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Topics - Chanter

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Longwave Loggings / recent longwave logs
« on: February 15, 2013, 0854 UTC »
As I've said before, just when I despair of ever finding a new beacon, up pop a few to restore my faith in a night-to-night variable band.  :)  I really need to get a map of nearby states and provinces, detailed enough to list small towns and cities, for the purpose of sticking pins in heard locations.  Does such an animal exist, I wonder?  

417, 02/09, 0450Z - IY, Chukk - Charles City, Iowa  
281, 02/13, 0703Z - DMO, Sidalia, Missouri  
332, 02/15, 0727Z - FFL, Fairfield, Iowa  
274, 02/15, 0736Z - YPM, Pikangikum, Ontario  

Edited to add: Aaaaand one more. 

300, 02/15, 1122Z - YOG, Ogoki Post, Ontario 

General Radio Discussion / state of the beaconworld site
« on: February 13, 2013, 0439 UTC »
Does anybody know if http://www.beaconworld.org.uk is still active as far as posting NDB logs goes?  Per the RNA NDB site, I've gone looking around there attempting to find the list I'm supposed to join to post logs, but all I get is sketchy and somewhat outdated cell phone overviews.  I've seen elsewhere that the relevant information has been deleted from that site, but the RNA site itself is still being updated with loggings.  What's going on here? 

Basically, a) the heck is with beaconworld? b) where is RNA getting their log info if beaconworld is kaput, and c) does anyone know how I get in on the act?  I've got NDB logs to port over, if so. 

Excuse the sloppy sentence construction; I'm writing while tired. 

Longwave Loggings / NDB lists? getting logs included on the RNA site
« on: February 11, 2013, 0852 UTC »
I know a few people are familiar with the RNA site used in NDB locating.  I've identified many a beacon thanks to information there.  I've recently gone sniffing around trying to figure out how to get my own logs included there, as the site itself is clearly being updated with loggings.  The information I get says join the list at the beaconworld website www.beaconworld.org.uk, and that I'll have to search a little for information at the site.  No problem, says I.  I'll just click over, look around, and... 

Nuh-uh.  It's a cell phone selling site, and all links point to more somewhat outdated information about business cell phones.  Pretty sketchy, frankly.  What the heck? 

I'm basically left wondering a) is that site legit and I'm just missing something, and b) if not, where in the world is http://www.classaxe.com/dx/ndb/rna/ getting its logs imported from?  This all rather leads to c) how do I get in on the act? 

A clue-in would be appreciated. 

Shortwave Broadcast / great conditions=startling Asian signals ahoy!
« on: February 10, 2013, 0632 UTC »
I'll preface this by saying all these logs were gotten while an hour north of my usual QTH and thus away from big city RFI central.  

I think I must've been getting Asian signals over a path from Europe today, as there was no sign of WWVH.  Asians, on the other hand, there were!  CRI was everywhere on bandscans, India showed up at least once, and at least one BBC outlet via Singapore was in where it was seldom heard before.  This log in particular was a surprise, even with my misidentifying it as Beibu Bay initially:  

9820, CNR 2 business radio, 2130-2148.  Mandarin talk, mainly from a female presenter, into upbeat dance music near tune-out.  Loud het from Radio 9 de Julho, signal fair otherwise.  SINPO 32333.  

But get this.  10mHz nearly made me fall over when I tuned to WWV.  Colorado I got, as that station hardly ever goes anywhere, but beyond that... holy cow!  *BPM* was alongside WWV at 2329!  It stayed that way until the hour changed, too - no quick fade-up and fade-out here.  I caught the pips, Morse IDs and admittedly fainter voice IDs to prove it.  

10000, BPM, 2326-0000.  Second pips at tune-in, to Morse ID's at 2329 and faint spoken ID's following.  Second pips returned at 2355, leading to the top of the hour, Morse and more faint spoken ID's.  Signal strong, SIO 444 at best, generally around 333 throughout monitoring.  Audible clearly along with WWV and a weaker Observatorio Nacional in Brazil.  

That log leads into another delightful point of the day for me.  How propagation to and from Europe and Asia led to this catch, I do not know.  I've been looooonging to hear the station I keep mentally misnaming as Observatorio Brasileira for months now, and would you believe today I actually pulled it off?  It was weak, and it was beneath WWV and BPM, but it was pretty definitely there.  

10000, Observatorio Nacional do Brasil, 2330-0000.  Pips and Portuguese announcements in a female voice marking ten-second intervals, as well as possible minute announcements.  Signal weak but audible, clear Observatorio Nacional ID heard during a time check at 2343.  Heard under a stronger BPM and a customarily booming WWV.  SIO 222.  

I still can't believe my luck.  How in the world did I manage all these?  I didn't even have the loop with me!  My little DX-398 was as barefoot as can be, running on batteries alone.  Wow, says I.  

I did have one strange bit of audio sneak in there, though.  At 2341, every minute for at least two or three minutes after, someone on 10mHz send a short CW message too fast for me to copy yet.  It sounded like 'send all to' ... something.  I couldn't get everything, but I definitely heard a double L, to something, and possibly SH-something?  The CW was loud, as strong as BPM at its strongest, and varied in pitch from minute to minute; one time it was higher in tone, another lower, another slightly higher again.  This makes me wonder if it wasn't something official from a time signal, modulated from minute to minute the better to get the message across in rotten conditions.  Does anyone have a clue? 

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 9450kHz, 0000-0200Z 2/10
« on: February 10, 2013, 0619 UTC »
Caught the show tonight from a town an hour north of my usual QTH - visiting family! 

Signal stronger than it has been lately, yay!  On at 0001 and immediately into early rock music, then programming as usual... except for one rather bad joke Eric made about a couple people trying to get a day off work.  Heh!  SIO 444, down to 333 as the band started going longer.  Digital (FSK and something else) transmissions at 0130, with Kim Andrew Elliot guesting briefly.  I missed the end of it as RL intruded.  I was still really glad to hear this one with good modulation again!  I've missed hearing these shows clearly. 

Shortwave Broadcast / the amazing conditions to E Africa continue!
« on: February 05, 2013, 0043 UTC »
Here are the logs I've managed so far, and you can bet they're all getting QSL'd.  I'll be trying for UBC Uganda again tonight, and Voice of the Tigray Revolution tomorrow morning before work.  I could also snag VOA Botswana and Sao Tome if I wanted, and I think I will, at least where Sao Tome's concerned.  

February 3  
4780, Radiodiffusion Television Djibouti, 0409-0414.  Faint but audible Afar talk in what sounded like a female voice from tune-in to tune-out.  May have been music, but this was difficult to discern.  Signal weak but present.  Listened in USB to avoid a high noise level.  SINPO 32232.  

February 4  
4775, Trans World Radio, 0346-0348.  Animated talk in listed Lomwe by a female presenter from tune-in to tune-out.  Voice peaked above the noise floor, but was at the noise floor otherwise.  Listened in USB to avoid the worst of the noise.  Carrier louder than actual audio.  SINPO 32232.  

3320, Radio Sonder Grense, 0353-0356.  Music from tune-in to tune-out, definitely with a woman as vocalist, possibly with a guitar beneath.  Music was definitely softer/lighter, and assumedly in Afrikaans, though this was difficult to discern.  Signal weak but audible, carrier louder than actual audio.  Listened in USB to avoid a loud noise floor.  SINPO 32232.  

The South Africa catch was an unexpected pleasure, as I'd only had a weak carrier there the previous evening.  Ditto Swaziland TWR, only I knew I had at least something of a chance at hearing that one if conditions held.  Little sign of Uganda last night, but as I said, I'll be trying again tonight.  

Edited to add: I got Rwanda!  :) 

February 5 
6055, Radio Rwanda, 0258-0313.  Tuned in to French/Kinyarwanda talk by a male presenter with distinct reverb effect behind.  Into talk in a quieter female voice after several minutes, then into a program of lighter, almost hymnlike music.  Signal weaker to fair, subject to some adjacent channel splatter from Cuba on 6060.  SINPO 33333 at peaks, 23232 otherwise. 

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Libya heard in Wisconsin, 1/30 1958Z
« on: January 30, 2013, 2153 UTC »
I'm still amazed that I caught even a whisper of this one.  Could I have misidentified this one?  I never could get an ID, and I know at least one religious broadcaster used to use this frequency.  They seem to have moved with the winter schedule change, and Libya is the only broadcaster I could find listed as on 11600.  I am boggled.  Thrilled, too!  I've been trying for this one for months, no joy.  Then suddenly today - boom! 

11600, Radio Libya, 1958-2010Z.  Talk mainly from a male presenter, presumably news, from tune-in to tune-out.  Language was Arabic with what sounded like French influences, which would be understandable.  Signal almost fair at peaks, at or just above the noise floor otherwise.  SINPO 33233. 

Longwave Loggings / some recent longwave logs
« on: January 20, 2013, 0540 UTC »
I've managed some longwave DXing lately, and here are the results.  New job (!) isn't kicking my butt quite so badly now, time-wise, so I'm actually awake when conditions start to be decent.  If nothing else, there are always the weekends.  

I'm still amazed at the 1/18 catch, though.  How I pulled that off, I do not know.  I'll call it akin to hearing KOA on 850kHz and just count myself fortunate.  Tonight's been crazy for Ontarians, though.  

329, TAD - Trinidad, Colorado NDB, 0532.  Morse ID's with several seconds between.  Signal only audible on a fade-up, slight difficulties in copying.  Signal fair.  SIO 333.  

355, YWP - Webequie, Ontario NDB, 0458.  Morse ID's with dashes between.  Signal fair, audible with slight difficulty copying.  SIO 333.  
350, RG - Gally, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma NDB, 0502.  Morse ID's with several seconds between.  Signal fair, audible under YKQ in Waskiganish, Quebec.  SIO 323.  
334, YER - Fort Severn, Ontario NDB, 0508.  Morse ID's with dashes between.  Signal fair to good, audible along with/underneath YLD in Chapleau, Ontario.  SIO 434.  
224, MO - Moosonee, Ontario NDB, 0518.  Morse ID's with dashes between.  Signal fair, audible alongside and beneath YYW in Armstrong, Ontario.  SIO 333.  

You lot get my full, wordy logs, as I can't be bothered to edit them down.  Heh.  Would you believe we have a Mosinee in Wisconsin?  Similar to the Ontarian city name, but not quite the same.  I've noticed a lot of Ontarian names could be Wisconsinite, no doubt due to the First Nations influences in both locations.  Still surprised and pleased at that Oklahoma City catch, too.  :D  

Edited to add: Aaaaaand one more.  This's also from 1/20. 

278, FD - Earli, Poplar Bluff, Missouri NDB, 1004.  Morse ID's with a few seconds between.  Signal fair at best, though fluttery and subject to some rapid fading.  SIO 323. 

Longwave Loggings / recent longwave logs
« on: January 13, 2013, 0600 UTC »
Just when I start to think that's the end of it, I've heard all there is to hear, new NDB's climb up out of the mists and surprise me!  :)  Here are the few I've managed over the past few days.  New job (!) has rather flattened me, but the weekend belongs to the radio.  

01/04, 0425Z, 413 - YHD - Dryden, Ontario  
01/05, 0644Z, 356 - GR 'Famis' - Green Bay, Wisconsin  
01/06, 0953Z, 516 - YWA - Petawawa, Ontario  
01/12, 0912Z, 269 - BEX - Bloomfield, Iowa  
01/12, 1110Z, 365 - TV - Traverse City, Michigan  
01/13, 0440Z, 338 - ZEM - Eastmain, Quebec  

The earlier three were all caught during a DXpedition of sorts an hour or so north of my usual QTH.  I had a sister's baby shower to attend, and took the radio with me for the weekend.  The latter three were just caught this weekend.  

More to follow, hopefully.  

Aha, I was right!  Here are a couple more.  No luck on Euro or African broadcasters though, darn it all. 

1/13, 326, 0815Z - VV - Wiarton, Ontario 
01/13, 392, 0822Z - ML - Charlevoix, Quebec 

General Radio Discussion / ODXA shortwave DX contest
« on: January 04, 2013, 1927 UTC »
Hat tip and credit to the Monitoring Times shortwave blog for the post I'm linking to.  I wouldn't have had a clue about this if they hadn't written about it.  I figure I'm not the only one in here who'll be interested.  :) 

In summary, the ODXA is hosting a month-long DX challenge, and it doesn't look like it's restricted to members.  I am, as they say, so in. 


Longwave Loggings / longwave NDB's
« on: December 30, 2012, 0813 UTC »
Thought I'd start a thread for these, as I rather spammed another longwave thread with my list of catches.  Oops!  Sorry folks.  

This's going to start out with another list of catches, as tonight has been ridiculous for NDB's!  I've literally caught eight new ones in the space of an hour, all but one of them Canadian.  I've got Ontarian and Quebecois beacons all over the place, and I love it!  :)  Here's what I've snagged tonight.  Just tonight, mind; I might stick my full list in here later.  

371, 0716Z - GW, Jarpik - Kuujjuarapik, Quebec  
400, 0718Z - CI, Koloe - Sault Saint Marie, Michigan  
401, 0738Z - YPO, Peawanuck, Ontario  
223, 0740Z - YYW, Armstrong, Ontario  
219, 0741Z - YMG, Manitouwadge, Ontario  
276, 0754Z - YEL, Elliot Lake, Ontario  
233, 0755Z - QN, Nakina, Ontario  
205, 0756Z - XZ, Wawa, Ontario  

That's literally almost a third of the number of catches I've made since I started messing with LW in late April.  In one night.  *boggled but thrilled* :)  

Edited to add: Whoops, make that nine!  Here's one more, snagged just before I gave in, crashed and went to bed.  

218, 0819Z - RL, Red Lake, Ontario  

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 9450kHz, 0000Z 12/30
« on: December 30, 2012, 0023 UTC »
Call it SIO 333 into Madison tonight.  Maybe it's just local QRM - I swear my neighbor across the alley has a plasma TV or something - or maybe 31 meters just stinks tonight, but the noise level seems awfully high.  Rapid fading/fluttery but audible.  The music's louder than Eric's voice, though.  :(  

... Uh, that sounded worse than I realized.  

Edited to add: 0040 signal shot to blazes, and I'm annoyed.  It's those noise blobs again, all over 31 meters.  WTF?  It seems to be every 20kHz or so.  What's going on here? >:( 

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC, 21600kHz 12/25, 1500Z
« on: December 25, 2012, 1720 UTC »
Caught the entire broadcast this time, including a sign-on mid word.  The whole cast of characters were on at one point or other; Ron O'Quinn, Transportradio and Trucker Radio folks (they had a greeting to Italy from an in-studio Italian speaker), Emperor Rosco (with a Mandarin greeting to Asia from a female guest, and I'm still grinning over his replying in the same language while keeping his on-air persona going), and Eric near the end of the show. 

SIO 555, absolutely booming signal into Wisconsin.  :)  I'd call *that* a Christmas gift from Holland! 

Shortwave Broadcast / Norddeutscher Rundfunk Gruss an Bord, 12/24
« on: December 24, 2012, 2230 UTC »
Did anybody else hear this?  I had it on 9850 to the North Atlantic, from 1900-1920, and then again from 1940-2000 and a bit beyond.  I got interrupted in the middle there by my own holiday preparations.  My log is long and more detailed than anyone probably wants, but there was Christmas and wintery music in both German and English, remarks from male and female presenters, what sounded like a news summary at the beginning, and possibly a live speech or commentary?  I definitely heard applause at least twice.  Call it SIO 434, including a slight hum beneath the audio.  

Caught the second segment on 7335, also to the North Atlantic, but this one sounded much more like a church service.  I definitely heard the German for 'heavenly night' in there.  Sometimes living in Wisconsin really pays off!  

Shortwave Broadcast / The Mighty KBC - 9450kHz 12/15
« on: December 16, 2012, 0024 UTC »
Either they fixed their transmitter between this week and last, or last week's conditions to Europe just stunk.  SIO 444 into Madison at present.  I switched on at 0000; so far there've been a few songs I haven't known and a few I have (Pat Benitar, the Eagles.)  Contending with some static just at the moment, but I imagine this'll decrease as the band opens up. 

I'm bummed, though.  It figures the one week conditions stunk thoroughly, they played my song request.  :(  I had an email saying it went out, but I couldn't hear it! 

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