catch was my go-to location when I'm DXing, the Wisconsin state capitol lawn.  I'm amazed how faint KOA was; I didn't think anything could drown that flamethrower out! 

850, KEYH - La Ranchera 85, Houston, Texas, 0203-0213.  Ranchero music with one clear male voice ID between songs, wording might have varied a little, but the ID itself was plain: "La musica de mi tierra, la ranchera ocho cincuenta."  The music of my land, la ranchera 85.  Signal good at first, fading down to fair.  Only a whisper of KOA in Denver audible beneath.  SINPO 33344. 

HF Beacons / GNK beacon on 13565 LSB, 05-08, 0140Z onward
« on: May 08, 2013, 0256 UTC »
While tuning around 13mHz or so tonight, I stumbled across what I thought was either a carrier or some RFI.  I flipped to sidebands to try and figure out what it was, and... holy cow!  

--. -. -.- GNK  A beacon on 13565 LSB?  What the?!  It was loud and clear, easily SIO 555, at 0140.  Still there at 0210 when I packed up and went home, and though I haven't checked again, I'll bet it's still going strong.  Does anybody else have this one?  Is it just a local or Midwestern thing, or are folks further afield hearing it too?  And what's up with the frequency?  I've never heard a beacon that far up the spectrum.  Is somebody messing around, or has this been heard before?   ???

Other / RTTY (?) on top of WWV, 10mHz
« on: April 22, 2013, 0017 UTC »
At around 0010Z tonight, April 22, I happened to flick to 10mHz.  I could hear WWV, but atop it was what at first sounded like their two-minutes-past-the-hour tone.  I checked my watch to confirm what I already knew... nope, not 0002.  A little further listening, including a shift to sidebands and back to AM, got me a transmission that sure sounded like either RTTY or some other goofy fax mode.  What's up with that?  Has anyone ever heard this or similar before?  And maybe most importantly, why the heck would someone put an RTTY transmission on top of a known time signal frequency? 

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